View Full Version : HELP !!! Finally going to PEEL
28-08-2004, 09:14 PM
I am new to fishing, especially from a boat.
My friend and I have finally decided to go and try fishing at Peel Island on the 12th of September. He has never done any fishing although he has 10 + years experience on his boat.
I think I have the appropriate fishing gear but no experience whatsoever, fishing from a boat. We need your [smiley=helpa.gif], where do we start [smiley=huh2.gif]. The only thing we know for sure now is that we are going on the
12th September, willing to leave home around 1am or whenever would be the best time and that I may already have the appropriate rod, reel and line.
Well where do we start? Can any of you guys give us some direction where to go, what other gears other than (rod, reel and line) to bring with us, what kind of hooks and what we do about the bait and anything I have missed out to ask here.
Are there any of you guys going on that day that we can follow and learn from ... THIS WOULD BE GREAT ... I am afraid I might be asking too much here but I guess it never hurts to try.
Looking forward to tips, suggestions and great advise as always.
28-08-2004, 09:24 PM
Is it advisable to go Saturday late afternoon 11th Sept and camp at Peel and fish early next morning?
28-08-2004, 09:30 PM
Tell us a bit about the boat and motor first. Size, shape, model, hull material and width. Peel can be a very dangerous place if the wrong winds get up and you are in a small boat.
Do you have an EPIRB, charts for the area, safety gear, marine radio(s) etc.
29-08-2004, 05:54 AM
From memory my friends boat is a 5 meter cruiser Quintrex Alumminium outside and fiberglass inside with a 70 hp engine. Got life jacket, flares, radio and an old fish finder. Not sure about EPIRB (what is this?) ... Chart??? is this that same thing as a map? he has got an old map but might need to get a new one.
He does not have a proper light on his baot ... does he need to get a spot liht or somthing?
The first thing I would do if I were you, is go to the Marine Parks office and get a copy of their pamphlet that shows you the closed areas to fishing and the "go slow" areas. Then, make sure your mate has all the safety gear necessary for his boat and that the boat and motor are in good condition.
If you don't do that, you are both an accident going somewhere to happen or ... you'll get booked by the Water Police or Marine Parks officers for something you should have known.
Moreton Bay is a dangerous place for the unwary or foolhardy and you blokes wouldn't be the first to die out there. So just be safe..OK!
Second. When you find out where you can legally go to fish, just use your sounder and look for an area with good rough bottom in various depths and maybe some fish showing on the sounder. Use FRESH bait and light sinkers. It is best if you can find out things for yourself if you can. That way you learn HOW to fish and not be just a follower.
There are plenty of posts on this sight from very experienced and skilfull anglers that will give you good information about Peel Island and the Bay in general, if you look around for yourself. Try and learn things from these posts that you can use later. That way, with practice, you'll learn to be a good fisherman too.
Best of luck. ;)
29-08-2004, 03:24 PM
hi angha
buy yourself a beacon to beacon directory from the newsagent they are well worth the money. second is to find a safe boat ramp to leave from . check the weather forecast and go over the afternoon before so that you are not trying to find beacons at night . keep an ieye out for reefs on the northerns side as i found they sometimes are in a straight line between the beacons . and don't wait if the weather looks bad on the mainland get going to home it is no fun trying to get home in a southeaster or if the rain is pouring down . if you have a gps then use it for a backup only do not rely on it .
just a few pionts to remenber and don't be afraid to ask
29-08-2004, 03:39 PM
Angha mate,,,
your post is almost identical to to your original post about month ago.
As you will recall, the first issues that needed to be overcome was that most people were concerned about safety. As per The Commmodore post, safety is right up there again, and similar comments as last time. Last time round it actually created a big bung fight amongst the guys with the reactions.
Once we got over that and and realised you were possibly capable in the boating field but just new in fishing, we the gave a few suggestions and advice. If you recall, I even went to the extent of writing you 2 or 3 very lenghy PM's to try to help you out.
So what,,, are we back at the start again?
Yes I am a bit annoyed as it looks from your post that you have not taken any advice that has been offered. eg, there have been quite a few posts on Peel recently, where to fish it, what to use, even approximate coordinages of the housboat wreck. Did you read any of this? This was one of the sugggestions I gave you, to read other posts.
Can I have my 2 hours back please!!
29-08-2004, 07:34 PM
Hi Cheech,
Did not mean to annoy you at all, but it is understandable. Was not aware of the recent post on Peel. My mate and I decided to go on the 12th and was quite excited that we finally fixed a day out fishing, and straight away posted this subject.
Honestly I have followed your advice and bought a few things, like the fireline and the leader, inox from a fishing shop and certainly followed on taking care of the reel and the rod. Thought it was mostly landbased tips apart from the general advice for the tackle.
I will certainly look up the other post here during the coming week and post if I have any questions. Feel more comfortable here to ask for advise than in a tackle shop as I was given some wrong advise where I ended up buying an expensive but wrong rod.
Well my main questions here would be ..... is there any of you guys going to PEEL on the 12th Sept that we can follow as this is our first time ... ***GES*** most certainly I will try and learn myself but I have learnt that it is always easier if some one guides initially.
As far as the saftey issue is concerned I will go find a "Marine Parks office" and get the latest information. By the way where is it located?
Anyway, I am hoping that it will be a favourable day for us and will look forward to a great fishing experience. With favourable weather condition even the boating will be a refreshing experience and any catch will be big bonus. I am sure what ever the experience ... if we get back home it will be worth it.
29-08-2004, 07:50 PM
Angha my son, you are not an Aussie (that is neither here nor there) but could I hazard a guess you are from Asia and not at all used to salt water fishing in OZ? No offence, just interested.........................
29-08-2004, 09:23 PM
You are right Commodore, I am from Asia and hardly fished with rods before I came to Australia a few years back. Used to a very different distructive [smiley=bomb.gif]kind of fishing which I was not aware of until I got here. Now I strictly do fish for the future.
No worries and no offence taken ... just a learning process and am all [smiley=ears.gif]
29-08-2004, 09:50 PM
i just wrote a whole bloody 20 line page on some of my advice about baits, tackle, times, location and methods that produce me a regular feed of fish from peel and my [smiley=shout.gif] computer stuck then cleared it when sending [smiley=wut.gif]. im too sleepy to write it again. short note of advice- your best time for that day will be leading to your high at 8:00pm. use lightest gear as possible as can land pleanty of 45cm squire with 6lb mono and a net. use little to no wight and tie #1 mustard allrounder or chem sharp suicide pattern straight to mainline. fish rise at dusk and dark in shallows not crossing 2 mt depth restriction. try humble frozen pilchard fillets unless catch fresh bait. try west side of south for bream which should still be in good numbers but give other boats pleanty of room as pleanty of spots. throw back All squire under 35cm and bream under 23cm. leave a floating pillie on gangs to hit a tailor. hope your boat is decent size as sept northerlies can mess the southern bay at times. im out once a week so post me a message 1 week before going incase im heading out. take info from anyone who gives it as the is no set or right way but with time and practice there is always a good feed in the bay. may your baits be nervous. if i see you out one day and if your not a freak if you shout the petrol ill take you for a run and show you some spots(2nd best ones) and methods you can use. itll be good practice for my coming fishing charter business.
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