03-01-2006, 10:04 PM
Illegal fishing interceptions double in 2005
Last Update: Tuesday, January 3, 2006. 10:50pm (AEDT
The Federal Government says it has intercepted a record 607 illegal fishing boats in the past year in Australia's northern waters, double the number intercepted in 2004 and three times the number for 2003.
The figure was released as 16 Indonesian fishermen caught off the Western Australia coast were jailed.
The entire crew pleaded guilty in Broome Magistrates Court to illegal fishing charges related to the poaching of more than two tonnes of valuable trochus shell from reefs close to the Kimberley coast.
In an unusual move, Magistrate Antoine Bloeman gave the first time offenders - who normally get good behaviour bonds - four month jail terms.
Five repeat offenders, three who were only released from jail in Australia a few weeks ago for a previous offence, were sentenced to between nine and 10 months in jail.
Their boat was spotted by a surveillance aircraft about three nautical miles from the coast in the Buccaneer Archipelago on Boxing Day.
Federal Fisheries Minister Ian Macdonald says the maximum penalties for illegal fishing are strong enough but it is up to the courts to enforce them.
"The fact that there are a number of recidivist offenders might suggest to the courts that the penalties being imposed are not having the appropriate deterrent effect," he said.
Senator Macdonald says more illegal fisherman have been arrested in 2005 because there are now more Navy and Customs officers patrolling the waters.
The increased activity is believed to be due to the record price shark fin is commanding in Asia.
The WA Fisheries Minister John Ford will look at the state penalties but says change to the federal laws is even more urgent.
"They're only catching one out of 10 of these people," he said.
"When they get them they have to actually prove that they've been fishing in the area.
"With the state legislation, if you're caught in the state waters with fishing gear, the assumption is made straight away that you're fishing.
"That's much tougher than the federal legislation."
He says tougher penalties are needed to curb reoffending.
"One of the things that we want to do is have a consistent penalty regime right across Australia and then we want to convince the Commonwealth that we should have consistent penalties there as well," he said.
"We have to act, put a bigger deterrent in there."
Last Update: Tuesday, January 3, 2006. 10:50pm (AEDT
The Federal Government says it has intercepted a record 607 illegal fishing boats in the past year in Australia's northern waters, double the number intercepted in 2004 and three times the number for 2003.
The figure was released as 16 Indonesian fishermen caught off the Western Australia coast were jailed.
The entire crew pleaded guilty in Broome Magistrates Court to illegal fishing charges related to the poaching of more than two tonnes of valuable trochus shell from reefs close to the Kimberley coast.
In an unusual move, Magistrate Antoine Bloeman gave the first time offenders - who normally get good behaviour bonds - four month jail terms.
Five repeat offenders, three who were only released from jail in Australia a few weeks ago for a previous offence, were sentenced to between nine and 10 months in jail.
Their boat was spotted by a surveillance aircraft about three nautical miles from the coast in the Buccaneer Archipelago on Boxing Day.
Federal Fisheries Minister Ian Macdonald says the maximum penalties for illegal fishing are strong enough but it is up to the courts to enforce them.
"The fact that there are a number of recidivist offenders might suggest to the courts that the penalties being imposed are not having the appropriate deterrent effect," he said.
Senator Macdonald says more illegal fisherman have been arrested in 2005 because there are now more Navy and Customs officers patrolling the waters.
The increased activity is believed to be due to the record price shark fin is commanding in Asia.
The WA Fisheries Minister John Ford will look at the state penalties but says change to the federal laws is even more urgent.
"They're only catching one out of 10 of these people," he said.
"When they get them they have to actually prove that they've been fishing in the area.
"With the state legislation, if you're caught in the state waters with fishing gear, the assumption is made straight away that you're fishing.
"That's much tougher than the federal legislation."
He says tougher penalties are needed to curb reoffending.
"One of the things that we want to do is have a consistent penalty regime right across Australia and then we want to convince the Commonwealth that we should have consistent penalties there as well," he said.
"We have to act, put a bigger deterrent in there."