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18-12-2003, 12:53 PM
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
section 7(2)
For 2004—
(a) from midnight on 8 October to midnight on 16 October; and
(b) from midnight on 6 November to midnight on 14 November; and
(c) from midnight on 6 December to midnight on 14 December.
For 2005—
(a) from midnight on 27 September to midnight on 5 October; and
(b) from midnight on 27 October to midnight on 4 November; and
(c) from midnight on 25 November to midnight on 3 December.
For 2006—
(a) from midnight on 16 October to midnight on 24 October; and
(b) from midnight on 14 November to midnight on 22 November;
(c) from midnight on 14 December to midnight on 22 December.
For 2007—
(a) from midnight on 5 October to midnight on 13 October; and
(b) from midnight on 3 November to midnight on 11 November; and
(c) from midnight on 3 December to midnight on 11 December.
For 2008—
(a) from midnight on 22 October to midnight on 30 October; and
(b) from midnight on 21 November to midnight on 29 November;
(c) from midnight on 21 December to midnight on 29 December.
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
sections 9(2), 10(a)(i), 11(2), 12 and schedule 8, definition “species of
cods and gropers
a combination of any species of cod or groper, other than
barramundi cod, potato cod or Queensland grouper 5
coral trout
a combination of any species of coral trout 7
a species of emperor, other than sweetlip emperor (red-throat
emperor) 5
sweetlip emperor (red-throat emperor) 8
parrotfishes, surgeonfishes and sweetlips
a species of parrotfish, surgeonfish or sweetlips 5
tropical snappers and sea perches
a species of tropical snapper or sea perch, other than chinamanfish,
crimson jobfish (rosy jobfish), crimson seaperch (small mouth
nannygai), hussar (pink hussar), lavender jobfish, paddletail, red
bass or saddletail seaperch (large mouth nannygai) 5
a combination of crimson seaperch (small mouth nannygai) and
saddletail seaperch (large mouth nannygai) 9
a combination of crimson jobfish (rosy jobfish) and lavender jobfish 8
hussar (pink hussar) 10
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 4 (continued)
cods and gropers
a species of cod or groper, other than barramundi cod, camouflage rockcod,
flowery cod, greasy rockcod, Maori cod, potato cod or Queensland
grouper—less than 38 cm
camouflage rockcod—less than 50 cm or more than 100 cm
flowery cod—less than 50 cm or more than 100 cm
greasy rockcod—less than 38 cm or more than 100 cm
Maori cod—less than 45 cm
coral trout
a species of coral trout, other than chinese footballer (blue spot trout)—less
than 38 cm
chinese footballer (blue spot trout)—less than 50 cm or more than 80 cm
a species of emperor, other than long-nosed emperor, spangled emperor or
sweetlip emperor (red-throat emperor)—less than 25 cm
long-nosed emperor—less than 38 cm
a species of wrasse, other than anchor tuskfish, blackspot tuskfish,
blue tuskfish, grass tuskfish (purple tuskfish), humphead Maori
wrasse or venus tuskfish
a combination of anchor tuskfish, blackspot tuskfish, blue tuskfish,
grass tuskfish (purple tuskfish) or venus tuskfish
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 4 (continued)
spangled emperor—less than 45 cm
sweetlip emperor (red-throat emperor)—less than 38 cm
parrotfishes, surgeonfishes and sweetlips
a species of parrotfish, surgeonfish or sweetlips—less than 25 cm
tropical snappers and sea perches
a species of tropical snapper or seaperch, other than a species of jobfish,
chinamanfish, crimson seaperch (small mouth nannygai), paddletail, red
bass, red emperor or saddletail seaperch (large mouth nannygai)—less than
25 cm
a species of jobfish—less than 38 cm
crimson seaperch (small mouth nannygai)—less than 40 cm
red emperor—less than 55 cm
saddletail seaperch (large mouth nannygai)—less than 40 cm
a species of wrasse, other than hogfish, humphead Maori wrasse,
redbreasted Maori wrasse or tripletail Maori wrasse—less than 30 cm
hogfish—less than 25 cm
redbreasted Maori wrasse—less than 25 cm
tripletail Maori wrasse—less than 25 cm
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003

