View Full Version : Moreton Island
G Day guys, I've got a mate coming up from Adelaide next week and I thought I would take over to Straddie. Never been, so any tips on camping spots and where to fish would be great, cheers. MON.
15-02-2004, 06:05 AM
Do you want info on Moreton (in title) or Staddie (in text)??
Will you be taking a boat or do you plan to fish in the surf? Both islands have camp grounds as well as great individual camp sites along the length of the ocean beach (ideal for surf fishing).
Can give more specific info when we know what island you're heading to.
16-02-2004, 03:56 AM
both islands are reach able by car ferry for straddie it costs at last check $88.00 plus so much per mtr of trailer . the roads on straddie are 2wd the beachs are 4wd . morton is 4wd only
Sorry guys I'm talking about Moreton. Are there any pubs over there?
No boat, just fish the surf. No problems about 4wd, I'm taking the hilux.
16-02-2004, 05:54 AM
Hi Mon,
Tons of camping over there, I prefer the northern end of the island - Tailor Bight at the top end fishes well for Dart, Tailor and Flathead this time of year. The eastern beach is a special for whiting and if you are any good you can get heaps of sand worms. Pipis are easy to find on the surf beach too.
I usually take the Komby Trader over from Scarbourough. $130 for a vehicle with up to 4 people, abut $30 for a Vehicle pass and there might be something on top for camping? (I'm not sure as I stay at a relatives house)
It's a magic place that fishes ok. Certainly it's easy enough to pick up a feed. Pop into the bait and tackle in Bulwer - they can point you in the right direction. I am sure you won't be sorry you went.
16-02-2004, 06:20 AM
Gday Mon,
Grab a map of the island. There's some great camping spots in behind the dunes just south of the Blue Lagoon and at this time of year (not being school holidays) the island should be pretty much deserted. There'll be kilometers of ocean beach full of great gutters/holes that are (sometimes) full of fish - Dart, whiting, tailor, flathead etc. Rock fishing is also available from the Cape and North Point. Moreton is great in that you can find shelter from just about any wind no matter the direction. I recommend Tailor Bight through to North Point in a strong SE'ly.
Steve mentioned the Combie Trader that leaves from Scarborough, theres also the 'Moreton Venture' that leaves from White Island at the mouth of the Brisbane river. Trip times are similar and costs are about the same, I think the Moreton Venture may be a little more exy.
*Speaking of the Moreton Venture, has anyone else heard the roumer that they are upgrading their engines and/or barge to almost double travelling speed i.e halving trip time?? I was told this not long ago from a pretty reliable source.
16-02-2004, 09:41 AM
From memory both barges are $130, you can also do both Islands in one trip if your keen, there is a barge from amity that runs across to reeders point at the bottom of the Island. As far as pubs there is a bottleshop at Bulwer, and a quiet little local at kooringal called the gutter bar, and I reckon theres a pub at tangalooma, havent been in there though.
16-02-2004, 02:31 PM
Surprised that you know where all the pubs are Sharky.LOL
Moreton will be a great trip and the Hilux will get to prove its merits.Thinking of getting one myself.
Cheers Kev.
16-02-2004, 05:21 PM
Go the Hilux Kev, you wont regret it . Just get it rustproofed thats all, soon I won't have to worry about running out of fuel, just stick my feet out the holes in the floor flintstones style ;D Pubs? I've never actually been IN them, just driving past you know ;)
17-02-2004, 04:07 AM
You heard right. "MI CAT" should be ready 23rd March,maiden trip,(have got a invite)
Doug will think he is driving a speedboat
17-02-2004, 06:20 AM
No invite for me :( But that sounds sweet... they'll be charging through the arse now wont they??
17-02-2004, 06:35 AM
At this stage still the same for car(will check), 3 Adults per car any more,they pay walk on rate
45-50 cars per load, cruising speed 17kn- roughly 1hr trip. not sure if they are going to increase numbers of services per day, hope not, Moreton gets to crowded already
17-02-2004, 06:55 AM
That sounds good, glad they aren't upping the fees, although you're right, there's a down side to everything: shorter trip time = more trips (possible) = more crowds... maybe they should increase the fair to deter the crowds (not that they'd want to, more the merrier for them :-/)
22-02-2004, 01:53 PM
There's a bar at tangalooma, but the resort only lets visitors in until 6pm, after that it's only those tsaying at the resort that they are supposed to serve (doesn't mean they always check). I've stayed at Bulwer before (as well as many times at the resort) and being up the north end of the island gives you the greater access to the fish. Good luck.
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