View Full Version : Feedback from QLD Fisheries
05-07-2002, 10:38 AM
Damn it I may be treading on thin ice here with this, but at the next election my feet are doing the voting. Enough is Enough. For a SMART STATE our government is horribly dumb. (The opinions expressed here are those of mine and not necessarily condoned or approved by the administrator)
05-07-2002, 11:43 AM
I have invited them to post on the site twice and both times I have received a standard E-mail stating
In response to your enquiry...we have referred your details to our Fisheries Media Officer.
If anyone knows who the "Fisheries Media Officer" is, or has any contact details I would be interested in receiving the information.
05-07-2002, 12:06 PM
Maybe Mr Mark Lightowler (DPI) on (07) 3225 1897 can help or the Senior Ministerial policy Advisor Mr Cameron Dick
05-07-2002, 12:15 PM
Now there's an appropriate name if I've ever seen one...........
05-07-2002, 01:33 PM
I wrote to Queensland fisheries about 1 year ago enquiring why kids under 15 cant have crab pots but can be trusted with fishing , go out fishing in boat by themselves(low speed) and the reply I got was.......because its the law...... talk to ur local member.
Thanks for nothing
cheers grunta
05-07-2002, 04:21 PM
Hi all
Well i must say that im sorry to hear that QLD fisheries ???are not as good as the NSW fisheriers :) mind you we do pay for it as we have our fishing license and fishing clubs do try and have there say 8) . So i must say thank god im in NSW ;D :D ;) na just kidding ;). But you guys have to remember that we are not allowed to use cast nets and our bag limit for jews is two. So i think if u want what we have down here then clubs and other amateur organisation should be going to the QLD fisheries and their local member. YOU may have to sacrifice say bag limits some areas where your not allowed to fish :'(things like that .So dig in it may be a hard road but you have to fight for what you want and you have to sacrifice some things . good luck
cheers spinna ;)
05-07-2002, 04:40 PM
why doesn't everyone just rock up to parlament one day and demand to talk to the premier.
good luck guys.
05-07-2002, 05:51 PM
Hi all I remember stating the same thing a little while ago on the N.S.W site about the Qld Fishieries not putting anything on this site as your out of line Jaybee go for it I to would be interested in how many other fisho's feel the same an would be prepared to back the comments your got my vote all of the above
Steve :P :P
05-07-2002, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys and gals. I started this poll as I recieved an official reply from DPI from the 2 emails i sent one to my local member and one to premier beattie. one paragraph
Queensland commercial net licenses are limited in number and only those persons holding a net license may use a net to take tailor or any other fish in Queensland waters. This, however, does not prevent a New South Wales fisherman from holding or purchasing a Queensland net licence and utilising that license to take tailor in all approved areas including Fraser Island both the tailor and QLD rec fishermen have lost. What we give up in bag limit commercial fishermen from another state can take. So much for preserving stocks. Time for everyone in QLD to start writing their local members voicing their disgust or contact the people in the above reply.
06-07-2002, 03:31 AM
Queensland fisheries have been slow to act on many issues which concern recreational anglers. Snapper bag linits, mackerel ring netting, and beach netting of tailor, to name a few. They have done some good things though, like the closure of Pumicestone Passage to commercial fishing and the recent rejection of the proposed commercial pilchard fishery.
From what I can see, the NSW fisheries are doing a great job protecting the fisheries down there, and I would be happy to pay for a licence for the sort of returns they seem to be getting. I would also like to see Qld fisheries post media releases on this site, BUT it is pretty limited polling users as to why they don't.
Finally, I do not think the Nationals/liberals would do a better job of fisheries management than Labour. The Nationals represent the primary producers, such as commercial fishermen, and I think we would get shafted by such a Government. "Better the devil you know!"
06-07-2002, 08:32 AM
From what I can see, the NSW fisheries are doing a great job protecting the fisheries down there, and I would be happy to pay for a licence for the sort of returns they seem to be getting. I would also like to see Qld fisheries post media releases on this site I'm all for this also, but why is our government so slow to act. If you read the response I recieved from my initial e-mails I think you will understand why I did this poll. In their own writing they have admitted a decline in the tailor fishing. If you go to their site in their own writing there is a delcine in around 80% of fishes except for spotty mackeral but that is due to the increase of ring netting. I can handle the bag limit on tailor, but what good is it if commercial fishermen can come up here purchase a license and take what we have given up. I personally wold like to see a complete ban on commercial tailor fishing and bag limits similar to NSW. I have discussed this with my local member and am awaiting feedback on the proposal I took to them. Plus I beleive there is a lot of apathy within the QLD recreational anglers. Nothing is going to happen unless we all (everyone who fishes at least once a year) take 5 mins to write a letter to our local members voicing our concern over our future stocks.
07-07-2002, 10:47 AM
Some weeks ago I sent e-mails to the premier, my local member and the minister for primary industries etc. I received replies from my local member and the premiers office effectively saying (not our problem) we have forwarded your e-mail to the minister for PI etc. Well I haven't heard anything further. I have a friend who is involved in politics and have quizzed him on a best practice approach. One suggestion was placing a petition in tackle stores for customers to comment on the various areas of concern. I might suggest something else, include the option for an e-mail address and permission to forward on pre-written letters for them to forward on to local members. I think a big problem is people haven't got the time or expertise to sit down and write a well researched, articulate letter about the state of the fisheries in their often limited area of fishing activity. I for one found it easier to read your letter and endorse same then forward it on as a show of support. I know it's being a bit lazy and I'll wear that tag to a certain extent but I'd say may more fisho's out there would show support if pointed in the right direction.
We also need an election to get things hotting up and pollies to make some promises.
Also, the letter you received didn't say how many licences are available in Qld for tailor netting, is it 10 or 1000? I'd be interested to know if you have that info.
Keep up the good work, if I can support the cause further let me know.
08-07-2002, 07:54 AM
Hi Jed
I dont mind people using my e-mail and passing it along with their name on it. The more we can get to write their local members the better. even looking at fisheries figures on their own web site prove that they are either wrong or inaccurate. I purchased fishing qld monthly yesterday and a few authors in there have had a shot at the government over how fast the tailor ris went through and asking when size and bag limits will be put in place before its too late. I will be photocopying the stories and passing them onto my local member. I have been assured by my local member partitions do not bear weight as much as the individual taking time to write a letter saying hey..wheres our fish going and asking why. I know RFISH and SUNFISH do a good job but now its up to our indivdual efforts to support these guys so that next time they go to bat for us the government knows they have the support behind them and are not just a minority.
08-07-2002, 09:00 AM
Well said Jaybee.
Government often considers Sunfish to represent only a minority and therefore pays only lip service to some of our policies and responses.
If we can get more people to take a small amount of their time and write to local politicians and the Primary Industries Minister, we may get a better hearing.
If not, we will get more of the same. Fisheries managers can only follow government and ministerial directions and policy. They are not the problem. The politicians need to know what the general public want and the more that write, the better.
09-07-2002, 02:50 PM
Keep putting out the issues and I'll continue to throw them at my local member.
09-07-2002, 03:14 PM
Thanks Vern and Jed.. I know of at least 8 people on the board that have written letters maybe more but have not heard.. I just hope a rolling stone does gather moss so to speak.. would love to see this snowball.
14-07-2002, 05:14 PM
::) ::) ::) ::)
By reading some of the letters i seems that it maybe a good idea if everyone joins one of the fishing clubs maybe even pay a subscription that way all pull together to make some changes to bag,size limits.
Present this to either local members or to Parliment House to get action.
Reguards Wombat.
::) ::) ::) ::)
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