22-11-2001, 04:25 PM
As you may or may not be aware, the Department of Primary Industries has put a paper requesting applications for a developmental fishing permit to harvet Pilchards from the NSW/QLD border to the breaksea spit.
Pilchards are not currently being commercially harvested in Queensland, but there was a previous 3 month trail which resulted in dolphins being killed.
Not only will the Pilchards be getting a beating but the by catch outlined in the paper are Maray, Yellowtail and Blue Mackeral. That basically cleans up the rest of the baitfish important to sustain fish life!
The paper starts that they will harvert 5000 tonnes of fish yer year, killing off over 20% of the total biomass!!!
Only 21 people or going to be employed by this fishery, what a load of sh*t.
For the sake of 21 people they are going to distroy the total east coast recreational fishery! For the sake of 21 people, how many people will become unemployed in the guiding and charter industry due to lack of fish.
Its time for all us fishos out there to get off your arses and do something about it.
WE need all the letters of protest we can get!
Send your thoughts to-
Queensland Fisheries Service
Developmental Fisheries
GPO Box 46
Brisbane Qld 4001
you can also ring: (07) 3239 0439
or Fax your protest to: (07) 3225 1823
again please we need your help, and im sorry if i have crapped on but its something that needs to be stopped!!!!
ACT NOW, before its too late
thanks, Justin
Pilchards are not currently being commercially harvested in Queensland, but there was a previous 3 month trail which resulted in dolphins being killed.
Not only will the Pilchards be getting a beating but the by catch outlined in the paper are Maray, Yellowtail and Blue Mackeral. That basically cleans up the rest of the baitfish important to sustain fish life!
The paper starts that they will harvert 5000 tonnes of fish yer year, killing off over 20% of the total biomass!!!
Only 21 people or going to be employed by this fishery, what a load of sh*t.
For the sake of 21 people they are going to distroy the total east coast recreational fishery! For the sake of 21 people, how many people will become unemployed in the guiding and charter industry due to lack of fish.
Its time for all us fishos out there to get off your arses and do something about it.
WE need all the letters of protest we can get!
Send your thoughts to-
Queensland Fisheries Service
Developmental Fisheries
GPO Box 46
Brisbane Qld 4001
you can also ring: (07) 3239 0439
or Fax your protest to: (07) 3225 1823
again please we need your help, and im sorry if i have crapped on but its something that needs to be stopped!!!!
ACT NOW, before its too late
thanks, Justin