24-07-2004, 05:02 PM
Last Update: Friday, July 23, 2004. 8:24 AM (AEST)
A recreational fishing group says it is bewildered but optimistic about a Queensland Government reef zoning proposal.
The plan involves extending Commonwealth zones from the low water mark to the high water mark.
Rivers, creeks, estuaries and mangroves along Queensland's coastline would remain open to fishing.
Brian Pickup from Sunfish's north Queensland branch says the changes could cause confusion in the yellow and green zones outlined in the Federal Government's zoning maps.
"The yellow zones will further restrict commercial fishers from the low to the high water mark in those areas where there is yellow zones causing them more grief and possible larger compensations for the areas they're going to miss out on," he said.
A recreational fishing group says it is bewildered but optimistic about a Queensland Government reef zoning proposal.
The plan involves extending Commonwealth zones from the low water mark to the high water mark.
Rivers, creeks, estuaries and mangroves along Queensland's coastline would remain open to fishing.
Brian Pickup from Sunfish's north Queensland branch says the changes could cause confusion in the yellow and green zones outlined in the Federal Government's zoning maps.
"The yellow zones will further restrict commercial fishers from the low to the high water mark in those areas where there is yellow zones causing them more grief and possible larger compensations for the areas they're going to miss out on," he said.