View Full Version : Buy a Fishing Licence - Support Your Sport

20-12-2001, 06:54 AM

20-12-2001, 12:12 PM
att: Fisheries Dept./All
What if I have a friend who wants to come for a fish but doesn't want to pay $25.00 for the experience or the office/agents aren't open when the thought/occasion comes up?. Can I get an addition to my license to cover other people ie like a guide might be able to get to take unlicensed clients without charging them, but not so dear for me because I'm not charging anyone? A lot of fishing opportunities have had to be canned because it's all too much trouble. We seem to have lost some spontaneity in our lives and as most casual or new fishers get interested on the moment opportunities are being lost to introduce people to the sport. This has happened regularly to me and I imagine thousands of others.
thanks Andrew

20-12-2001, 12:37 PM
Oh, I see by following your link that you can get a 3 day license over the phone or online for $5.00. That's reasonable, but is it instant - can you go straight out at midnight without the new license actually on you person, although registered, without being liable? A lot of fishing impulses are that urgent. This has happened to me frequently when talking to others about fishing and they suddenly want to go, then suddenly lose interest when it looks like being a hassle. If I could get a license for a small group to go fishing I'd buy one, if it was reasonably priced, as that would just be so easy to take new chums fishing on short notice.
thanks again, Andrew

04-01-2002, 08:27 AM
Sorry i saw this and i couldnt resist.
I fish in Sydney harbour and particually Middle harbour.
I personally think these licences are a crock of shit!
Maybe ill change my views when my 3-4 or so requests on the fishermans illigal fishing line where i asked for patrols on local wharfs on the weekend , eq balmoral where 99% of fish taken and kept are undersize are followed up.
Maybe ill change my view when i see the waterways and fisheries boats that "cruise" around middle harbour take the initiave to stop off or just make an appearance at any one of these locations in a bid to stop the illigal fishing.
If we are going to pay this money., maybe the fisheries should get off their ass and fine a few people and show every1 elses that they are going to get caught and fined.,

Actually it was intersting i heard that some commerical licences are going to be bought back..
Could i suggest buying the netter that nets across from clontaf to about grotto point. , who scours the bottom and gets every last fish in that area no matter what type...and then chucks the smaller ones back ---which is good---but unfortunatly they are nearlly dead..form being dragged around.