24-06-2004, 02:06 PM
With the original concept of a statewide AVCG and VMR Waterside Assistance Club completed torpedoed by the ignorance, selfishness and the "we're OK Jack" amongst over fifty two VMR and AVCG squadrons right across Queensland, it has now deteriorated into a total shambles with everybody doing their own thing! I was on the original Committee to introduce it and have never seen such a childish bunch of people in action. Never mind, it is dead in the water now but the South Coast and Moreton Bay VMR squadrons are trying to salvage something from the demolition of the scheme! We take credit at Vicky Point for being the first Unit to actively get ours up and running in our part of the Bay and now have some 145 members who pay $50.00 a year for the various services we offer. The rest of VMR from Southport, Jacobs Well, Us, Raby Bay and Sandgate have tried to get some sort of scheme going and at the moment there is an unwritten agreement that where ever you break down from Southport to Sandgate (not offshore always) a VMR boat will come and get you! With every squadron doing it's own thing, there is no standardized system for charging but the present proposal is that the "home squadron" will foot the bill i.e. the squadron where you are a member and then guess at who pays the bill if it is above what that unit offers in its terms and conditions! I guess that equates to reciprocal rights - and no, Coastguard are not invited due experiencing the same infighting displayed three years ago! Am I shat off? Damn right! What could have been a brilliant system across Queensland and at it's peak, earning up to five to eight million a year in revenue for AVCG and VMR was shot down by the self professed experts in "everything"! Even after RACQ gave it the nod of approval that is was a definate winner, the children got their calculators out and effectively stuffed it! I am done! So, rock up to the VMR Unit squadron where you NORMALLY LAUNCH YOUR BOAT and join up. Coastguard are a great bunch of people like us and we all experience the same problems at grass roots level. At the moment they are NOT included in our VMR Moreton Bay/South Coast plan so just pick the one that suits you and go for it. And don't forget guys, we are the only boat ramp in this part of the Bay to have a jetty for you to launch & recover alongside and make it ten times easier in the process. We give you more for your bucks than anywhere else! Use our ramp regularly and see the difference in service you get! End of sales pitch!

24-06-2004, 05:00 PM
Hi VMR, a few questions if I may.
I joined on the internet about this time last year, and was asked where I usually fish and location of departures. I either leave from bribie island when fishing outside or near nudgee beach (in river) when fishing bottom section of bay. I was advised to join coast guard redcliffe, which I did.
Would it be better to join bribie vmr and support my local area more? I am still a bit naive of how things work between the groups, as I always thought everyone was one big happy family. Can you explain to me in simple terms what would happen if I needed assistance outside moreton island for example would redcliffe or bribie come to my aid? To add futher confusion on my part, when fishing outside bribie island I usually have to log on with bribie vmr in the morning as redcliffe coast guard are not on line that early. Bribe vmr in turn pass on my details to redcliffe and I log off with redcliffe. All seems a bit confusing. One last thing what would happen if I left from say your area and logged on with you guys, would you relate my information back to redcliffe?

Regards Andrew

24-06-2004, 05:52 PM
VMR Vicky, That is a shame ???. You guys are doing yourself out of a lot of money by not getting together. If you could work it out I would gladly pay $50 -$100 a year for coverage accross the state. Unfortunately, I fish from too many different areas to make it worth my while to join up with all the different areas, so the end result is I just won't join until some sort of reciprocal rights are in place.

Keep up the lobbying as sooner or latter common sense will prevail.



25-06-2004, 03:04 AM
With the original concept of a statewide AVCG and VMR Waterside Assistance Club completed torpedoed by the ignorance, selfishness and the "we're OK Jack" amongst over fifty two VMR and AVCG squadrons right across Queensland, it has now deteriorated into a total shambles with everybody doing their own thing! I was on the original Committee to introduce it and have never seen such a childish bunch of people in action. Never mind, it is dead in the water now but the South Coast and Moreton Bay VMR squadrons are trying to salvage something from the demolition of the scheme! We take credit at Vicky Point for being the first Unit to actively get ours up and running in our part of the Bay and now have some 145 members who pay $50.00 a year for the various services we offer. The rest of VMR from Southport, Jacobs Well, Us, Raby Bay and Sandgate have tried to get some sort of scheme going and at the moment there is an unwritten agreement that where ever you break down from Southport to Sandgate (not offshore always) a VMR boat will come and get you! With every squadron doing it's own thing, there is no standardized system for charging but the present proposal is that the "home squadron" will foot the bill i.e. the squadron where you are a member and then guess at who pays the bill if it is above what that unit offers in its terms and conditions! I guess that equates to reciprocal rights - and no, Coastguard are not invited due experiencing the same infighting displayed three years ago! Am I shat off? Damn right! What could have been a brilliant system across Queensland and at it's peak, earning up to five to eight million a year in revenue for AVCG and VMR was shot down by the self professed experts in "everything"! Even after RACQ gave it the nod of approval that is was a definate winner, the children got their calculators out and effectively stuffed it! I am done! So, rock up to the VMR Unit squadron where you NORMALLY LAUNCH YOUR BOAT and join up. Coastguard are a great bunch of people like us and we all experience the same problems at grass roots level. At the moment they are NOT included in our VMR Moreton Bay/South Coast plan so just pick the one that suits you and go for it. And don't forget guys, we are the only boat ramp in this part of the Bay to have a jetty for you to launch & recover alongside and make it ten times easier in the process. We give you more for your bucks than anywhere else! Use our ramp regularly and see the difference in service you get! End of sales pitch!
Mate ,
what did the children reckon was wrong with it ???
what do the children want instead ???

don't personally see a problem of having some $5~$10 allocated from Boat Rego , or maybe 'bundled' with existing racq ,etc services.
should be guv't dollars there also, to establish some sort of 'minimum' service expectations.
Towing boats and basic breakdown in calm (non-dangerous) areas, could be handled maybe? ,by a cheaper method than your 'all-condition' boats.
(i.e. 5mtr. boat with petrol,filters,plugs,battery,towrope if required, and mechanically minded ;) )

Could save many hours and costs.... ???

p.s. if the 'children' disagree ,send 'em to their rooms ;D
(kick 'em up the rrrs too! :-X )

25-06-2004, 04:30 AM

thanks for the info mate - wow, what a b'shyte process you guys have gone through!

