View Full Version : crocs and tenders at Hinchinbrook
Does anyone think it is a safety concern using a tender from a hirehouseboat in some of the creeks around Hinchinbrook as long as you stay in the tender of course?
Thanks Luke
16-10-2001, 02:46 PM
We spent two weeks fishing all the creeks in the Lucinda area last June in a 3.5 Quinnie cartopper. Saw one good size croc sunning himself up in the Herbert, in the corner of a sand bar where I had a crab trap. Needless to say, we moved the trap ;D
The croc disappeared into the water as soon as he heard us approaching. We saw a few other smaller specimens up in the shallows of the backwaters we were fishing, and were told of a large croc on the point just east of the boat ramp at Lucinda, which gave some of the shore fishermen an early morning wakeup call.
By and large, the crocs up there seem to be pretty much in their natural state - that is, more afraid of you than you are of them (do you believe that ;D). Unlike their more northern cousins who in some areas equate the sound of an outboard motor to a dinner bell.
Depending on what you intend doing with the tender, I wouldn't think there is too much danger if you use your noodle, and don't take silly risks. Of more concern in such a small boat, in my opinion, are the very strong currents that are endemic to that area. We had an 8hp Yammie on the back of the Quinnie, and it was working overtime on a couple of occasions out in the channel. The strength of the current caused some very turbulent and unpredictable situations, particularly at the transitions between shallow and deep water, which are plentiful. Also, the channel can whip up very quickly with the afternoon "sea breezes". So be very careful where you go with the thing and remember that in areas like this you need around 6 to 8hp just to stand still.
The area is also rife with rock bars, snags, and creeks that turn into sandbars twice a day - again you should navigate with caution, and be very conscious of the limitations of the vessel you are in.
Jim Linden
16-10-2001, 03:35 PM
mate some good sound advice from jim,and it was a big crock wasn't it jim?? ;D
Hookin, Brett
Thanks Jim and Brett,
not being familiar with croc habits that sure makes me feel a bit more comfortable. Sure won't be dangling things in the water. It's the stories of these northern cousins that I have heard that made me a bit nervous. Without causing any panic does anyone have any croc stories? It is nice to know what they can be capable of.
17-10-2001, 03:36 PM
Hey, Brett,
Every time my missus tells somebody about it, the damn thing gets a foot longer! ;D
17-10-2001, 04:26 PM
Luke, when I first came up to Cairns I went fishing in the Russel river, beautiful clear fresh water so as usual I was wading out to casting to the deeper sections of the river, and picked up a couple of jps, any way couple day later a local get crunched on the head by a big croc after swimming in the exact same spot I was fishing.
About a year ago I pulled up a small croc that had my lure retriever in its mouth. He came up right near my feet with the chain hanging out of it gob, scared the crap out of me, it caught me by surprise, I just thought I had hooked a snag….
At December when my old man was up, he was standing in knee deep water releasing a barra while I took a couple of photos of him, just as my old man walks out of the water this three metre croc pops his head up about a metre in front of were he was standing…. That made us stop and think a bit…how close was that ….
Went fishing in a creek up near Cape Trib about 4 months ago got the boat stuck on a rock bar up the creek ,we got out and pushed the boat off the rock bar……Then the local Croc spotting tour operator comes around the corner and tells us how this big male of about 4 metres lives here……ooooooohhhh
I’m more worried about the snakes than the crocs…. Must have seen about a hundred plus of the buggers ( snakes ) in the last two years………
Cheers ……Steve O
17-10-2001, 04:33 PM
I forgot not too long ago i had one of about 3 metres swim up and hide under the weeds of the bank i was standing on. Lucky the river bank was about 7 foot high out of the water....
The sneaky bugger was just waiting for me...
clear freshwater too awesome sight.. :o..Didn't seem to bother the tarpon they continued to bite...And the croc wasn't interested in them..i suppose he liked the look of the bigger meal on the bank....
Steve ooi
sounds like a few close calls up there. After what you guys say it just shows how aware you have to be. Steve, the fellow up at Prossy Bait and Tackle(can't remember his name) warned me about the Taipans-more to worry about than crocs. By the way you said a croc went for your lure retriever,do they go for lures? I know if I catch one he can have the lure and about 10 ft of line.
Cheers Luke
18-10-2001, 04:56 PM
Well luke a mate of mine hooked one up on fly today, and boy was the thing cranky then again so would i if i had a hook stuck in me...
The croc was foul hooked and was only about 3 foot we unhooked it took a couple of pics and released him...
He was quite calm once held.
Typically they don't go for fly or lures , only on rare occassions and usually this is in remote places, most crocs are quite scared of people, well that until you swim in thier water,and thats a different story....
Be careful ,use common sense and you won't have a problem with them.
Steve Ooi
20-10-2001, 03:09 AM
Hey Luke,
I got back from up there on the 5th of this month. We've had no dramas at all - you just need to be aware they are there and not do stupid stuff, eg: STAY IN THE BOAT. We based ourselves in Lucinda and run all over the place chasing fish - Yes there still was a rather large lizard on that point east of the ramp - very shy because of the amount of boat traffic. We saw our biggest in a little creek off the Sunday creek system - 4m of evil looking prehistoric croc. They are pretty shy buy with an electric you can sneak up within photo range.
Seen quite a few in the Herbert. One guy up there was throwing a net, thigh deep in water, 200 yards down from him we saw a 10footer slip into the water - we mentioned this to him - his reply she'll be right mate. Complacency gets you dead with those things.
Mate of mine was trolling, on a lowish tide, one of the steep banks just inside the mouth a Deluge inlet when all hell broke loose just in front and above him. This 2m croc that was sunning itself on the bank woke with a fright and missed comimg into his boat by about 2feet. My mate didn't troll so close after that.
G'day Jack,
I reckon if I was your mate trolling I would think about wearing plastic undies next time :o. Frightening stuff. Glad you had a good trip.
Cheers Luke
23-10-2001, 04:14 PM
The things are getting cheeky up cairns way so i heard, a taxi driver was on his way to the airport (the airport is in the middle of town) when he hit a speed bump, he then remembered that it was an 60 kph road with no speed bumps, the female croc died from injuries sustained......remember this is in the middle of a city :o :o
21-01-2006, 08:55 PM
Interesting stuff Payney but mate please don't use capitals for every word.
It really makes your posts difficult to read and they are certainly worth a read. Well for my old eyes it does.
22-01-2006, 06:41 AM
Sorry Hoges
I can do that for you no probs.
Cheers mate
Payney ;)
22-01-2006, 07:59 AM
Guys, Luke posted this in 2001 and hasnt been on line for quite some time.
Mickstar001 dragged up from the archives.
22-01-2006, 11:30 AM
Guys, Luke posted this in 2001 and hasnt been on line for quite some time.
Mickstar001 dragged up from the archives.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
22-01-2006, 12:10 PM
crocs are there be cautious fish hard :)
22-01-2006, 01:21 PM
If a croc comes to near where your fishing just pull up anchor and move on dont take the risk of scaring it off. I found out the hard way when i hit one with
the oar and it just lunged towards the boat hitting the side although no one was hurt we could of easily been it's dinner if it had over turned us.
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