View Full Version : Yet another new member

03-07-2006, 10:30 PM
Gday fellow fisho fanatics.......
I have only joined today, but I am totally addicted to the site and the great forums you guys post.
I read with interest and much delight and jealousy of some of your exploits.
I am new to the SEQ fishing scene and have only been a few times to Moreton Bay areas and several times down the Coast.
Explored Yamba on the last long weekend with much disappointment due to incredible high winds and lack of water at low tide but it was fun.
Most (all) of my experience has been up in FNQ chasing the Barras etc and I dont think I ever actually bought bait to fish while in FNQ since I have come home to SEQ I am learning to fish a lot lighter down here.
I am a bit gunshy about "going out" thru the bars as yet, a bit scared maybe :-[ so I have been held up in the estuaries.
Funnily enough my biggest problem is usually finding a fishin buddie as most of my mates are mad golfers and not into fishing,
( i know , I have tried to tell em).
Anyways, enough of my gibbering, look forward to reading your posts and I hope I can add some of mine one day soon.
Who knows, we may even catch up on the water one day, I am always interested so if ya want , let me know and I will make the effort, by that I mean I will ask the wife,
Good Luck, Tite Lines,

03-07-2006, 10:34 PM
Welcome to your new addiction while your not on the water Murks.
I am sure you will learn heaps on this great site, like i have in my short time here.
Look forward to you posts and input.


03-07-2006, 11:00 PM
G'day Murks. Like Craig, I am relatively new to the site but have been an avid reader for some time. I've also started fishing the Bay more now I have bought the new boat - previously fished out of Noosa a lot about 9 years ago. Good luck with exploring the Bay and getting outside. Looking forward to your reports and pics.

04-07-2006, 06:03 AM
Welcome to the site Murks, I Know you will enjoy it as much as I do !


04-07-2006, 08:52 AM
Welcome aboard Murks, check the going fishing section too, always people looking for deckys there, good way to get some offshore experience also you could look at doing a bar crossing course with someone like Bill Corten. If you look at the boating chat you will see a report from some Ausfishers who have recently been out and raved about it. Look forward to seeing some reports from you.

Cheers and beers

04-07-2006, 09:04 AM
Welcome to the forums guys, plenty of options around the bay, plenty of reading to do on this forum too.
Good luck and happy fushin!
Murks, no reason why you should start buying bait, there's plenty to be gathered in any estuary or out in the bay. I for one don't use bait at all anymore, but that's a personal choice, I just prefer the quick up take and hard hits of lure fishing.

04-07-2006, 03:55 PM
ive been going to yamba for the last 8 years every christmas i go down im even going down this year . yamba is a great place for the family holiday and for a place to stay i recommend the blue dolphin holiday resort it is right on the river about the fishing its is normally good but you have to pick your days down there just last yera my dad went out
one arvo out to the middle wall and he brought back a 75cm flathead and for the bait he was using a pillie . If your the jew fisherman i suggest the oyster channel bridge my mate always get jew there at night time if u want any more spots around yamba give us a yell . studentfisher

04-07-2006, 04:24 PM
Cheers Student,
I did have a great time. dont get me wrong but I hope the missus doesnt read this ;D, if I was there with my mate then we would have fished anywhere but when the wife is with you well ya gotta make her comfy ;), I'll leave it at that.
But yes , will definitely contact you if and when I go again.

04-07-2006, 06:00 PM
Hi and welcome to Ausfish Murks. ;D

I have not long joined and it's a wonderful site.

Peter :)

08-07-2006, 05:27 AM
G'day Murks and welcome to ausfish.

It is great to see all the new faces poping up on this site.


08-07-2006, 08:39 AM
Welcome Murks,

I remember years ago, going down to Iluka, which you know, is the opposite side to Yamba on the Clarence. The lesson I learned is no matter how far from home you travel to renowned fishing "havens" you will never surpass having "local" knowledge. All the old salties at Iluka coming out to fish the rock wall at precisely the right time of the tide, with me having stood there most of the day and hardly raised a scale. Whatever these guys were fishing for, and whatever the bait they were using were obviously the right choices, judging from the many curves they had in their rods. Same happens to my brother in law who regularly goes to FNQ. He catches a heap more when he pays a guide.

Ausfish is such a fantastic site because a heap of the "Local" guys and gals are openly sharing their knowledge with each other. Since putting my Ausfish sticker on my boat, I have been looking for other boats with the Ausfish sticker, but I have not seen that many. Maybe not too many of the fishing population are members? (or Ausfish members are not getting stickers ;D)but at the rate of new members that are joining, maybe that will change soon ::) I hope that will equate to a common ethos of preserving our fishing stocks and being sensible about the good, local knowledge that we are sharing.

Sorry for the blurb, I just felt like expressing some thoughts in view of how many new members are joining.

Welcome to the site!!


08-07-2006, 11:10 AM
Welcome mate

08-07-2006, 03:27 PM
Good to see you've joined mate.

"MURKS" :- how did you get a name like that? :-? Funny bloody name.

No, not funny, very strange in fact. There's got to be a story behind something like that. Care to elaborate?? :-[

Take no notice of me. I'm just a G O M.


08-07-2006, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys....
Scalem. I appreciate your comments and I guarantee I will be getting the Ausfish symbols for my boat, I hope a lot of others do the same. After all what a cheap way to advertise that you are a keen fisho and WANT to make friends on the water.
I rekon that an even better option would be to display your Ausfish name under the Ausfish logo, that way people may be able to indentify with you easier....
The Old Legend,
I guess the name has a lot to do with the fact that my last name is Murkins
Now dont go confusing it with a "Merkin" I have heard all the jokes before ;D and anything new about a pubic wig will I would expect be old hat, just joking....thanks for the post and all the best...

09-07-2006, 05:48 AM
Yes welcome murks.

Nice looking rig you have there by the way.


09-07-2006, 02:15 PM
Welcome aboard,

Why the move from FNQ? Mate I am about to do the same thing, moving from Cairns back to Brissie after 5 years up here. Loved every minute of it, time to start to learning new fishing tricks as I am guessing most of the fishing is different in the Bay compared to the Reef and estuaries up here.

Heaps of info the guys here are fantastic, the first point of call for any fishing related info.


09-07-2006, 06:54 PM
welcome to the site

12-07-2006, 02:44 PM
moved back for work ..u will notice a fairly major difference dwon here as opposed to the FNQ scene, not so much deep water but certainly in the esturaries...we all just keep learning
Thnx kingcobe


12-07-2006, 03:04 PM
Good on you Murks, welcome mate !

Are you based in Brissy ? I recently gave up on a partnership with a mate on a tinny and am now boatless, so iif you need a decky ....... :D

12-07-2006, 03:45 PM
Yes brissy area mate....Loganholme to be precise....
WHAT DO YA KNOW ABOUT THE BAY AREA AROUND PEEL ETC.....I just may need a deckie with some knowledge ;D
Send me an email or post and we may be able to work something out