View Full Version : Christmas at Minnie Water

20-01-2006, 03:15 PM
We left for Minnie on the 17th Dec...packed up the camper aqnd the new riptide and off we went.

Got down there and set up without oo much drama. Checked the weather, tides and had a look at the Bay...all looking very promising

We hit the water first light the next day...I must admit I was a little nervous beach launching the 6metre rig....but it was such a breeze...put the trailer extention on and pushed the trailer out...no problems at all.

We headed out the the 5 mile...burleyed up and caught vermin...Dave must have caught every red harry around...big and small...we nicknamed him verminator...I think Kingtins reputation may fad into oblivion in the wake of Dave's effort. Les picked up a couple of pearlies and a parrot...enough for a feed but that's about all...definitely no snappery things...We got back to the beach a little nervous about retrieval but brought the trailer down and drove it up...no sweat...

That week we got out most days but only scratched around for a feed...It seem that everyopne was in the same boat..the current or what there was of it was running up hill...not a good sign.

We headed back to Brisvegus for Christmas and fed around 120 new settlers and refugees at the CarewerX community Centre Christmas Day...what a blast...I was great to see so many people enjoying being in community together...

Back to Minnie Water Boxing day evening for Round 2.

The weather pattern was still holding so I teed up with Birdy and his mate mick for an outing...Back out to the 5 mile and I picked up a good Cod about 20lbs...but they are protected down there...so we performed some minor surgery to deflate its swiom bladder and after 15 mins of helping it recover it swam off...Great to see such a majestic fish recover and head for the depths. The pod/transom on the Riptide was a brilliant landing deck and swim platform...very impressed. We scratched around and got a feed but had to work pretty hard.

The next day we went to some marks toward the north but still not a lot happening, the day after we found a piece of rock that looked pretty promising between some marks around the five mile we thought we'd give a go...Birdy was back in Brisvegus so his dad was the deckie.

We hadn't long pulled up and I got a monster run...after about 20mins this ginormous cod comes to the surface...biggest thing I'd ever seen in this type of fish...Lance gentle gaffs it in the mouth and struggles to lift it up...Its over a metre long and Lance reckoned at least 100lb...bl@@dy huge...about a foot longer than the 130 litre evacool esky. Well weI tried to pick it up for the photo...couldn't get it off the deck (missed out on my wheeties that morning) so we took a couple of photos on the deck and following some more minor surgery swam it off the back and away it went.

The following day we headed out to the nine mile and drifted past a really nice Bommie out there. A Mate Chris was in his boat and he and his boys had just caught an 8kg and 12 kg jew...we started into the Trag and soon had 6. My son Luke picked up a nice squirey snapper about 2 kg...the only one for the whole holidays...but we pulled a reasonable mixed bag that day.

The weather window closed for the next week so we returned home having had a great holiday and caught some nice fish...even if we had to return some to the depths.

The Riptide exceeded expectations handling the variable conditions in its stride and proved itself a safe and stable platform. A couple of the return trips were in 2 metre plus swells with a metre or more of sea stirred up by the southerleys in the arvo...we still pulled in at 4000 revs and 44klm/hr...Very impressed with the way this big dry hull handles.

All in all the Family had a great time...we'll be back


20-01-2006, 03:16 PM
The Snodger

20-01-2006, 03:26 PM
Luke's Snappery thing

20-01-2006, 03:27 PM
Nice mixed bag

20-01-2006, 04:39 PM
Nice report Rhys and good on yer for breaking up yer break ;D and doing the community thingy. That water looks mighty clean there :o


The wise man does not lay up treasure. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.

20-01-2006, 08:32 PM
good trip Rhys , good to see the new rig has been BLOODED ;)

glad you all had a good holiday


ps- i'll pop in and say g'day as soon as i get the chance.

21-01-2006, 06:26 AM
Yeah Kev, one of the things I love about Minnie is the water clarity. In close or out is doesn't seem to matter much...Its one of the nicest places I've ever found...peaceful and serene...more people are discovering it but it seems that the majority are committed to looking after the place which is great. BTW Kev, love the quippy and sometimes profound quotes you've included in your posts lately...thanks for the reminder of the one you included here...

Jase the kettle is always on at CarewerX!!! My day off is Wednesday, but there is growing interest in fishing among those that use the centre (Can't imagine why???) so we're kicking around the probability of starting fortnightly trips taking some of our new friends out on a regular basis. LOook forward to catching you up soon...



21-01-2006, 08:33 AM
Excuse my ignorance, but where is Minnie?
A web search came up with Minnie Water, near Grafton. Is this the place you are referring to?


21-01-2006, 10:09 AM
Yep, that's the spot Juicy,

You and Thumps should schedule a holiday down that way some time...you wont be disappointed...fishing is usually excellent...a safe and easy beach launch...and into reefy stuff almost immediately.

hooked into a nice Black Marlin down there last year, the Mackerel should be going off about now, plenty of thumping big Cobia as well and the winter run of snapper are snodgers. Kingies, amberjack and samson fish in the xos range around Northern solitary Island and out at the 12 mile. Ususally pick up great pearlies, Venus tusk and heaps of good sized trag.

The beach gives up good Jewies on the moon and tide in a couple of holes up near Wooli

If it blows up outside theres always the Wooli Wooli River..about 20k south at Wooli (Doh!). Summer will find Jacks around the craggy bits near the rock walls, can most of the time SP a good flattie or two and the rest of the esturine family is present to, including some nice Crabs too boot. The Sand Cliffs near the entrance on the river is my missus favorite spot in all Australia

not commercialised at all, and locals are very friendly.

