23-10-2003, 02:34 PM
Qld Govt Media Statements
20 October 2003
Central Queensland’s recreational anglers will need to ensure they are aware of changed coral reef fin fish take and possession limits to apply from December 13.
Department of Primary Industries Yeppoon-based Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol field officer Brenda Stevenson said there would be a no-take ban placed on four threatened reef species under the revised Fisheries Management Plan 2003.
A no-take ban was placed on another three species because of a high incidence of ciguatera and the potential risk to human health.
“There are also revised minimum and maximum size limits for all sectors of the fishery to protect the reproductive capacity of selected coral reef fin fish species,” Ms Stevenson said.
“The management plan includes a reduction in the total take and possession limit that reduces from 30 to 20 reef fin fish. All coral reef fish species have a 25cm size limit unless otherwise specified,” she said.
Ms Stevenson said this was unlikely to impact on the majority of fishers as most recreational anglers rarely filled the previous 30 fish quota. Possession limits were set at a point where 90 per cent of anglers embarking on fishing trips caught less than or equal to the limits specified so they did not have to forego catches. Where not enough data was available, a precautionary limit of five fish was proposed.
“Species now listed as fully protected that have to be returned to the water when accidentally hooked are the humphead Maori wrasse, barramundi cod, potato cod, Queensland groper, red bass, Chinaman fish and paddletail,” Ms Stevenson.
“Recreational fishers must retain landed fish whole, gilled or gutted or alternatively, entire unscaled fillets may be retained when the fillet size is greater than 40cm. This will help enforce minimum and maximum size limits and take and possession limits. If fish are kept whole, gilled or gutted, the pectoral fin must be removed after the fish has died and before it is put into cold storage.
“There will also be fishing gear restrictions. Recreational fishers can only take coral reef fin fish using a handline or rod. Each angler must not use more than three fishing lines at a time and the total number of hooks or lures used must not exceed six,” Ms Stevenson said.
Ms Stevenson said that while the minimum size limit for coral reef fin fish was 25cm, there were a number of exceptions that anglers would need to observe. Tuskfish must be 30cm while all species of jobfishes, red throat emperor and long nose emperor must be 38cm.
All cods, gropers and coral trout must be 38cm. The exceptions are greasy rockcod 38-100cm; flowery cod 50-100cm; camouflage rockcod 50-100cm; Maori cod 45cm; Chinese footballer also known as blue spot trout (that must not be filleted at sea) 50-80cm; nannygai (small and large mouth) 40cm; spangled emperor 45cm; red emperor 55cm; with no limit on fusilier.
All individual coral reef fin fish have a possession limit of five with some combined limits to be effective after December 13. The limit for cods and gropers will be a total of five of all species. The all species limit was also applied to 6 tuskfish (anchor, blackspot, blue, grass and venus) and 5 other wrasse/tuskfish, 7 of any coral trout species and a combined bag limit of 9 small and large mouth nannygai.
A species specific limit of eight would apply to crimson (rosy) and lavender jobfish and red throat emperor (sweetlip). Hussar was 10 per species with no limit of fusilier.
The recreational take and possession limit for Spanish mackerel had been reduced from 10 to three fish per person.
A new minimum size for blue swimmer (sand) crabs measured from notch to notch immediately forward of the large lateral spines on the shell would be 11.5cm. Only male crabs could be taken and it was illegal to take any females.
Ms Stevenson said that biological research indicated that male blue swimmers reached maturity at 10cm (notch to notch) which meant that only mature crabs would continue to be harvested. Notch to notch measurement would eliminate the practice of “tipping” lateral spines.
Mr Stevenson said commercial fishers, charter boat operators and indigenous fishers would also need to familiarise themselves with the new arrangements that specifically effected their interests under the Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management Plan.
