View Full Version : What a Wombat
21-12-2002, 09:51 PM
Hi All
What A Wombat ;D :P ( Wombat45 ) ;D :P What A Wombat
Ok Peoples it is payout out time on Wombat45 or should we start to call him TANGLES or SNIPE SNIPE the reasons for this is simple Denis has been looking for a nice easy overhead reel to use this being that he"s a Kiwi.
never trust a kiwi with and overhead now I been looking for a while so I finally found one for him Rod and Reel matching set well balanced to say the least and I spent 1hr setting it all up for him from testing the Drag to making shore everthing was great the only thing I did not take into account was the Fisherman on the end of it a KIWI ;D ??? :P :-[ Silly Me :'( :-[ ??? :o ;D but that is not the end of it put on the line nice and tight I mean it was all set ready to go just needed to cast it ??? ??? Well he told me he was going fishing with one of his mates the next day or so no problems his mate Barry took him out in the bay for no fish that to was ok ;D ;D ;D ;D the next Day I Received a phone call from the Wombat45 and to my surprize he informed me that the reel I set up for him was Tangled and he had no idea on how to get it out so over We went (my wife and I) ;D ;D ;D boy what a mesh you should have seen the tangles in this overhead :P :'( :P :'( normally you would just peel the line out from one end well to my surprize it had 12 ends in which to find thats right 12 ends and boy was this thing tangled ??? ??? ??? ??? well while I was trying to untangle this line and reel for him he keep asking me if I need the cutters (not just once but a Dozen times) :'( :'( :'( :'( all I could say was put them where the sun don't shine anyway 1.30hrs later I finally managed to get the Reel untangled and he lost about 120yds of line this is how tangled the reel was I have never in 35yrs of fishing seen a reel so tangled or someone so ready to go cutting line ;D :o ???
Remember the year 2003 is coming
So peoples from here on in I have nicknamed the Mighty Wombat45 TANGLES OR SNIP SNIP Denis has been sweating on this post coming to see the comments from you all so feel free his shoulders are like his hide very thick or is this just being a Kiwi there is more but I think this is enough info for the time being ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
would all like to see every member in the new year for all there great postings
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve :P
21-12-2002, 10:56 PM
Hi Steve and All
Well, what's left to be said? You've got to hand it to our old mates across the drain. I thought a brain scan might be revealing, but.... So let's keep trying to solve this dilemma. Ron Collins, Ed.
22-12-2002, 01:23 AM
Hi all
Wombat 45 cannot be known as "Tangles" as he was one of our past well known cricketers( would probable insult the great Aussie cricketer), so from this day forth let him be known as Snip, Snip.LOL
But if you are game to read this Snip Snip you woun'nt be the first to get a back lash, but never heard of snippers to fix the problem ( must be the Kiwi way)
christmas cheers to all
22-12-2002, 04:57 AM
Hi Baaa laaaaz,
dont you mean snupers and snup-snup ;D
22-12-2002, 07:40 AM
Hey steve maybe thats why he got the name wombat, wont go into the physique and iq of a wombat, but they are slow I am lead to beleive, oh well on lighter note, who here can honestly say they have never had a tangle on an overhead when first purchased / used. I for one spent hours with a plug, dropping it to the floor and thumbing, then out the yard. no probs, first trip out, tangle :-[ but you get that. oh i forgot there was a time wombat wanted to spray his bait with WD 40, jack knows all about that one.
Merry Christmas Guys n Gals and a very Happy New Year.
22-12-2002, 09:33 AM
hey guys
there are nothing wrong with kiwis
just some of em.
22-12-2002, 10:32 AM
Onya Dennis :o :o
Whilst hes paying out on you, Hes leaving me alone ;) :D ;D
And yep Ive done it(birds nest) the first time I used an overhead,
Hold on it still happens to me now just not as often lol :)
The snipping way is sure a lot quicker way of getting the tangle out though.(if you have the line to spare)
Tight Lines
22-12-2002, 04:12 PM
I know someone who can make the biggest backlash,tangle,birdsnest it what you will ah Jack...LOL..LOL
Cheers Brent
ps,,we had to snup snup. ::) :P
23-12-2002, 07:24 AM
Maybe it is some Kiwi secret. Using 12 different lines to run multiple lures from the same rod/cast ????
I bet there was a fair bit of the haka being done whilst trying to untangle it.
23-12-2002, 08:01 AM
Think about this for a minute.
one KIWI
one highly tangled spool
kiwi with cutters
spool with many ends
would it be fair to say we are now looking at a spool which resembles the back of one of those much loved kiwi treasures that say BAAAAA!
That is what homesickness can do !
23-12-2002, 03:41 PM
hey guys
yep sorry to say steve. My birdsnest are pretty nasty! All I need to make one is a 2 dollar reel with awwww 6 bearings, silky smooth and ill have one for ya in no time.
cheers jack
p.s I could also throw in a lost raider if ya willing to supply the raider
23-12-2002, 04:31 PM
Thankyou all for your kindest thoughts of my dilema, But going by some of the answers others have had the same problem but didn't try to solve it myway. ;D ;D ;D
Now about us Kiwi's ;) are we not all brothers on both sides of the Tasman as we all love to fish. ;D ;D
By the way a special thank's to Steve for the time he put in,firstly to put the line on then to try to untangle :( it with at least 12 ends to deal with and that took at least 90minutes. ;D ;D ;D
Row Row Row your boat gently up the bay.Sorry Steve my wife made me do it ::) [ UNDER THE THUMB ] Wombat.
