View Full Version : who would let their wife take the boat out?

10-06-2006, 09:23 PM
G'day guys,

Well i'm new to this site, and i'd just like to pose a question to you all, seeing as the majority of people on this site are guys. The question is:

How many blokes would let their wife take the boat out on their own?

The reason i'm asking is that my husband and i both love fishing and i do take the boat out on my own which i love, particularly because i don't know of many blokes who would let their wives, but then again, maybe it's because their wives wouldn't want to take the boat out??

Let me know what you all think, i'd be interested to know.


10-06-2006, 09:30 PM
hi woppa
no, no, no ,no ,no
is that clear
the only reason is that I love my wife dearly and she would end up drowning herself. She does come for the odd ride in the 20 footer but refuses to set foot in the dingy
welcome, its a great site and the female membership is growing

10-06-2006, 10:02 PM
G'day guys,

Well i'm new to this site, and i'd just like to pose a question to you all, seeing as the majority of people on this site are guys. The question is:

How many blokes would let their wife take the boat out on their own?

The reason i'm asking is that my husband and i both love fishing and i do take the boat out on my own which i love, particularly because i don't know of many blokes who would let their wives, but then again, maybe it's because their wives wouldn't want to take the boat out??

Let me know what you all think, i'd be interested to know.


Are you serious?

Sounds like a big lump of berley.

10-06-2006, 10:37 PM
Righto Woppa
Is your other half a member? Coz we all want to PM him a few choice words! Maybe even blackball him!

This is the thin edge of the wedge, a mans last bastion, a smelly fishing boat is about to be lost......

I suppose though if she went out by herself, I wouldn't have to be with her......she could go out catch the fish, come home, wash down the boat, filet the fish, cook the fish, ....

I reckon we all need to get with the times, its a fine idea! ::) ;D

10-06-2006, 10:38 PM
When my wife finally gets around to getting her boat licence (and does a refresher on backing the trailer) she is going to have a "girls day out".
She can drive the boat fine, it's just that I can't be the one in the boat with her on account of she always wants to know why I've told her not to go over there, or go out wide here.
In the meantime we're heading for a bunch of rocks or whatever and things get heated ;D
I'm pretty sure if I could force myself to shut up and let her learn the hard way just like everyone else did, we'd get home alive ;)
Boats are no different to learning to drive a car. Always better not to have someone not so close as the teacher.


10-06-2006, 10:52 PM
Blaze, Feral & Owen

Thats three on the one lure!!!!!

10-06-2006, 10:56 PM

10-06-2006, 11:28 PM
after reading blaze comments.YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Reminds me check the insurance.lol

11-06-2006, 01:52 AM
no no no

11-06-2006, 06:17 AM
Yeah without doubt! She has done right training to get both her Boat & jetski licences so i can't see the problem..

11-06-2006, 06:40 AM
I would love to but she dosen't have a lience. Oh well too bad,too Sad ;D ;D

11-06-2006, 07:02 AM
aussiefool hi,

hows the greenback comp conditions been......thought youd be out there amongst it......would luv to hear results after weigh in if poss.

cheers andy.......

11-06-2006, 07:22 AM
Blaze, Feral & Owen

Thats three on the one lure!!!!!

Yeah dont think mines heard of catch and release though.....

11-06-2006, 07:47 AM
i reckon were doomed

have a look at some of the recent threads/posts and we're seeing more & more female input

crikey who helped me with a computor problem lucylass
who offered me a new keyboard nic
who is hunting for males to wash her boat leanne

and guess what has happened since the post on ""how do we earn our brownie points"" started

i can recall wanting a 4b when mrs choppa & i got married
but no no no she wanted a more sensible car
i wont say who wrote it off

but i've had 4b's since

let mrs choppa take the boat out on her own???? yeh why not

11-06-2006, 07:47 AM
I must say it's good to hear that some of you are willing to let the girls get out on their own.

As for me, I grew up in a Fishing family and have family who live at Turkey Beach. Heading up their in July, so hopefully will have a nice report from the reef if the weather is good to head out!

