View Full Version : OK What work would you like to be doing:-)

30-10-2004, 06:02 PM
If you won 18 million in lotto what would you be doing?

I would probably buy a large open studio with beautiful light and a large format camera 5" x 4" and just work on taking photos + a big darkroom I would just shoot Black and White.

A nice 4wd rig and spend about 6 months traveling taking photos some colour and 6 months at home working.

I would still take time off to go fishing but I would have to keep doing the photography thing.

Sick eh?

30-10-2004, 06:04 PM
mind loaning me a few thousand while ur at it Doug ?? ;) only want around $30,000


30-10-2004, 06:55 PM
I'd become a professional card player. That is my goal on life. My idea of the perfect day consists of earning the money at the card table then going fishing and cleaning up that night. I would not play cards on the days when day fishing was the go and play longer on the days when the weather was foul. Plus, I'd toss in the odd game of golf. I punt, I fish and I play golf; I must really hate myself. Oh well, my sanity is just fine and I should know; all 7 of my personalities have had a meeting and said I was OK to carry on. Ahh, Eutopia....


30-10-2004, 07:56 PM
If I win you can have $30,000, if you win can I have the $17,970,000 you would have left over?

What would you do with the $300,000 Tim?

30-10-2004, 09:05 PM
Id play the share market with 18 mill and quadruple it!!!!! My goal in life give work up and earn enough on the share market trading!!!

30-10-2004, 10:57 PM
I'd fly fish every flat I could find in the tropics world wide....Helicoptering myself from place to place...
Hmm today Barra .... Tomorrow Bone's

31-10-2004, 03:03 AM
Id buy myself a nice property at cardwell a 38 footer to charter reef trips and when the weather was bad id just kick back and relax with a beer in my hand and a grin on my face.

31-10-2004, 05:31 AM
Win $18m and still work????!!!!!

Ya gotta be jokin'

31-10-2004, 05:46 AM
I dont class fishin as work charleville plus im still a young fellow ill need do something to stop me from going crazy 8)

31-10-2004, 06:52 AM
Start an exclusive massage business that had requirements of all members (female only) being over 5'10" tall - ash blonde - brown eyes - max weight 60 kgs - big tits - long legs - nymphomaniacs and I would be the only masseur! Way to go!

31-10-2004, 07:03 AM

First of all, I would find a creative way to resign. Maybe I would burst into tears after breaking a pencil lead and scream "I just can't take it anymore!". Or maybe I'd pop into work one night and send an email message to all staff with a special offer - the first person to call me on my mobile (the number would be provided) and correctly guess where I am wins $50,000. It would not be a joke.

That should slow things down at work for a few days!

Once I had the money, I would spend my time training to complete an ironman triathlon, fishing and completing a medical degree. I would also like to give a different charity, each day, $100.

31-10-2004, 07:12 AM
well i'd like to be a boat builder when i grow up but thats a few years away and if i won the money i'd buy a big house a big boat and lots of other stuff

31-10-2004, 08:40 AM
18 mil hey.... i'd buy the company i work for, and find the most legal way possible to sack the bosses, clean the company up and find cushy jobs for the 2 other staff i do like, then sit back and watch the demise of the company. Meanwhile i'd still own the building they're in of course so i could then use it as my recording studio.

31-10-2004, 11:25 AM
30,000 ? id buy a new boat

but hrmm.. 18mil? dunno.. do something silly...like by a yacht club and kick all the yachts out and have it setup for game fishing boats only with a full chandlery servicing everything a game fishing boat could need or want, a 2nd department specialising in flyfishing, another in lures like soft plastics, another in hardbodys, have massive demo areas where people can test equipment.. areas where people can cast lures into the water and see how lures work, not read how they on the back of some packaging.. have a 50 seat cinema for people to come in and watch fishing videos ...

something like that...


31-10-2004, 11:29 AM
Star Chamber !

31-10-2004, 12:26 PM
18 Million..., that's easy. I would catch the most expesive trout in the world in 10 easy steps.

Step one - Quadripple money on the markets, and do it again
Step two - Buy Greg Normans Boat
Step three - Copy design and make improvements to suit
Step four - buy explosives
step five - tow Normans boat out to a secret location
step six - plant explosives on Normans boat hull
step seven - detonate explosives
step eight - mark location on GPS
step nine - return 2 years later
step ten - catch the most expesive coral trout in the world

31-10-2004, 12:32 PM
Start an exclusive massage business that had requirements of all members (female only) being over 5'10" tall - ash blonde - brown eyes - max weight 60 kgs - big tits - long legs - nymphomaniacs and I would be the only masseur! Way to go!
All ways wanted to open up a franchise of brothels along the same lines as Kentucky Fried Chicken .... "Finger Licking Good" :)

31-10-2004, 01:18 PM

play the markets ???

its great fun
my latest ..last week bought WMR at 5
and then the offer this week sold 7

31-10-2004, 01:20 PM
Re the chain of brothels. Motto "The customer always comes first"

31-10-2004, 07:29 PM
Simple one that to answer..only 2 things...
1. Give the missus the money...tell her she is now ex missus
2. Call me a cab

01-11-2004, 06:42 AM
I would give it all to charity. ;D

Yah right [smiley=evilgrin.gif]

I guess I'd do whatever I wanted from day to day. Definetly a bigger boat, long holiday and property investments near all my fav. fishing holes around the world. Then I would donate all the rest to all of you on the Ausfish site. :D Yah right [smiley=shifty.gif]

01-11-2004, 07:30 AM
hmmm when i win the 18 million in the lotto ;D

i will buy 14 mill worth of houses and rent them out. (this would produce huge amounts of rent and then i can live of rent) i will buy a riviera 37 and a cruisecraft 685 outsider. about 100,000 worth of gear. and a really nice Lexus SC400. i would get my commercial skippers stuff and then set up an offshore fishing charter. (all ausfish members get 2 free trips a month) ;D

then i would enjoy life and fish fish fish and maybe fish.

mmmm money ;D

01-11-2004, 07:35 AM
I would buy the most awesome looking and sounding V8 powered Torana around - probably a few of em actually, LC, LJ and LX hatch. I'd then probably build and invest in Fiji and spend a lot of time contemplating whether I would live here or there.


01-11-2004, 11:09 AM

01-11-2004, 12:21 PM
I'd offer the Gold Coast Council the money to push the wall out at the seaway so I wouldn't have to worry about freakin bars. If they agreed I'd buy a house on the water nearby and a bigger boat and enjoy seeing others like me getting out more often. If they refused, I'd bugger off and spent it in Fiji.



01-11-2004, 03:17 PM
i would buy houses and give em to family rent free. that way i can claim a loss on tax.

a house on several acres on the water and several boats.

the house has to have at least an 8 car garage (4 wide, 2 deep). manicured lawns and a massive workshop with all the tools a man dreams of. (maybe even a house near by for the missus ;D )

1 sailing boat moored
1 cruiser moored
1 trailerable 16 ft fiberglass
and 1 tinnie on a slipway out the back

now for the cars...
monaro (new)
couple of mercs as day to day cars
a big 4X4 for towing
and a ute

um could be heaps there

As for working? forget it.
i didn't work hard winning $18 mill so i could work again lol

02-11-2004, 05:58 PM
if i won 18 mill i'd spend most of my backpacking around the world fishing.Buying the odd property at my favourite spots [for investments really].

02-11-2004, 06:12 PM
snappa.........good to see someone livin it up....Got lucky with the buy out from xstrata but thats the market!! Any good stocks you think worth a go pm me.......Just bought a few of pan australian!