Fellow fisher persons the line was a bloody mess.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year. ;D :D
23-12-2002, 04:41 PM
Should I have signed off as Tangles[Sorry can't use that he's a Aussie cricketer] or Snup Snup or Snip Snip
Thanks everyone now I am a very confused Kiwi living in Aussie.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
23-12-2002, 05:18 PM
Hi wombat 45
na mate
just keep fishin and when the sh... happens, just untangle the mess and just keep fishin.
my worst backlash was in a bloody tackle shop with a dozen people standing around casting plugs out the door into a rubish bin, easy fix, hand the rod back to the shop owner and said must run , catch ya tomorrow
that works
24-12-2002, 07:15 PM
BUT WHO IS THE WOMBAT NOW !!! "Steve " Take the boat to water [ along way from home "] Buy fuel , Bait and they are set to go .Well Almost .Boat in water ,should be good now just fitted good second hand motor ,mechanic give it the thumbs up purrs like a kitten so quiet.So quiet sound like its not going ,hang on a minute its not going ,Why said steve ??? Mechanic now closed for xmas ,sh#t ,sh#t.Steve's misus warns the son don't upset dad tonight .Days go by still thinking about it and trying a few things still no go .I popped in after work today and low and behold it STARTED when you pull out the CHOKE . So Wombat don't feel so bad about your reel it takes time to learn about the new equipment we buy .HEY Steve
24-12-2002, 07:41 PM
::) ;D ::) ;D ::) ;D ::) ;D ::) ;D ::) ;D What else can I say except Thanks very much Scales
25-12-2002, 04:41 AM
Maybe the nickname could be birdie, for bird nests, sound like a eagle nested in your reel while you weren't looking.
tono had the same issue with a huge birdnest after he sunk three trebles into the side of my heaqd out barra fishing, what mess it made of his line, it was my only payback for having my hat stuck to my head with fishing hooks, didn't hurt as much as I thought it would when the hooks came out, god bless the pliers...
25-12-2002, 04:49 PM
Jewmaster,Thanks for that answer as that is now 2 people that I know have had to use pliers to get hooks out .The other person had a hook stuck in his finger but didn't take it out he had to go to the hospital no guts no glory.
I heard that someone is going to teach dumbs dumbs how to cast these overheads properly so I will be the first person to put my name down as I don't want to go through all that s@*!t again.
Reguards to all for Xmas
Wombat ::) ::) ::) ::)
25-12-2002, 07:33 PM
Hi All
Well needless to say Skales has said it all excpet for the fact that yes it is a new motor and the fact that the choke is down on the motor not the bloody throttle as I'm use to and yes people I feel like a dummy I tried every thing looked every where but it did not even think to look if the choke was on the throttle or the motor but it also took skales a while to work out what was wrong but not as long as it would have taken me
:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
So once agian thanks Skales for the help it was very much Appreciated and in the embarassing way that I had to find out how to work this motor now I can go and enjoy some good Quality Fishing time with a motor I can Trust ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
now for my turn to take the Sh*! but there agian if you give it you have to take it too ;D :P ;D :'( ;D :P :-[ :'(
So a very big Thanks to Skales for his help now let the Sh*! begin
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve :P
Alisa D!!kH**D, dum-dum, Brain-Dead(as my step-son is calling me) ;D ;D
But you get that
Cheers to all and have a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all
25-12-2002, 10:14 PM
::) ::) :o NO COMMENT :o ::) ::)
26-12-2002, 01:46 PM
other person had a hook stuck in his finger but didn't take it out he had to go to the hospital no guts no gloryI take it he is talking about me, when i had a treble in my joint in the thumb, he hasnt told the whole story hey denis, what about the bloke who fainted when i gave him the pliers to pull it out and his dog run off, so i had to go catch a dog, then i had to drive 5 klms to the nearest surgery, and they rushed me in over all the others ;D, the first doc couldnt handle it, and the 2nd one didnt know what to do, so i said here cut the hook n take it they couldnt do that, had to give me and injection (faint) then cut it out..after 2 hours i finally got it out..geez if you are going to tell a story at least tell the truth..cant stand bullshit :)
26-12-2002, 04:43 PM
Jaybee,If you read it properly you will realise i did not put up any names so you have done the right thing and admitted to it,could not remember the whole story but at least we all know it now.
Reguards Wombat 45. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
29-12-2002, 06:17 PM
Congratulations Steve most of us knew what a great person you were but you didn't have to put yourself down so far as calling yourself a Dick-Head even experts make mistakes no one is perfect barring myself.
; D ;D :D :D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Regards Wombat.
01-01-2003, 07:41 PM
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers Wombat.
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