11-06-2006, 07:58 AM
I will say yes because I know she would be to scared to take it out on her owne. ;D

11-06-2006, 10:22 AM
aussiefool hi,

hows the greenback comp conditions been......thought youd be out there amongst it......would luv to hear results after weigh in if poss.

cheers andy.......

Mate Didn't fish it :'( had family show up out of the blue with the G'kids and could not or want a leave pass to go just aswell with the weather we had down here. I to would love to hear some reports

11-06-2006, 10:31 AM
thanks aussiefool,

same thing happened to me too.......small world eh...

cheers andy

11-06-2006, 10:43 AM
out in the sea :o

by myself :-? ummmmm

i know the river like the back of my hand.... oh whats that ;)

11-06-2006, 10:52 AM
charter boat......what charter boat.......

and reverse parking........you jest.......

cheers andy

11-06-2006, 11:38 AM
Hi Whoppa,
I've got an 11ft jet boat and the missus loves it,She may soon be banned though as she's just to much of a throttle jockey,Bless her soul.She can pull surf worms and is a great fisho in her own right,Holding her own amongst the boys.Her only problem is she can't use a baitcaster.She's nearly the perfect woman. :DMy answer to your question is no.For me it's a saftey issue.Accidents happen! (An unexpected happening,Unintentional act,Misshap,Disaster) This word is in our vocabulary to describe these acts.These things occur every day and are not done on purpose.I'm not saying that because I'm a male I can prevent this,But if anything happened to her (In my boat which is my responsability) and I wasn't there to help her I could never forgive myself.

Regards hardb8 ;)

11-06-2006, 08:01 PM
Not got a missus anymore, BUT,

Play with the boat without me in it, you must be kidding, my next prospective will have a hard time nudging my boat into second place.

Just my opinion at this time of my life.


11-06-2006, 10:39 PM
my boats are not normally on trailers (honest i cant back a trailer for shit) but i know i am trusted to drive any boat at anytime

i am a legend .... (joking)

no truthfully cant back a trailer but can do a lot of everything else but have trouble wth a line knot :-[

................... is that rude

11-06-2006, 10:46 PM

ONERABBIT is single

plse apply for the boat cleaning job ;)



11-06-2006, 10:49 PM
do u like my avatar of my two girlys

11-06-2006, 10:59 PM
If my wife was keen enough and posessed the skills required to get the boat to the ramp, safely launch it, use it, retrieve it and ofcourse clean it thoroughly, I myself would be happy to let her take it out on her own.

BUT...In the interest of public safety, lets just all be greatfull that she isnt!!!


11-06-2006, 11:10 PM
I often take the boat out on my own and Im a female.
Its my boat. Registered in my name.
It dosn't take brut strengh just good planing.
I launch and retrieve it myself.
Lots of women do.

11-06-2006, 11:25 PM
I often take the boat out on my own and Im a female.
Its my boat. Registered in my name.
It dosn't take brut strengh just good planing.
I launch and retrieve it myself.
Lots of women do.

my hubby has requested that i give boat lessons for females but i cant back a trailer thats prob the only thing i cant do
but i am happy to do the lessonsfor confidence i think because i drive larger boats

but if there is any wonderful women that want to learn to drive their family boats contact me

and no choppa you cant 8-)

cause i have read that you guys feel uncomfortable showing the hmmm fairer sex how to drive

but i am

12-06-2006, 11:19 AM
Good God NO it would probably come back with frilly seat cushions and pink side curtains and no end of bling plastered all over it.

12-06-2006, 11:19 AM
Blaze, Feral & Owen
Thats three on the one lure!!!!!

Perhaps, but I also have a vested interest.
My wife reads this site occasionally ;)


12-06-2006, 12:16 PM
Yes..When my wife gets her driving licence and then her boat licence I wouldnt have a prob with her taking the boat out on her own, it comes down to trust. I know she is sensible and has a lot of common sense. She would be better on the water than some of the male wa@#kers that are out there these days. ;D


12-06-2006, 12:28 PM
yes at least the boat will get a good wash when she got home

12-06-2006, 01:20 PM
Scary thought [smiley=end.gif] [smiley=helpa.gif]

12-06-2006, 01:26 PM

ONERABBIT is single

plse apply for the boat cleaning job ;)



Thanks for that lucylass, I wasn't game to say say it myself, any fishergirls in Ballina???