Details of the Plan are available from the DPI Call Centre 13 25 23 (8am-8pm Mon-Fri) or the Fisheries Website (FISHWEB): www.dpi.qld.gov.au/fishweb/
20 October 2003
20 October 2003
Central Queensland’s recreational anglers will need to ensure they are aware of changed coral reef fin fish take and possession limits to apply from December 13.
Department of Primary Industries Yeppoon-based Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol field officer Brenda Stevenson said there would be a no-take ban placed on four threatened reef species under the revised Fisheries Management Plan 2003.
A no-take ban was placed on another three species because of a high incidence of ciguatera and the potential risk to human health.
“There are also revised minimum and maximum size limits for all sectors of the fishery to protect the reproductive capacity of selected coral reef fin fish species,” Ms Stevenson said.
“The management plan includes a reduction in the total take and possession limit that reduces from 30 to 20 reef fin fish. All coral reef fish species have a 25cm size limit unless otherwise specified,” she said.
Ms Stevenson said this was unlikely to impact on the majority of fishers as most recreational anglers rarely filled the previous 30 fish quota. Possession limits were set at a point where 90 per cent of anglers embarking on fishing trips caught less than or equal to the limits specified so they did not have to forego catches. Where not enough data was available, a precautionary limit of five fish was proposed.
“Species now listed as fully protected that have to be returned to the water when accidentally hooked are the humphead Maori wrasse, barramundi cod, potato cod, Queensland groper, red bass, Chinaman fish and paddletail,” Ms Stevenson.
“Recreational fishers must retain landed fish whole, gilled or gutted or alternatively, entire unscaled fillets may be retained when the fillet size is greater than 40cm. This will help enforce minimum and maximum size limits and take and possession limits. If fish are kept whole, gilled or gutted, the pectoral fin must be removed after the fish has died and before it is put into cold storage.
“There will also be fishing gear restrictions. Recreational fishers can only take coral reef fin fish using a handline or rod. Each angler must not use more than three fishing lines at a time and the total number of hooks or lures used must not exceed six,” Ms Stevenson said.
Ms Stevenson said that while the minimum size limit for coral reef fin fish was 25cm, there were a number of exceptions that anglers would need to observe. Tuskfish must be 30cm while all species of jobfishes, red throat emperor and long nose emperor must be 38cm.
All cods, gropers and coral trout must be 38cm. The exceptions are greasy rockcod 38-100cm; flowery cod 50-100cm; camouflage rockcod 50-100cm; Maori cod 45cm; Chinese footballer also known as blue spot trout (that must not be filleted at sea) 50-80cm; nannygai (small and large mouth) 40cm; spangled emperor 45cm; red emperor 55cm; with no limit on fusilier.
All individual coral reef fin fish have a possession limit of five with some combined limits to be effective after December 13. The limit for cods and gropers will be a total of five of all species. The all species limit was also applied to 6 tuskfish (anchor, blackspot, blue, grass and venus) and 5 other wrasse/tuskfish, 7 of any coral trout species and a combined bag limit of 9 small and large mouth nannygai.
A species specific limit of eight would apply to crimson (rosy) and lavender jobfish and red throat emperor (sweetlip). Hussar was 10 per species with no limit of fusilier.
The recreational take and possession limit for Spanish mackerel had been reduced from 10 to three fish per person.
A new minimum size for blue swimmer (sand) crabs measured from notch to notch immediately forward of the large lateral spines on the shell would be 11.5cm. Only male crabs could be taken and it was illegal to take any females.
Ms Stevenson said that biological research indicated that male blue swimmers reached maturity at 10cm (notch to notch) which meant that only mature crabs would continue to be harvested. Notch to notch measurement would eliminate the practice of “tipping” lateral spines.
Mr Stevenson said commercial fishers, charter boat operators and indigenous fishers would also need to familiarise themselves with the new arrangements that specifically effected their interests under the Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management Plan.
Details of the Plan are available from the DPI Call Centre 13 25 23 (8am-8pm Mon-Fri) or the Fisheries Website (FISHWEB): www.dpi.qld.gov.au/fishweb/
20 October 2003