View Full Version : I hate fishing

27-08-2001, 06:38 PM
I don't really hate fishing at all. I think it is probably one of the most usefull, constructive ways to pass time there is. What I hate is these useless bathplugs that leave all their rubbish and junk all over the beautiful little islands in my little part of this world (Jacobs Well). My wife and I stopped off at Short Island for a spell last week. What did we find, beer bottles, plastic bags,toilet paper, ladies toiletries, nappies, soft drink containers, fishing line. It would be nice if these people could at least carry a small hand shovel to bury their crap. I suppose it's asking a bit to much to expect these morons to even think of acting inteligently. The problem I see is even if you reported these idiots how do you prove anything and what can be done. We did remove some of the rubbish but how much can you fit in a 4mtr tinnie.
cya Poppy :D :D :D

28-08-2001, 04:22 AM
Poppy I know how you feel. I live Lake Macquarie and regulary fish the Eraring power station outlet. The amount or rubbish that gets left by the undersize fish taking ethnicks that venture from Sydney is disgusting.Was there on sat morn like every other week and had to put all their rubbish in the bin B4 we could even think about fishing. But what really pushes the >:( factor is the power station have put a commercial bin just 2mtrs away from where all the rubbish was. anyway enough whingen from me.

18-01-2002, 04:01 AM
Hi Guys,
It is not only the populated areas that are being ruined. On the weekend we were boating and fishing around the tip of Cape York. This is arguably one of the most remote parts around. The amount of plastic, rubber thongs, lost trawler nets, 44gal drums etc washed up is unbelievable. While I'm having a whinge, the wankers who leave empty 44 gal drums at remote camping sites should be shot. Not only do they fill freezers with fillets, but they leave their rubbish behind. Like you poppy, We can only fit so much rubbish in the tinny, but if everyone does their bit it might make a small difference.

18-01-2002, 04:46 PM
Hey guys, I believe that most of us do the right thing. Those dickheads who pollute our waterways, don't read these messages cause they can't read. Lets not give up hope, just keep doing our bit and maybe our offspring will take note and by the next generation, more folks will be doing " the right thing ". Don't forget, there is a fish watch phone number to ring for those dickheads.

18-01-2002, 05:51 PM
It's one of the biggest problems rockfishing, all these useless morons leave all their crap lying around on the rocks: Old pillie bags, starlights, any plastic bags they bring with them, breadbags, dead rubbish fish, the whole lot.

I have filled breadbags up with rubbish on several occasions and taken them up off the rocks and chucked them in bins up the top.

Some people also spray messages on the rocks telling all the morons to take all their crap with them............. I don't know who but they do ::) ;) ::) ;)
