View Full Version : Worst tasting fish?

08-11-2004, 09:51 AM
Theres plenty of tasty fish out there but theres also plenty of shockers. Some species may very due to there diet and where they are caught, others just dont cook up any good. And some its just the cook! Personally i dont like most weed eaters and muddy flavoured river species, what fish do you hate and why?

08-11-2004, 10:08 AM
I once had a bream that tasted like iodine.

I have never tried some of the ones I "think" I wouldn't like. Eel, catties, etc.

But of the ones I have... Barracuda.

08-11-2004, 10:15 AM
Pretty much everything on that list including what you cook cause I know you can't cook. 8)
But had to tick shark as the mongrels like taking the fish on my line.

08-11-2004, 10:18 AM
Im just wondering if that list is kingtins top 10 tastiest? ;D ;D

08-11-2004, 12:16 PM
fresh water fish (most taste of mud)

08-11-2004, 12:19 PM
Im just wondering if that list is kingtins top 10 tastiest? ;D ;D

Some there that I haven't tasted Foxy and not having got offshore enough yet, I can't comment on most of the "good stuff". I certainly don't think that the price of fish reflects its eating qualities as I'd sooner have a good steak. I probably would never eat fish if I had to pay for it.

I've tried freshwater fish (carp, roach etc) and I think they all taste foul and "muddy". On a number of occasions, I've tasted some so-called "top quality" prawns that taste just like that, but I won't mention the "famous" place that they've come from at Scarborough......oops....a little clue there folks :-)

Tried Gar a number of times and I think they wouldn't be worth it, even if there was no effort involved in boning. OTOH some folks just love 'em.

Eels? Love 'em........ chopped and boiled in just enough water with a little vinegar and black peppercorn to leave 'em covered when cooked. Allow to go cold and they should set in their own "aspic" et voila! jellied eels :-)

Grinner I haven't yet tried but if it's good enough for mackeral I'm game to give 'em a go.

Yellowtail pike OK as are luderick but I think the worst I tasted was a pike eel.

Having been once dumped in the Scottish Highlands on a 10 day escape and evasion, with nothing but the clothes I was wearing, I suppose I'd be game to try anything. I had a line and hook and a snare hidden in the heel of my boot, but it was day 6 before I caught anything and they were only sticklebacks that I caught in my cupped hands :-) By the 7th day I reached the sea lochs and some of the stuff I gathered over the next 3 days which I otherwise wouldn't touch with a barge pole, was the best stuff I'd ever tasted.........it would be, wouldn't it? :-)

For those who like to get their own shellfish. You can improve 'em 100% if you keep 'em in saltwater for 24 hrs. Put some finely powdered bran in the water and they will filter feed with the bran clearing all the sand and grit out of their guts.



Derek Bullock
08-11-2004, 12:26 PM
I think it's all in the preparation and the cooking. Dont forget that the preparation starts the moment the fish is out of the water.

Derek ;D ;D ;D ;D

08-11-2004, 12:37 PM
hi all. never eaten grinner, there enough to turn you off anyway. mowong are not the best, you certaintly don,t have a smile on the face after tackling those babies. most fish i like if prepared properly, all the best, kevy. :) :) :)

08-11-2004, 12:37 PM
Tried six of the above, but the worst fish I have tasted was a Barra caught in a near dry billabong just off the Daly River, even the cold XXXX could not kill the taste (XXXX got me dizzy though, or was it the heat). Cheers Mal. ;)

08-11-2004, 01:22 PM
I have tried Fresh Water EEL and Grinner (it is the poor mans whiting) and both tasted bloody terrible and vowed to never to eat them again

08-11-2004, 02:12 PM
;D any fish not caught by me.... and any thing that kingpin eats.. :-/

08-11-2004, 05:47 PM
Cant say I've knowingly eaten any of those fish, although I have probably had shark sold as something else from a fish shop. So my answer is don't know ..... haven't tried them ;D


08-11-2004, 05:58 PM
Mack tuna...if you don't know why, try some :P

08-11-2004, 11:21 PM
Eel is the best - it tops all fish, and that's if it is prepared the right way. It's all to do with the eel oil which soaks in the taste. You must salt the eel by placing livies in a dry bucket with plenty of salt - they do the work for you and run around, rubbing in the salt. However this is only after you have purged the eels for a few days in non-contaminated/muddy water. Clean and smoke them. Chop into finger size pieces. mmmmTasty.

Haven't eaten barracuda or stingray, knowingly.


09-11-2004, 03:02 AM
Tuna for sure! Absolutely terrible. I don't know what John West puts in his tins but it aint taste like anything I've cooked.
Slatey bream (painted sweetlip) comes a close second. They don't call it the mother in law fish without good reason.
Nothing wrong with trevors.