12-06-2006, 01:28 PM
Seriously I would not let my wife take out any trailer without doing a defensive driving course which concentrates on trailers. Boat ramps are not the place to learn!

Big trailers on modern cars are a real problem for the inexperienced. We make all the young fellas at work do such a course before we even let them out with an unbraked trailer (<750kg).

12-06-2006, 02:47 PM
and no choppa you cant 8-)

been at church all day

and i still get blamed for something i know nothing about :D :D :D :D :D

i'll be careful here lucylass

i'm coming down your way soon

12-06-2006, 02:54 PM
it's good to hear from some of the girls!!

i honestly believe like a a lot of others its all about planning, and knowing what to do and where to go if the weather turns rough and having backup plans when out on your own... but then again, men should have them too!!

it's refreshing to hear that there are other gals out there that love getting amongst it!!

Loving it!!

13-06-2006, 07:14 AM
Yes!She has her licence just wants to get more boat handling experience first.

13-06-2006, 07:23 AM
Shes got the credit card and handles the family jewels so can't see any issue with the boat as well

13-06-2006, 10:47 AM
My wife has her boat licence and drives the boat with no problem at all. When we are water skiing I find it difficult to drive and ski at the same time ;D so she does it. When retreiving the boat I reverse the trailer down the ramp and she drives the boat straight onto the trailer (usually to the amazement of any onlookers) I gave her the option when we goat the boat to either reverse the trailer or drive on - she took drive on, and has no problem with it at all. Its also easier to get finance approval for boat type things if she has an intrest too 8-)

Cheers and Beers

13-06-2006, 11:09 AM
If she went out and forgot the bait, the bungs, food, water, fishing gear, hit 3 charter boats, backed the car into the harbour (firstly scrating 2 other trailers on the ramp on the way past), was fined for more then 25 breaches under the fisheries regulation and possible even capsized the thing a couple of times I will still be impressed....

13-06-2006, 01:42 PM
If she went out and forgot the bait, the bungs, food, water, fishing gear, hit 3 charter boats, backed the car into the harbour (firstly scrating 2 other trailers on the ramp on the way past), was fined for more then 25 breaches under the fisheries regulation and possible even capsized the thing a couple of times I will still be impressed....

So is that your current record Mick? ;)


13-06-2006, 07:15 PM
Good God NO it would probably come back with frilly seat cushions and pink side curtains and no end of bling plastered all over it.

Frilly additions and pretty decor. Sounds like a great idea. Always looking for ideas to pretty up my boat.
After all. Boats are traditionally girls. They should look pretty.
If I remember correctly Westie has a pink compass in his boat. I always wanted one of those.

13-06-2006, 07:33 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

13-06-2006, 07:38 PM
cant imagine where we would be if Mr Cook allowed Mrs Cook to try out the new rig,,

""its okay darling, we named it the Endeavour,, you'll be right""

and what about when it came to ""walking the plank"" oh no no no,, you'd be sent to bed early and expect a stern talking to from ya dad when he got home,,,,,,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D

13-06-2006, 07:42 PM
Ahh ....... NO .

13-06-2006, 09:56 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

another single for the boat cleaning job in budgie smugglers

15-06-2006, 02:58 PM
I wouldnt be able to manage taking our boat out on my own and have no desire to do so.

15-06-2006, 04:21 PM
cant imagine where we would be if Mr Cook allowed Mrs Cook to try out the new rig,,

""its okay darling, we named it the Endeavour,, you'll be right""

and what about when it came to ""walking the plank"" oh no no no,, you'd be sent to bed early and expect a stern talking to from ya dad when he got home,,,,,,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D

It'd be worse than that Chop
First of all instead of trading a few beads for an island or two, she'd have given away all the gold for a box of grass skirts and some shoes and with the money she saved gone & got her hair done ;) ;D ;D :-X


15-06-2006, 06:41 PM
Okay so us girls do like our creature comforts!! but who can complain when we get excited about buying a new rig for snapper fishing!! my new Okuma EFS80 matched with a shakespeare rod does the job nicely pulling in the big fish, as does my nice hair style to match

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

and when it's cold i'm outfitted in my pink beanie and pale blue wind coat but hey i still love to fish ;)

15-06-2006, 09:18 PM
Look at it this way guys/girls...