Our ususal launch points are either Raby Bay or Redlands, so from what you're saying, I should join Raby Bay VMR, which gives me reciprocal rights, so to speak.

Also, I'm with you about the addition of $5 - $10 on boat rego to contibute to the fantastic VMR & C/Guard services. You guys have helped me a few times over the many years, and I have always been grateful. L:ikewise, I remember years back living in Melbourne, I helped out at a local C'Guard, and pulled out many people in strife, (including a whole bunch of drop dead idiots who should have been left out there!!!)

Maybe you can answer my question (for my son) what is the minimum age you guys allow some0one to join as a volunteer? My son is dead keen, plus one of his mates - they're 14 going on 15.


25-06-2004, 04:31 AM
VMR Vicky Point

A couple of months ago I was leaving Pumicestone passage to head out to Hutchies chasing Wahoo. Whilst still leaving the passage the Yamaha stopped due to a lower gearbox problem ( due to an incorrectly fitted gearbox seal, $7000 repair under warranty ) With no hope of going anywhere and no chance of paddling a 6.8m boat I called VMR Bribie. They came and towed us back to Pacific harbour and billed us $66.00 for three quarters of an hour which I thought was more than reasonable and was happy to pay. They were a very proffesional group and nice people to deal with. Talking to them thewy said if we had have needed a tow from Hutchies we would have been looking at 6hrs and over $500.00. By joining the VMR for around $55.00 it would have been free. Great deal!

I for one would pay a lot more for a coverage that extended anywhere in Queensland. For example I am of to 1770 for a fortnight this weekend. Not only are you "insuring" yourself you are helping a valuable service. It is a shame when petty personal interest and narrow minded people stand in the way of a great idea. Keep the fight going.



25-06-2004, 04:31 AM
Interesting Post.

I am a member of the Coast Guard in Townsville - Rescue Club, costs, I think $45 a year. Consider a carton of beer is about $30 it is not a lot of money.

I have been a member for years, it is my Fathers Day present each year.

If we all joined a Coast Guard as an associate member then when we fish in another location we could expect to see a Coast guard operating in the area that had good equipment.

Last weekend up here the boys had to go out to the Reef and bring back two boats in 25 plus knots, a round trip of 80 plus Nautical miles. I would hate to see the cost involved with that.

In Townsville the Coast Guard do a great job and are needed.

We come back into the ramp on Friday night and another group was there launching their boat. They asked us if we had a spare battery as the 2month old battery in the boat was stuffed. We suggested they take the one out of the car. They did not have any tools. They were planning to go the Reef.

Three cheers to all Rescue groups around Australia.


25-06-2004, 04:37 AM
I have posed this question to VMR Bribie. I fish from The bay to Gladstone offshore and for complete coverage in case of need I would have to join a few organizations. Would it not be a more sensible idea (as already stated) to pay a yearly fee of $100 for complete coverage in QLD and the proceeds are distribuated on a Pro-rata basis ie. distance and cost involved in a rescue. I'm sure that there would be enough money left over to have a slush fund for those rainy days.

25-06-2004, 04:44 AM
Hey, RobK! I'm envious - 1770 is a top spot - had great times there on spaniards, reddies, etc. (Check out a photo in the picture post of biggest fish in the General chat section)

So....back to this VMR issue. I know it's a big political thing that has gone totally f$$#5o, but what sort of action can folks like us take to help the cause? (of course, other than joining up ourselves and paying the $50)

25-06-2004, 06:07 AM
I would have no problems paying money for a RACQ type service. I mean in this modern day of communication you would expect some pretty sophisticated setup when it comes to boating. I really would like to see this get fixed and I am sure something could be worked out. The powers that be need to understand a little more about what the boating public require these days.
I would assume the Surf Lifesavers Clubs would not be able to survive if it were not for membership and hard working volenteers. Money DOES make the difference.

26-06-2004, 03:57 PM
Hey Guys,
Just thought id ad a bit of fuel to this fire!
Mostly reasons for the fallout from what i understand was that the money was to be evenly distributed.
That just doesnt work because the SEQ bases do about 80% of the work. It wasnt attractive to have a weipa base doing five jobs a year getting the same money as a seq base who regularly does five jobs a day.
The best way for the general public to halp out, is to either dig into their pockets and help out the areas where they frequent, (yes that can be more than one!) or lobby the government to subsidise it more.
There is no comparison with the SLSC as they get a s**tload of funding, compared to the VMR/Coastguard bases who still recieve the $30000 odd grand we recieved ten years ago when i joined.
Did you know most bases get their new boats and gear through public donations/self funding, or from the commercial sector, pokie money or grants from elsewhere.
Youd be surprised how the government money is distributed, and the powers that be dont have a say/idea on how it should be done. Some decisions are just plain disgusting.