View Full Version : Fuel Price
16-10-2004, 09:05 PM
Ahhh the joys of scrutinising world economies in the 21st century. Unfortunately with the demand for fossil fuels by ordinary consumers being almost 100% innelastic (i.e...highly inescapable market, NEED to demand etc), taxes will always fall most heavily on the consumer and prices will always be governed by the oil barons. With our current level of technology, we NEED fossil fuels and the world will simply stop dead in its tracks without it. So, whoever controls the oil controls the price - simple. Unless people are willing to give up their need for fossil fuels immediately and destroy the demand that the oil companies bank on, they will continue to hijack consumers at whatever price they see fit and prices will never return to what they used to. At the end of the day, there aint much we can do about it but get more depressed as we watch $$$ figures tick over faster than the Litres figures on the bowser.
16-10-2004, 09:32 PM
At the rate we are travelling now, it won't be too long before these skyrocketing fuel prices really start to hurt; and not just in terms of our leisure activities but in everyday living. The grocery store chains can't absorb thesee high fuel (freight) costs much longer and prices for food will rise. If it gets really bad for an extended period (and once prices go up, they never come back down), our wages do not cover our living expenses so we start to push for higher wages. This leads to higherprices with all the extra money around and we end up on a downward spiral the puts pressure on interest rates and inflation and, if left unchecked, leads to hyper-inflation, which leads to economic depression. It seems that every time tha Americans get on their high horse and invade someone, world oil prices go up and stay up. Then we get told that it's all because of a strike in Nigeria. I thought the only thing Nigeria did economically was run dodgy lottery scams. If fuel price is directly tied to world oil price, it seems strange that world oil price (and, hence, fuel price) seems to skyrocket at about 230pm every Frday afternoon. It's interesting to see how the ACCC sits on its hands with regard to this blatant price-fixing by the increasingly greedy oil companies. And the poor old bloke who owns the servo only makes about 2 cents a litre on fuel and if fuel sales cover wages, he's more than happy. Then there's the government fuel excise (TAX). on a $1 litre of petrol, that is 44-48 cents, and that is adjusted twice yearly. Then there's the great white hope, the (never ever) GST on top of the already inflated fuel price. therefore, we are paying tax on tax. I watched the recent Federal Election with interest and, surprise surprise, not a peep about fuel price at a time when every Australian who owns a combustion engine is literally bleeding through the pocket. It seems as though politician is willing to rock the boat on this issue. Far be it for our leaders to give us some sort of respite.It's amazing how people whinge and moan about this and that, but when thay get a chance to do something about it, they don't. I am not aspousing the virtues of any politician or political party; I think they're all as bad as one another. Someone once said "We get the leaders we deserve". Never a truer word spoken>
17-10-2004, 01:20 AM
I heard the oil companys were going to get together and start several new promotions to gain back the loyalty and trust from the consumer...
For a full tank of petrol they will throw in a round the world trip, 2 tanks full, a new house, and every 3 tanks a new condminium on the Gold Coast... gotta love those oil barrons [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=furious2.gif]
17-10-2004, 07:09 AM
Article by Big Nick is a good one its something we have to faceup to reality, the way its going it be a luxury to go fishing in decent size boat , i can see the smaller boats are going to be popular.
i am glad in way have plate boat with 90 hp on it, the fuel looking about $100 to 110 to fill up chews about 20 litres ph depends on weather & bay or offshore (motor works more offshore ) still got buy other things like bait,tackle add the on becomes expensive day out but i not complaling about how much it cost to go out , in the future going become fishing for the rich and not the working man, i am fortunate it enough in my job i get overtime +callouts if i didn't have this also wouldn't own a decent size boat to go out futher have a litte one instead stay in close hey end of the day caught nice big snapper its all worth it & bragging rights to go with it
17-10-2004, 04:16 PM
just shut up and use it what else ca ya do really ::) :-/ :-X
17-10-2004, 06:14 PM
Unfortunately, we are stuck with these record world oil prices and, consequently, fuel prices. It just seems a little bit ironic that every time these oil-producing countries get invaded (and defeated), that the victorious invaders and occupiers can't seem to get the oil out of these countries that they have overrun, even under the guise of helping to rebuild the economies of the countries they occupy. When thinking about this, consider the fact that these same forces concerned for the welfare of powerless persons living under the iron fists of murderous tyrants, somehow forget to intervene in many countries where thesee events take place on a daily basis. And the one thing that these "other" countries have in commmon is OIL, or more importantly, the lack of it.
17-10-2004, 06:36 PM
i run 2 motors :-/ :'( >:( :P :-[
but i love the snappa coming over the side ;D ;D ;D :D ;) :)
17-10-2004, 06:38 PM
Not sure what you guy's in Brissy and the other capitals are paying for dieso,but up here in Townsville unleaded is around 98cents per litre whilst dieso is $1.06 a litre.