The Man of the house has his possessions. His own mug, his own recliner infront of the TV, the seat the the top of the table, the BBQ. They are HIS! At any time the woman could go and drink from HIS mug, or sit in HIS seat, or cook the meat on HIS BBQ, but you choose not to. The same goes with HIS boat, or HIS Ute, or HIS motorbike - you could go and have a go on one of them, but you choose not to, because, its HIS.

Id also like to clear 1 point up. In my previous post i said F-NO to my 'Woman' taking off with the boat, and not because i think she'd crash it or whatever, its because it would be MINE. I dont mess with her stuff, so i would expect the same respect for my gear.

Theo 8-)

15-06-2006, 10:59 PM
someone has a lot of maturing to do...LOL

16-06-2006, 12:03 AM
Of course I would. If I had one, a wife that is. I have a longterm g/f and shes as addicted to catching a whiting or two as I am, infact she was the one who pushed me towards http://www.fishing.webseo.com.au/ so yes, if I end up marrying her and I finally get my dream boat, yes she can take it out. But she would have to get her liscence first and that will keep the boat MINE!

16-06-2006, 12:15 AM
i know not too touch the bbq


16-06-2006, 02:15 AM
Lots of laughs while reading this thread!!! ;D ;D ;D

We have just bought our boat and until I get my licence (it will be soon!) he is in control! But not for long! ;) But in all honesty - I don't know if I would be comfortable taking it out on my own - yet anyway! :)

"His and her things" I am a little bit guilty of that - just put Hot pink fireline on my new snapper combo - just so when it goes off "he doesn't grab it by "accident" ;)

Janine :)

16-06-2006, 02:41 AM
we have his and her things...she has the dishwasher, washing machine, iron, lawn mower, weed eater, she has her car...she can drive the boat..she can even have the Foxtel remote (got that in 2 rooms and even she cannot watch both at once), she can even use the Barbie....BUT...the beer fridge is MINE.

16-06-2006, 08:36 PM
someone has a lot of maturing to do...LOL

A very, very, unnessecary remark. Some-ones very, very wrong.

I cant see whats wrong with posting my personal opinion on this topic, but when someone comes along and tells me to grow up (for my age, i think im doing pretty well with my 'maturity'), what do you think im going to do mate? Crawl back in my 'shell'? Hell no. Go on, mate, try me. You'll then have some respect for me once ive shown what kind of guy i am... thats a promise.

So go ahead mate, im listening...

>:( A very livid TinarooTriumph >:(

16-06-2006, 08:55 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

another single for the boat cleaning job in budgie smugglers


16-06-2006, 09:15 PM
Perish the thought of her in control on anything but calm, dead flat conditions. First bump and she would freak out.

Simply put, NO.


16-06-2006, 09:22 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

another single for the boat cleaning job in budgie smugglers

I myself found this quite good ;D . Good humour.

T'roo 8-)

16-06-2006, 09:35 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

another single for the boat cleaning job in budgie smugglers

I myself found this quite good ;D . Good humour.

T'roo 8-)

of course you do

i am smarter than the average bear
better looking too

and am quite happy to sell you off in budgy smugglers
for a couple of lures ;D ;D ;D ;D

no really i think this thread has been fun from both side

oh and pinhead are u serious...................... how does a girl get a beer around here

does that mean you will wait on me (us)

16-06-2006, 10:00 PM
someone has a lot of maturing to do...LOL

A very, very, unnessecary remark. Some-ones very, very wrong.

I cant see whats wrong with posting my personal opinion on this topic, but when someone comes along and tells me to grow up (for my age, i think im doing pretty well with my 'maturity'), what do you think im going to do mate? Crawl back in my 'shell'? Hell no. Go on, mate, try me. You'll then have some respect for me once ive shown what kind of guy i am... thats a promise.

So go ahead mate, im listening...

