View Full Version : Kid's Forum?
17-07-2005, 12:36 PM
Hey Guys and Gals
I have a 13 yo daughter who is interested in joining a fishing forum, but doesn't want to embarrass herself trying to speak with people on this (forum) level. ;)
Is there a site that caters for the younger fishos please?
SquareBear 8)
17-07-2005, 01:45 PM
i don't know of one but I know they do exist - I remember coming across one sometime
Squarebear, you need to assume everyone she chats to is an adult.
17-07-2005, 04:50 PM
Fair point, Chris, and duly noted! [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
SquareBear 8)
17-07-2005, 09:54 PM
Shimano Junior Anglers Club... i was member number 302... many..many years ago.. heh..
18-07-2005, 04:17 AM
No need to feel embarassed here, I visit here all the time and should feel embarassed with some of the seemingly idiotic questions I post here but I still post them and nobody has called me a dumb ---t(that is yet :-)).
Maybe if your daughter gets a name thingo like little-sweety-squarebear that obviously depicks her as a junior then it will not take long for everybody to know her and other juniors just like her.
Maybe the moderators can get a topic line thingo (see I am pretty dumb on the techno gargon :()just for the juniors??
If some of the junior's abilities on the internet matches their abilities on the fishing line then I'll still be left far behind a great number of them :-/
You are doing a good thing getting your daughter interested in a sport that the entire family can have a go at and any help should be given.
Looking at some of the forums available to kids today, they are just trash.
The moderators on this site are pretty quick to pick up on any trashy, smutty threads so as a parent I would be less worried about kids looking in here then most of the forums I have looked at.
Why don't all the members here get their kids to join so the entire family can get a laugh and some usefull information. And to meet other people with similar interests.
My two bobs worth anyway
:) Scott
squarie most of the fellow ausfish folk are quite patient with the younger generation my Jr Deckie(dare not call her a girl) post hear and has had nothing but a good responce. ...... many thanks to everyone for them replies tooo
regards the E
18-07-2005, 05:53 PM
Thank you all for the responses! Your feedback was greatly appreciated, and is indicative of the 'family' attitude of this site![smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
I highlighted your concerns to my daughter, Chris, and she was appreciated of the advice and guidance. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Scott, terrific stuff mate! I will organise a login for her soon, and will probably go with a similar suggestion to yours! ;)
Will have a look at that site, Zeeke, Cheers! ;D
Big E, couldn't agree more. I think she will be well-received on this site, although her experience is limited to estuary and impoundment fishing.
Perhaps Scott's suggestion about a Junior Section is worthy of consideration, Moderators? ???
SquareBear 8)
18-07-2005, 06:46 PM
youd be better with her here than in somewhere unfamiliar, what with all the weirdos out there, at least we are weirdos of the fishing Finga says give her an applicable siggy that reflects her junior years and she will be treated accordingly.
Congrats for doing the righty, many more need to learn the same skills.....we need the kids just as mouch as the adults on here....
19-07-2005, 04:59 PM
This has been raised ona few occasions.
I feel it best to treat everyone the same,n o matter what age. If they have a question relating to fishing then ask it in the general population. If they don't know the answer then most likely someone else would like to see teh answer as well. So, no matter what the age it is still fishing.
It is also not a good idea to have a childrens section. Sadly due to the rock spiders that are in society it is best to keep everyone in one group. This way there are always adults reading all the posts and replys.
Just get your daughter to sign up using whatever Membername she feels like, it doesn't have to be a kids one. Although some members have used Memebernames for their kids like SquareBearJnr, just to let people know that they are an existing Members child.
19-07-2005, 05:49 PM
mate i think there is one called junior angler. just serch it in google and it will come up.
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