Why is dieso so much more expensive than unleaded when its the least refined??? anyone know???....
Seems strange to me ,its on parr or more expensive than premium unleaded!
18-10-2004, 01:06 AM
As the Saudis control the majority of the world's oil and the US has a Presidential election next month....just wondering if the Saudis have closed the taps a bit to maybe affect the election.
18-10-2004, 09:55 AM
18-10-2004, 10:04 AM
Snappa's dead right. No matter what the price im still going to pay it just to wet my line.
18-10-2004, 05:05 PM
just been to woolworths at mango hill and filled up 88.9c
chris are you fishing this week or working ???? i'm going to try and get out from thursday on>>>> friday is off????
18-10-2004, 09:13 PM
I've been lucky enough to fill up via the Woolies voucher at 88.9 down here at Alexandra Hills. When it is still down in price, I fill up the car (Toyota Landcruiser) as well as a couple of jerry cans. You can bet that when you need some fuel later in the week, it'll be 106.9 again. Anyway, I love slowing down the line-up at Woolies.
19-10-2004, 06:00 AM
It is the tax on fuel that is the killer. :P
Latham and labour could have won the election by promising to overhall the tax system on fuel and dropping the price by 30 cents or so a litre, and it would have meant a whole lot more to low income earners than all the other crap he promised and probably would not cost the Goverment coffers any more either.
But then he couldn't do that could he, because it would upset the Greens. ::)
19-10-2004, 06:28 AM
wow you guys are getting good prices.
Haven't seen it for under 106.9 here for several weeks and it is mostly at 110.9 (thats unleaded)
19-10-2004, 06:38 AM
Snappa anything is possible, its just how much i push them for the day off!
Does anybody else have trouble with woolies fuel, my 4wd hates it for some reason.
19-10-2004, 07:05 AM
Paid $1.13 a litre in Sydney last week :o :o :o
19-10-2004, 07:53 AM
Your 4wd is petrol, is it?
I'm guessing woolies fuel is probably cut with ethanol.
19-10-2004, 08:44 AM
Woolies and coles are both in conjunction with MAJOR oil companies. They absorb the price reduction on fuel by making major markup on the groceries people buy to get the "4cpl" off the petrol prices :-/
19-10-2004, 02:01 PM
deso is around $1.15/l while ulp is about $1.10
what are we going to do when it is $1.20 or even the predicted $2 within the next two years!
here my age i can remeber when you used to by leaded at 34c/L and gass was around 12c/L
sure doesn't feel like my wages went up when the fule and other costs did!
19-10-2004, 02:17 PM
Worrying Times! :o :'( About time some serious money was spent to find/research a very viable alternative energy source! About time one was found that would be worth while. They can forget hydrogen fuels unless they can produce hydrogen gas with next to no energy cost. If they can figure out a good one, be pretty sure it would be a lot cheaper than hydrocarbon fuels to run an electric car. I always thought solar was good, but a bit expensive + unreliable.
About time somehting was done. What's going to happen to the earth when all the oil is used up? :o What happens to a timber table when the oil isn't kept up?
19-10-2004, 03:13 PM
well i know that their is a substuable deso flue that is a vegitable based oil insted of minral based oil
from what i'v heard it is cleaner to make and even burns cleaner!
big question is why isn't their more resurch into something like this!
19-10-2004, 03:46 PM
Geez Bignick,
I bet u slow up the line at Alex Hills, that's a bugger of a place to get in & out of, especially with a boat in tow.
BTW, most Woolies sites are supplied by Caltex, as Coles are supplied by Shell.
Tony 8)
19-10-2004, 05:57 PM
still don't understand why deiso is more expensive than unleaded......and on parr with premium unleaded....
19-10-2004, 05:57 PM
There are no fuel alternatives available simply because, if there were, there would be less money for greedy governments and oil companies, and we can't have that now. can we? Remember not too long ago the gentleman who had a steam-powered car. The squash was put well and truely on him because the concept could not be allowed to take off. Could you imagine the government outcry if people could get fuel for their car simply by turning on their garden tap; or worse still collecting car fuel in buckets and tanks as the rain fell. It would be enough to make a caring politician choke on his Dom Perignon and throw himself out the window of his ivory tower. It really is drawing a long bow for a politician to say he is in touch with "ordinary Australians" when he hasn't paid for a litre of petrol out of his own pocket for God knows how long.
P.S. Hey, Tony. Don't take the boat into Woolies at Alex Hills. Could never get in or out. Only do the cars and the drums there. Would be interesting to try, though. Caused enough comotion when I had to take the boat into Transport Department at Cleveland. They made me do it.
20-10-2004, 02:39 PM
Yeah Bignick ur right,
Cleveland transport isn't easy either, I had a simular problem there a few years ago too. Must be a fair size rig u have 'eh.
Tony 8)
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