18-12-2003, 12:54 PM
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
sections 6(1) and 156(4), definition “group of species” and schedule 8,
definitions “coral reef fin fish”, “species of cod or groper”, “species of
emperor”, “species of parrotfish, surgeonfish or sweetlips”, “species of
tropical snapper or seaperch” and “species of wrasse”
Common name Scientific name
cods and gropers
areolate rockcod Epinephelus areolatus
barramundi cod Cromileptes altivelis
bar rockcod Epinephelus ergastularius
blacksaddle rockcod Epinephelus howlandi
black-tipped rockcod Epinephelus fasciatus
blue-lined rockcod Cephalopholis formosa
blue Maori Epinephelus cyanopodus
blue-spotted rockcod Cephalopholis cyanostigma
brown-barred rockcod Cephalopholis boenak
camouflage rockcod Epinephelus polyphekadion
chinaman rockcod Epinephelus rivulatus
comet grouper Epinephelus morrhua
coral cod Cephalopholis miniata
coral rockcod Epinephelus corallicola
dothead rockcod Cephalopholis microprion
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 2 (continued)
dwarf spotted rockcod (wire netting
rockcod) Epinephelus merra
eight bar grouper Epinephelus octofasciatus
flagtail rockcod Cephalopholis urodeta
flowery cod Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
four-saddle rockcod Epinephelus spilotoceps
greasy rockcod Epinephelus tauvina
hapuku Polyprion americanus and Polyprion
hexagon rockcod Epinephelus hexagonatus
leopard rockcod Cephalopholis leopardus
longfin rockcod (honeycomb
rockcod) Epinephelus quoyanus
Maori cod Epinephelus undulatostriatus
oblique-banded grouper Epinephelus radiatus
peacock rockcod Cephalopholis argus
potato cod Epinephelus tukula
Queensland grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus
redmouth rockcod Aethaloperca rogaa
six bar rockcod Epinephelus sexfasciatus
six spot rockcod Cephalopholis sexmaculata
snubnose rockcod Epinephelus macrospilos
speckled-fin rockcod Epinephelus ongus
Common name Scientific name
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 2 (continued)
speckled grouper Epinephelus magniscuttis
strawberry rockcod Cephalopholis spiloparaea
thinspine rockcod Gracila albomarginata
tomato rockcod Cephalopholis sonnerati
trout cod Epinephelus maculatus
white-lined rockcod Anyperodon leucogrammicus
white-spotted rockcod Epinephelus caeruleopunctatus
coral trout
barred-cheek coral trout Plectropomus maculatus
chinese footballer (blue spot trout) Plectropomus laevis
coral trout (leopard trout) Plectropomus leopardus
coronation trout Variola louti
highfin coral trout Plectropomus oligacanthus
lyretail trout Variola albimarginata
squaretail coral trout (passionfruit
Plectropomus areolatus
big-eye bream Monotaxis grandoculis
collared sea bream Gymnocranius audleyi
gold-lined sea bream Gnathodentex aureolineatus
Japanese sea bream Gymnocranius euanus
lancer Lethrinus genivittatus
Common name Scientific name
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 2 (continued)
long-nosed emperor Lethrinus olivaceus
Mozambique large-eye bream Wattsia mosambica
orange-striped emperor Lethrinus obsoletus
pink-eared emperor Lethrinus lentjan
red-eared emperor Lethrinus rubrioperculatus
Robinson’s sea bream Gymnocranius grandoculis
spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus
spotted sea bream Gymnocranius sp.
sweetlip emperor (red-throat
Lethrinus miniatus
thumbprint emperor Lethrinus harak
variegated emperor Lethrinus variegatus
yellowlip emperor Lethrinus xanthochilus
yellow-spotted emperor Lethrinus erythracanthus
yellow-striped emperor Lethrinus ornatus
yellow-tailed emperor Lethrinus atkinsoni
fusiliers Caesio spp. or Pterocaesio spp.
bicolour parrotfish Cetoscarus bicolor
bumphead parrotfish Bolbometapon muricatum
miscellaneous parrotfish Scarus spp.
Common name Scientific name
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 2 (continued)
surgeonfishes Acanthurus spp.
unicornfish Naso spp.
miscellaneous sweetlips Plectorhinchus spp.
painted sweetlips (slaty bream) Diagramma spp.
tropical snappers and sea perches
bigeye seaperch Lutjanus lutjanus
black and white seaperch Macolor niger
black-spot snapper Lutjanus fulviflamma
bluestripe seaperch Lutjanus kasmira
brownstripe seaperch (brown
hussar) Lutjanus vitta
chinamanfish Symphorus nematophorus
crimson jobfish (rosy jobfish) Pristipomoides filamentosus
crimson seaperch (small mouth
nannygai) Lutjanus erythropterus
dark-tailed seaperch Lutjanus lemniscatus
five-lined seaperch Lutjanus quinquelineatus
flame snapper Etelis coruscans
goldband snapper Pristipomoides multidens and
Pristipomoides typus
Common name Scientific name
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 2 (continued)
green jobfish Aprion virescens
hussar (pink hussar) Lutjanus adetii
lavender jobfish Pristipomoides sieboldii
Maori seaperch Lutjanus rivulatus
midnight seaperch Macolor macularis
moses perch Lutjanus russelli
onespot seaperch Lutjanus monostigma
paddletail Lutjanus gibbus
red bass Lutjanus bohar
red emperor Lutjanus sebae
ruby snapper Etelis carbunculus
saddletail seaperch (large mouth
nannygai) Lutjanus malabaricus
sailfin snapper Symphorichthys spilurus
small-toothed jobfish Aphareus furca
spanish flag (stripey) Lutjanus carponotatus
yellow-margined seaperch Lutjanus fulvus
anchor tuskfish Choerodon anchorago
blackspot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii
blue tuskfish Choerodon cyanodus
grass tuskfish (purple tuskfish) Choerodon cephalotes
Common name Scientific name
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003
SCHEDULE 2 (continued)
hogfish Bodianus spp.
humphead Maori wrasse Cheilinus undulatus
redbreasted Maori wrasse Cheilinus fasciatus
tripletail Maori wrasse Cheilinus trilobatus
venus tuskfish Choerodon venustus
Common name Scientific name
Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management
Plan 2003

18-12-2003, 01:01 PM
Sorry for the long post but it is easier than reading the 122pages it came from

18-12-2003, 01:03 PM
AND ! ?

wot, you don't understand it ? ;) ;D


18-12-2003, 01:06 PM
I think I now understand ???