View Full Version : M&G Craft & Quilt Fair

18-10-2005, 07:23 PM
PLEASE PLEASE :-[ :-/ :'(

Is anyone else being DRAGGED to the Exhibition Centre South Bank on Sunday 23rd for the Craft Show, if so would like to meet up around 10am.

Westie ;D

You Watch the weather will be PERFECT

18-10-2005, 08:24 PM
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...no..my missus knows never to even suggest me going to something like that.


be a man..be forthright

(then duck)

18-10-2005, 08:51 PM
Have Fun ;) and make sure you iron the pants that she tells you to wear.

Really wish I could but unfortunately I have to fish the Pro Am at Awoonga.

Maybe next time


18-10-2005, 09:03 PM
Might not be so bad ..... could pick up some tips ... :-?

you know .... learn how to knit a cover for your rod 8-)

Sorry I can't meet you tho, I'm washing my hair that day ;D ;D

Tony, have a fun day ;)

19-10-2005, 02:52 AM
Westie, it won't be all that bad!! It's only one day out of your life!!

If you pick up any tips on how to crochet rod covers, could you do me a nice pink one please?

I'd love to meet up with you there, but I guess I'll end up doing something manly like watching the Indy and its associated sights.

Have a good day,


19-10-2005, 08:57 AM
all those ladies that do that stuff would be teriffic rod binders.. :)

19-10-2005, 03:26 PM
Here's a bit of graffiti I saw once. First "My mother made me a lesbian".
Second "If I give her the wool will she make me one too".

19-10-2005, 03:33 PM
Here's a bit of graffiti I saw once. First "My mother made me a lesbian".
Second "If I give her the wool will she make me one too".

that reminded me of a bit of graffiti i saw on the bottom of a toilet door at a railway station in sydney many, many years ago 'beware of gay limbo dancers'

19-10-2005, 03:52 PM
I've checked with the boss and she said I'm free to come...... but then she offered to ramm bamboo under my fingernails, tie me to a bull ants nest and make me watch re-runs of home and away. Sorry mate I've chosen the latter....

I'm gonna contact the moderator, you should be banned for even admitting your going to that....
I think that fall on the tiles last week has done some permanent damage.

19-10-2005, 04:13 PM
sorry mate can't meet you either. i might just sit at home and drink beer & be jealous of the great time you'll be having.
i'm batching this weekend so might be more than 1 beer had i feel sorry for ya mate my misses wouldn't bother asking if i would go to that. (enjoy) [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=laola.gif] [smiley=whip.gif] [smiley=whip.gif]she got you in tow lol

19-10-2005, 10:57 PM
Westie, Im sooooooo pissed off mate. >:( My Singer pedal sewing machine ended up with a broken belt. Can't get the replacement until after the show. :'( I would be to embarassed to to turn up without an entry. :-[ Maybe next year mate. ;D

20-10-2005, 08:21 PM
Margo went last year and reckoned it was Cr@p so bad and too expensive and nothing new there do you want me to phone Mrs Westie and tell her not to waste her time and money?

20-10-2005, 08:48 PM
Well all I can say it is not hard to find how many mate you have in times of need and support.

These places are a GREAT place to find new Ideas on fishing, I would have loved to share it with some of you as they do have some great products for making moulds not to mention...... Opp's sorry I would
not like to bore you with all the GREAT things I have found in these places for fishing

It appears that

1 You don't support your spouses Hobbies
2 Fishing comes First
3 Your spouse just don't want you along
4 You have to stay home and do the Ironing, washing,hair, nails,sewing,lawns,Etc.
5 Not willing to look outside the square

It Appears that I may becoming down with some strange out of the blue virus, i have not told my better half yet
as i am hoping it will pass ahhhhhhhh Choooooooo....... Cough Cough ..........Oh it is not looking good I had better go
Ahhhhhhhh Choooooooooooo

20-10-2005, 09:50 PM
I suggest repeatedly saying "Are we there yet?" "can we go to McDonalds?" "I need to go to the toilet" "Can we go home now"
"I have a tummy ache" " My feet hurt" :P

it will not help this year but next year you will not be asked to go!

Good luck.

Will catch up soon re the jig heads i have to work for the next few weekends. Dam work. >:(

20-10-2005, 10:24 PM
Sounds really interesting Westie. Sorry I can't come though mate. I've got to watch some paint dry and nail some jelly to the kitchen ceiling. My only consolation is that I will be having more fun than you ;D


20-10-2005, 11:29 PM
Yeah Kev,

and I'll be watching the grass grow too. ;D ;D ;D

But Westie you got no 2 wrong ... it should be NO 1

FISHING COMES FIRST hmm that'd be good on a Tshirt ;)

Tony 8-)

21-10-2005, 11:05 AM
Yeah Kev,

and I'll be watching the grass grow too. ;D ;D ;D

But Westie you got no 2 wrong ... it should be NO 1

FISHING COMES FIRST hmm that'd be good on a Tshirt ;)

Tony 8-)

I reckon this would be better ::)


21-10-2005, 04:23 PM
Got off on bad health reasons and fine weekend good behavier. I know a lot of you will be disspointed that
you will not bet getting a report from all the great new Items on offer this year at the show,
but I did OFFER for you to come along and join me.