>:( A very livid TinarooTriumph >:(

reminds me when i was your age mate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

nah seriously,,, i'll back ya,, rather see you go one on one,,, ( i'll take the bets,, hold the kitty)

but if you do need me,,,, just call,,,, 24/7,,,,,,,,i'll be there,,,,,,,,

pm coming with odds and contract details :D :D :D :D

16-06-2006, 10:18 PM
i have no objection to my lovely wife taking the boat out, ( just as long as its not my boat) hussy.

16-06-2006, 10:19 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

another single for the boat cleaning job in budgie smugglers

Budgie smugglers???? NUH Wrong bloke, but hey lucylass, you do have nice puppies.

16-06-2006, 10:47 PM
;D Need a women first ;D

Until that day, the answer is F#*! NO.

Whether it be a little Punt, a skeeter, or a freaking Haines Hunter for the reef, no way shes getting behind it ;D

Theo 8-)

another single for the boat cleaning job in budgie smugglers

Budgie smugglers???? NUH Wrong bloke, but hey lucylass, you do have nice puppies.

thanks for that but we lost the one on the left in feb (lucy)

they were great mates

17-06-2006, 12:39 PM
someone has a lot of maturing to do...LOL

A very, very, unnessecary remark. Some-ones very, very wrong.

I cant see whats wrong with posting my personal opinion on this topic, but when someone comes along and tells me to grow up (for my age, i think im doing pretty well with my 'maturity'), what do you think im going to do mate? Crawl back in my 'shell'? Hell no. Go on, mate, try me. You'll then have some respect for me once ive shown what kind of guy i am... thats a promise.

So go ahead mate, im listening...

>:( A very livid TinarooTriumph >:(

reminds me when i was your age mate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

nah seriously,,, i'll back ya,, rather see you go one on one,,, ( i'll take the bets,, hold the kitty)

but if you do need me,,,, just call,,,, 24/7,,,,,,,,i'll be there,,,,,,,,

pm coming with odds and contract details :D :D :D :D

LOL choppa..and what odds am I at????

and tin..respect is earned...not given at the end of some form of verbal threat on here..and I stand by what I said...where you need to mature is by NOT putting the f word on a site viewed by women and kids..even if you have not spelt it out in its entirety it is obvious what you are saying...you need to show some repect to others...anyone that speaks like that in front of my wife sure as hell does not repeat it again. A lil tip for ya...try not using crude language and you may be surprised how welcome you may be in mixed company. And at 16 you are challenging me?? that just raised a chuckle..LOL.

17-06-2006, 12:49 PM
[quote author=lucylass link=1149938590/60#60 date=1150457751

oh and pinhead are u serious...................... how does a girl get a beer around here

does that mean you will wait on me (us)

Lucy..she does not drink beer..but if she wants a wine I gladly get it for her..I have no complaints..25 years married and still happy...we get on well..both have what we want and no major problems at all.

17-06-2006, 09:47 PM
There is no way I would take the boat out on my own! For a start I don't have my licence & I have no idea how to reverse a trailer! And I don't really want to learn! I am quite happy that hubby does all the hard work! I do know how to start the boat & motor away from the boat ramp while hubby parks the car. And to motor up to the trailer. And there is no way he would let me take the boat out on my own, unless I learnt all that stuff & he was happy to trust me! But, why would I be going out fishing without him? He would have to be on deaths door!

18-06-2006, 04:56 AM
thanks for that but we lost the one on the left in feb (lucy)

they were great mates[/quote]

Oh no, not the bluey. I've got a real soft spot for for cattle dogs, I've had & lost 3.
So sorry to hear it.


18-06-2006, 02:11 PM
Not a chance no no no ,she wouldnt want to in the first place ,I'm flat out getting her in the thing at any time ,the youngest daughter is a different story though I cant keep her out of it which is great for me cause I always got an excuse to go out for a fish. ;D ;D ;D

18-06-2006, 04:42 PM
But, why would I be going out fishing without him? He would have to be on deaths door!

Well if i'm on holidays and he's working that's the only time i go out without him... otherwise yes he would have to be on deaths door not to come!

18-06-2006, 06:06 PM
If she was licensed and had the desire to it would not be problem except for the tow vehicle is my work truck (used everyday) so if she thinks shes going out fishing and leaving me at home shes got another thing coming ;) ;D ;D
cheers jon