Happy to share some marks if you ever head down that way.

Great place for a family holiday! Head down the pacific toward Grafton, turn left just past Tyndale and follow the signs through Tucabia and Pillar Valley to the Minnie turnoff...if you go straight on you'll wind up in Wooli...By the coast its half way between Yamba and Coffs Harbour but there is no linking coast road.

Minnie is land locked by the Yuragir National Park so it will never be developed.

the Wooli Bowling club has a very good Chinese Restaraunt...and there is an hourly courtesy bus (free) from the Club to Minnie so there's no need for a designated driver.

I reckon we might eventually retire down there..its nice to dream anyway thats still a few years off

If you reckon I can't shutup about it you're right...love it down that way



21-01-2006, 10:54 AM

Your description of Minnie Waters is mouth watering.

It will, however, be a long time before Thumps and I are equipped (boat wise) for such an adventure. Not to mention the fact that Thumps (an ex-Tassie boy and not use to the distances we have between our towns up here in Nth Qld….’just down the road’ means anything under 500kms to me where as it means the corner shop to Thumps) is still recovering from our trip to Awoonga.

I do however have our next fishing holiday location in mind, which will be achievable if we start seriously saving now……Gove

This means in no way will I be dismissing Minnie Waters in any future plans or looking into charter operator, if any, in that area.

It was an absolute pleasure reading your report.


21-01-2006, 12:06 PM
Great work Revs, we bagged out on trag one day with a good variety of parrots and squire/snapper around the 2-3kg mark. We also hooked into a few bonito that decided that they should have the slimeys instead of the trag.
The macks just turned up but we had a dirty fresh come thru which shut them down for the next week or so. But it turned the jew on. Neighbour got 4 in an hour on the tide change between 6-18kg. Kept the biggest and smallest and let the middle 2 go.
The 4 mile reef system is the go for trag. They are always abundant and and bite through the day. I find the 12 mile and 7 mile aren't really that differnt from the 4 mile system. We havent found any consistant quality fish there. And its alot harder work with the deeper reefs.
But then again, whatever floats your boat, or fills the esky.....hehehehe

21-01-2006, 12:37 PM
I reckon Gove will be a blast Juicy, A mate of mine lived up there and was always giving the mackerel population a flogging. There are a couple of charter operators working out of Wooli...they access the gounds a little further to the South and toward Northern Solitary Island through the Wooli bar. I've heard they are good operators...but if we're down that way you n' thumps would be welcome to a trip or three or four :)

Good on Ya Mat, you locals down there are one up on us tourists...glad you got among them too...I'll let you know next time we're heading down...probably around June long weekend...not sure yet...



21-01-2006, 03:37 PM
Hi Rhys,

I am sorry I missed the oportunity of dropping in to visit.

Looks like you had a good time in there, a great spot & still fairly untouched. I havn't been in there for ages, which is a shame as I only live just down the road...sort of.

Loved the photos and the report.


21-01-2006, 03:56 PM
Sounds like a great holiday Rhys and good to see the boat get its teeth cut.

21-01-2006, 10:53 PM
Hi Roz, rando told me you were on your way to visit at Iluka but their delay meant a missed opportunity, and we bailed out a week early due to the weather...See your heading North again shortly...look forward to catching you and yours up in one place or the other...trust you have a good trip to 1770. We've only discovered Minnie in the last couple of years...probably Australian east coast best kept secret.

G'day Pete, yep, well and truely cut teeth now...carpet smelly and all!!!! Have to catch up for a fish soon...be another week and a half before my diary clears...how free are you? Were you having a Grand kid or something soon? how did all that go?


23-01-2006, 08:54 AM
Looks like a great trip dispite the weather

I am heading down to Brooms head for the australia day weekend
can you tell me what sort of fishing to expect , as i only have a small tinne is there a estuary i couls use orshould i head up to maclean and fish in the clarance

any help would be most welcome


23-01-2006, 03:19 PM
G'day Pete, yep, well and truely cut teeth now...carpet smelly and all!!!! Have to catch up for a fish soon...be another week and a half before my diary clears...how free are you? Were you having a Grand kid or something soon? how did all that go?


Funny you should ask Rhys. This proud old grandad just became even prouder at 3.30 yesterday when Max the fisherman was brought into the world. Even got to watch the birth - very emotional stuff. I am still on the GC for this week - hope to get back around the weekend - although I am still trying to work out how to sneak back up for the M&G on Friday. Anytime after that is fine [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

23-01-2006, 05:03 PM
sandon river is 10k down the dirt road from brooms. the clearest water youll find. bring your whiting gear.

cheers, roo

25-01-2006, 04:10 PM
Congratulations Pete....a little fishing buddy!!! Yeah the birthing thing is a pretty emotional thing...I reckon those who bring these little ones into the world are the real hero's... pass our regards onto the proud mum and dad

Will stay in touch for an outing soon

Scotty, I'm not too familiar with the grounds outside Sandon - I've a couple of marks but they are quite a long way off shore...I just know the bar is really trecherous without local knowledge...very shallow and rocky...the Sandon River is very clear water and deep in places....usual estury species...bream, whiting and flathead...if the weather is good and sea flat you could sneak out the front on Minnie O.K. I have a couple of close marks there but sounding around you should be able to find some nice reefy stuff...Should be some mackerel action in close about now too...beach launch is very easy...PM me if you want the marks