Latex mould making domos
Resin molding
Air brushing
Photo matting
Stencil making

Just some of the workshops I will miss this year and great one's at that for making you own lures,
like the latex moulding demo's, then you have the Resin moulding ( Perfect Jig Heads)

Air brushing those jig heads and lures like a pro

Stencils make you own, great for making decals for the lures

Learning how to put a matt and frame your prize catch photo's like a professional.

Oh you could have learnt so much, I must admit I know how to do all of these tasks and would be willing to
pass them on to the MATES that were there for me when I needed some help.

I don't have to mention your names you all know who they were, if not just read all the supporting letters I recieved
in this post.

Tahnk you aigan whit all yuor surpot, and I hpoe I am albe to rteurn the fvoar in the naer furtrue

Did you notice that the line above was differant, you were able to read it without to much trouble.
proof things are not what you think they are.

If you have the first letter and last letter correct, then your mind can read it as normal.
Useful information like this is available from shows like this so now you know what you all missed.

As for all of you that had better things to do, I hope to go fishing now, and will be thinking of
you doing you hair, nails, Ironing,washing, watching paint dry and grass grow and all those things including what some
do with Bambo, but they do say that goes around comes around S U C K E R S........ Oh I should be back in time to watch
Indy and all the trimmings as well. You will know me i will be the one eating fish for lunch.

dasher...... we all knew that about you, it is on the web at


21-10-2005, 05:23 PM
Westie !! Maaate !! Youve gotta be strong. !! Go to this thing and you might pick up some handy tips. Tell Mrs W about the great sacrifice you are making and I'm sure that she will reward you in some way or another.


Why did you ever mention this event ??


21-10-2005, 08:22 PM
:'( Great sacrifice i know going to the show or Fishing :-/

21-10-2005, 09:47 PM
dasher...... we all knew that about you, it is on the web at


Shyte westie I thought that was real mate, 2 of my ex's were brunette and could use a computer. The others I told had to dial a 25 no. password on the fone b4 you could turn the computer on. Yep it worked, they were blonde. ;D ;D

22-10-2005, 09:22 AM
LOL Westie ;D

Glad to see you got time off for good behaviour. If it's good enoough for that murdering bastard Abu Bakar Bashir, then it's good enough for you ;D


22-10-2005, 05:14 PM
Thanks Kev............I Think :o

23-10-2005, 12:14 PM

Sounds like you deserve to be there, don't forget to post a report & take lots of pics. ;D

Cheers Roz.

23-10-2005, 02:55 PM

Was showing Mrs Legend (Gwenda) all the posts concerning your terrible predicament. She goes to scrapbooking classes at Cleveland. She wants to know if you'd like to go to a class with her?

She's waiting with bated breath, so please reply ASAP.


23-10-2005, 04:43 PM

Was showing Mrs Legend (Gwenda) all the posts concerning your terrible predicament. She goes to scrapbooking classes at Cleveland. She wants to know if you'd like to go to a class with her?

She's waiting with bated breath, so please reply ASAP.


BUGGER If I had of known they could have gone to the show together and you could have come out to Currimundi Fishing today. :'(

THAT IS RIGHT I went fishin and now we are going to have Schoolies in a maranate, and it just so happens to be the my dear wife and daughter favorite way of having Mack's. ( Strange Hey) ::) The way to a females heart is through her stomack. Oh and and few brownie points. I know they just love me or feel sorry for me.

23-10-2005, 04:49 PM
Looks like you had the last laugh, Westie.


23-10-2005, 07:39 PM
Not only the last laugh but after they ate my meal that I have been preparing since 5am this monring when I woke for a days hard fishing so they could enjoy a FRESH feed of my secret 11 herbs and spices with a slurp of wine in cheese & fruit sause on top of a salad and potato wedges with sour cream. ::)
I now have come out as No 1 on the best Hubby list 8-) with bucket loads of Brownie Point that I will more likely loose quicker than I can say " easy come easy go'".

Once again i would like to thank all of you for the LACK of help and support you offered but the old story is if you are in a sticky situation then to get you self out you just have to get a bit of brown onya nose. ;)

23-10-2005, 10:47 PM
Westie, Im sooooooo pissed off mate. >:( My Singer pedal sewing machine ended up with a broken belt. Can't get the replacement until after the show. :'( I would be to embarassed to to turn up without an entry. :-[ Maybe next year mate. ;D

Westie I'm glad I didn't have a pair of pantyhose as suggested (sick basket :o) cos I would have been left alone at the show, without ausfish bloke backing. Gotta mean half the fish are mine. ::)