09-11-2004, 04:57 AM
Barramundi is awful, as is Mullet. Don't eat pelagics, except Wahoo. Tailor is off my list with Trag Jew as well. But, the worst eating fish is any fish with the word "COD" in its name. For some of them, it's a case of boil them in a pot of battery acid for 3 hours with 2 rocks and, when it's finished, throw the fish away and eat the rocks.


09-11-2004, 04:58 AM
yellowbelly fat! :)

09-11-2004, 05:14 AM
I'd have to go along with the yellowbelly!.........Blahhhhhhhh!

Regards, Tony ;)

09-11-2004, 05:43 AM
The worst tasting fish is the mother in law or blubber lip or weedy bream. Even fresh they awful.

09-11-2004, 05:45 AM
tried eating a large long tom once.Tough anb bitter ,we had nothing else but still couldn't eat it.

09-11-2004, 05:56 AM
Leatherjacket and niggers worst tasting, and a shady camp barra :P
Best tasting fish I've had in a while was a lowly Logan River mullet. Geez it was delicious.

09-11-2004, 06:20 AM
I wouldn't eat any of that now, im abit more picky than that. All though i did eat marinated trevally when i was 14 in nq.

09-11-2004, 06:28 AM
When one of your mates says he has this great receipe for stingray, don't try any. Especially if it's curried stingray... i made that mistake on ill-gotten day. All i had was one small bit on a fork and i still had the taste in my mouth the next morning. Not plesant at all...

09-11-2004, 07:53 AM
Cod bad ...bland bland bland
Carp ... leave it to die (don't know why the Europeans eat them)
leatherjacket tasty.....
Mullet sambal good....
Sole good....
Smoked makerel sandwiches ... a surefire
Raw herring, diced onions + gurken...yep
Flathead filets with lemongrass...[smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

Can't wait to hoic that line in the warm waters of Queensland....!!!!! 7 days to go now...been waiting 2 years in Holland.

09-11-2004, 08:14 AM
anything from the chink fish bar down the road would surely give anything on the list a run for it's money ........... AKA:" THE DEEP FRY OF DEATH"........ some of the stuff they serve up there wouldn't cut it as crab bait.

09-11-2004, 09:58 AM
I Think Mullet would have to be one of the worst only suprpassed by fresh water fish and Tuna... :-X

09-11-2004, 10:16 AM
Ate a grinner once, well half of it anyway. :P
Toadfish are pretty ordinary, apparently. :-X

09-11-2004, 10:32 AM
i'm with uru on the eel bit! shortfinned eel caught in the sweetwater of the gdr. are the best tasting native fish in freshwater- i use to eat them indigenously' rolled whole in coals(many people don't know how important the fire preparation is! you must make a fire on a clean rock with the right wood that burns to white ash).
mack tuna is the ultimate in "gag" reflex fishes! haha

09-11-2004, 11:16 AM
probably snapper, dam I get a nice selection ;D ;D

09-11-2004, 11:39 AM
homebrand sardines in springwater :P

these tender (nup), tasty (nup), little (nup) morsels are not even disguised by the rancid flavor of some yellowing oil-like substance.

Their full (ughh), natural (aghh) flavour is gently complimented by a splash of fresh (??) Taiwanese spring water (apparently there is clean,fresh, spring water over there that no-one has washed their clothes in ? mmm).

They don't even offer them as some sort of sick joke on "reality" survivor TV shows prefering instead to use less noxious items like pickled box jellyfish & live dun-beetle snacks.

Homebrand Sardines in Springwater :P .....

I must go now - I feel a rumblin' below at the thought ..... :-/

09-11-2004, 03:45 PM
well i was going to say yellowtail kingfish but just thinking of a smelly muddy ugly carp has me thinking twice about what i had for lunch :-X

09-11-2004, 04:08 PM
"european" carp would have to be the pits. even after keeping in salted water for 3 days to flush the mud out of them, then cutting their tails off and hanging them up to bleed, filleting them into fish fingers, covering them with herb etc flavoured flour.....still tasted like sh.t. Those who have knocked yellowbelly and cod (murray) obviously have eaten them only from stocked impoundments, not from fresh running western rivers. Filleted properly (removing fat lines) and cooked lightly dusted with flour they are hard to beat.

09-11-2004, 04:22 PM
I think I have tried about half of the top 10. About 20 years ago I caught a couple of carp in the Murray River, and took one home for a taste. We actually liked it. Maybe due to the freshness, mabe the way it was cooked??

Then the first trip to Mud Island after throwing back a few grinners (no idea what they were at the time), I took a few home and cooked them up. They actually were not that bad. Just full of bones.