View Full Version : Is this Green stuff right?

25-06-2004, 04:22 PM
There is an article in the Mackay Daily Mercury about the new regulations for Green Zones etc etc...this is what it says:

MARINE NATIONAL PARK (GREEN) ZONES are no take areas and extractive activities like fishing or collecting are not allowed without written permission.

Anyone can be in a green zone and go boating,fishing,swimming, snorkelling and sailing.

For fishers, travelling through a green zone with fish on board is allowed, as it is only an offence to fish in a green zone.......

Does this mean I can fish in a green zone but I just can't be caught??

25-06-2004, 04:32 PM
do you know where the paper quoted that from mate? Because if its correct i believe what you think is right!

25-06-2004, 04:36 PM
Brett, ya can do what ya want, where ya want mate. ;D As long as ya don't get caught. ;D :o ::)

25-06-2004, 04:36 PM
where was that quoted from mate?

The Mackay Daily Mercury . In Mackay, Queensland.

The artical is titled:

Zone changes on the way

25-06-2004, 04:51 PM
sorry mate i modified my post.

25-06-2004, 05:21 PM
The only extractive activities permitted in green zones will be the removal of dead coral ;D, oh horror ;)

Cheers, Kerry.

26-06-2004, 01:35 AM
"they" (the ones who uphold the laws governing our fisheries) have some pretty powerful optical equipment at their disposal. They will see you fishing long before you will see them - that's enough to be caught - the burden of proof will then fall on you to prove otherwise.

There are other logical things to consider. Fish brought in will be stored, stored or cleaned & on ice. Fishing equipment stored, the presence of bait/blood etc

they couldn't possibly ban the possession of fish in a green zone as some areas being in close proximity to reef are havens in bad weather.


26-06-2004, 04:27 AM
I agree Chris but the information in the Newspaper tels us that:

Anyone can be in a green zone and go boating,fishing,swimming, snorkelling and sailing.

For fishers, travelling through a green zone with fish on board is allowed, as it is only an offence to fish in a green zone.....

The article appears to contain no editorial content . It looks like it was a reproduction of an official advice from GBRMPA.

26-06-2004, 04:36 AM
I agree Chris but the information in the Newspaper tels us that:

Anyone can be in a green zone and go boating,fishing,swimming, snorkelling and sailing.

For fishers, travelling through a green zone with fish on board is allowed, as it is only an offence to fish in a green zone.....

The article appears to contain no editorial content . It looks like it was a reproduction of an official advice from GBRMPA.

Not to sure what the point is but yes that's taken directly from GBRMPA, page 18 of the "An Introduction to using our Great Barrier Reef Marine Park"

Cheers, Kerry.

26-06-2004, 05:16 AM
"you are allowed to use the pacific hwy to go fishing - however fishing is banned on the pacific highway" - confusing our lanuage huh

26-06-2004, 08:08 AM

Check out page 2. Looks like they copied it wrong, or perhaps they meant you can be in a green zone and fish, just not at the same time. Never trust a journalist to get the important details right.

26-06-2004, 08:54 AM
What is the question? Yes you are allowed to travel through a green Zone with fish on board, but you are not allowed to fish in the Green Zone. To me it is very clear and makes sense. There are times you will travel through a green zone to get back to port. Eg Musgrave to 1770. You can hardly be expected to travel around a green zone because you have fish that have been caught legally. I don't agree with all the green zones either but if you fish in them and get caught, you deserve what you get.

26-06-2004, 12:01 PM
The article (as it was copied onto here) said you could fish in a green zone. Obviously a typo. Rather than pointing out the obvious mistake they were just toying with the possible implications.

26-06-2004, 12:56 PM
Correct, on investigation it appears the the word fishing in ths paragraph is incorrect.

>Anyone can be in a green zone and go boating,fishing,swimming, snorkelling and >sailing.

I copied it as it was written in the newspaper.

Although, if I am an ANYONE I can fish in a green zone, but if I am a fisher I can not.
:-/ :-/

26-06-2004, 09:21 PM
A bit like the "on the record" policy of the environment department which is

"The government is oppossed to any form of hunting for pleasure", so it is Ok to go fishing, even catch and release...........................just make sure you don't bloody enjoy yourselves while your at it!!


26-06-2004, 11:55 PM
as a new member to ausfish
all i have to say why we cant catch and release in a green zone.
great speach on wednes day eveving to by the way k.c get up the good work u have my vote

p.s won't have fun k.c

27-06-2004, 07:29 AM
The fish may die. Especially if you drag them up from the deep.

KC is that real policy or did you make it up?

27-06-2004, 12:57 PM
The policy is a real one...direct from Kemps office. To be fair they were talking about hunting...as in guns, but it is not a very long bow to draw, particularly given the current government mindset. Hunting for pleasure & catch and release fishing!! Hmmm! Agin as long as you don't enjoy yourself its fine. Personally I don't get much enjoyment out of catfish but barra fishing is a bit harder. Maybe we can suck lemons to keep the smile off our faces when we catch & release barra!