View Full Version : Pet Hates"there's nothing here"
If there is one thing that gets under my skin it's going fishing with a mate who you want to show the wonders of the world to and all you hear is " There's nothing here" and no matter how many times you say "well it would help if you threw your line in the water" it just doesn't gel. For therapeautic purposes this is the reason I go fishing on my own a lot. I used to go out with my father and experienced some of the most memorable times of my life(even trying to catch a toady on the bank and smackin the old man in the forehead with a hook and sinker?) lookout boy clippin round the ear. But I still can't stop myself getting on the phone to an uninterested mate and asking how about wetting a line?
17-11-2001, 03:26 AM
Well pet hates, I have a few:
1. Wind
2. Once a year fisho's and their kids
3. People of ethnic extraction, and Aussies too for that matter, who keep undersize fish
4. Jet skiers and other boaties who go roaring past you when you anchored and spook the fish
5. People who wait until they are on the boat ramp to prepare their boats - like put the bungs in, undo the holding straps, put their gear into the boat
Thats just a few and I'm sure that there are people who will add to it.
Yours in fishing.
17-11-2001, 12:03 PM
I guess i could add one.
People who have had too much to drink on a fishing trip.
17-11-2001, 12:19 PM
The Wife (God bless her) who says; "Haven't you got enough rods already?" They just don't understand, do they?
to true, I go out and buy the gear and cop it when I get home but its too late by then. Roman I haven't been out fishing with you by any chance have I? :)
Cheers Luke
18-11-2001, 08:31 AM
LOL nah i dont think so.
but i have seen alot of people coming back at the ramp who have trouble getting out of the boat to get the car.
Then start swearing at everyone and everything(yes, even at a small mangrove branch on the ramp). :o
19-11-2001, 11:32 AM
>:( Skiers who practically slice off your lines whilst trolling also suck!!!! ;)
20-11-2001, 07:57 AM
Skiers & jetskiers drive me crazy.
Noisy, throwing wash everywhere, no idea of ettiquette or rules on the water, roaring around anchored boats & boat ramps, noisy campers with fireworks & loud music, the smell of burning drugs if you're camped downwind. And alot of them don't run spotters OR put thier hand in the air when a skier is down. I'll not loose sleep if one gets chopped in this situation.
The idiots fly past you, whip in front of you & then you've got to slowdown & go around because they wanted to act the idiot in front of someone.
Funny that the most of the injuries to skiers are caused by other skiers. Wonder if they'lll ever wipe themselves out!!
Touchy - R.I.P.
20-11-2001, 08:08 AM
My main two A.The saying it's fished out.B.Missing the jetskier(ne shark biscuit)with one of my 10 ball sinkers.Touchy.
20-11-2001, 11:40 AM
You're right Fitzy, I forgot skiers.....don't know how they can ski without a sloping lakes....LOL.
If they wanna ski in salt water then it should be made mandatory for them to have a shark hook attached to there leg with a dambuoy so if they get taken we can attach our game gear and have a decent fight....maybe we should be allowed to burley up with mammal blood when they're in the water as well.
They are a pain when they cut around us and make life miserable when all we want is a quiet days fishing.
Yours in fishing.
20-11-2001, 05:05 PM
Skiers & jetskiers drive me crazy.
Noisy, throwing wash everywhere, no idea of ettiquette or rules on the water, roaring around anchored boats & boat ramps, noisy campers with fireworks & loud music, the smell of burning drugs if you're camped downwind. And alot of them don't run spotters OR put thier hand in the air when a skier is down. I'll not loose sleep if one gets chopped in this situation.
The idiots fly past you, whip in front of you & then you've got to slowdown & go around because they wanted to act the idiot in front of someone.
Funny that the most of the injuries to skiers are caused by other skiers. Wonder if they'lll ever wipe themselves out!!
:o :o :o :o
Damn bloody skiers I dunno what to do about em, I try and teach em the nice way to ski but like many fisher ppl sum just dun let it sink into their bloody heads what's right and what's wrong... >:( >:( >:(
;) Please guys don't go putting all skiers in the same basket as I to am an Aust title holder for skiing and I or my fellow competetors harass fisher ppl. Mainly the numb nuts who think they can ski do thosesorta things... 8) 8)
20-11-2001, 06:01 PM
Hi Reddog,
Yep, you're right. I shouldn't generalise & assume all skiers are ignorant to anglers. Actually had one stop & ask if I needed help one day on the local river. I towed 2 in one day at Somerset recently, so I'm even with em.
However it doesn't forgive the bad eggs. As in all things, a few bad apples give the good ones a bad name.
Thanks for the timely wake-up call. :-[
PS- Oz title holder eh??? Good on ya Reddog. Braver man than me. ;D
24-11-2001, 08:52 AM
My fising dislikes are as follows.
the once a year tossers that know every thing (most prevalent at a BBQ)
Ski boats (had a run in with one in Vic lets just say he wont stuff a fisherman around again big sinkers against fast moving boats make big holes)
People who clean fish at boat ramps (do this in front of me and I will punch you like I WILL)
people who blame their tools like rods dont snap them selfs fellas.
People who cant handle their piss, Its okay to drink hey a mans not a camel and I do get say pissy but its a different thing to be parro.
Crab pots with no floats or names attached. I will pull the pot remove the crabs to the water and bait and chuck the pot up a tree so its a mission to get back. Or I will shot you with my shang eye.
dont break the fish law and we are friends
also no offence to the south people but the southerners that come to Darwin and dont pay enough respect to crocs. I saw this one bloke dunking his kid in and out of the water beside the boat on Shady camp, he would be the first to ask for a cull if his kid was taken, tow arms are better than being abit cooler.
Of me rocker now.
P.S roman how much greif does that little mangrove cop at buffalo, I must admit I did nearly take an axe to it one night after ten cast up the bitch of a thing.
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