View Full Version : Have you ever been hooked
18-07-2006, 06:13 AM
My son in law and i went down to jacobs well cast netting a few years ago
got a few banana prawns then decided to do a bit of fishing.After not catching anything my son in law decided to try a lure.He cast out and said where did it go i felt a mosquito bite then he wound line in giving it another jerk then i screamed.he was laughting like shit when he found a double set of jag hooks enbedded in back on my neck.we headed back to coast guard asked where was a doctor.He replied what was wrong then i showed him and replied he did a good job and escorted me to a local doctor.the doctor soon numbed my neck and replied he has never taken so many hooks out of 1 person
cheers pete
18-07-2006, 06:46 AM
What you mean like this ;D no never have :'(
18-07-2006, 06:51 AM
I was wading the shallows in the Kolan River north of Bundaberg and had been using a halco lure with three big trebles on it. Foolishly, when I switched lures, I just dropped it into my fishing bag thinking the sides of the bag would protect me. As I was wading, a hook from one of the trebles went through the bag, and my pants and into me. I couldn't pull it out and had to cut the barb of the lure to get the bag free. It was about a 30 minute drive to Bundy hospital, about an hour waiting to see someone, then an Xray because I'd cut it off and the doc said he didn't know which way the barb was pointing, then finally some local pain killer and he yanked it out. You do fee like a dill sitting in the public hospital with a hook in your leg.
18-07-2006, 06:52 AM
Nice work griz
as for me not yet and trying to keep it that way
18-07-2006, 08:03 AM
It has not happens to me like that not yet. :P :-?
Does anyone have a better idea of how to remove the best way when someone stays
at a island overnite with no contacts, etc????
Hobbywhiting ;)
18-07-2006, 08:05 AM
not me personally but I was with a mate jigging Kingfish and he had one in the boat on the end of a fast taper rod with the full weight of the fish loading it up, he was sliding his hand (sort of wrapped around the line), down towards the fish to grab the jig to remove it, the jig came out of the fish and shot up and he got the extra large trebles fully shot onto his thumb and finger area (kind of imagine making an "O" with them) and the trebles right into the hilt, barbs and all, of course we were about 35 mins from any ramp. Geees I bet the hurt, kinda funny now though.
18-07-2006, 08:31 AM
Been using the butterfly method of jigging Kingfish lately,it works better due to the fish not being able to use the weight of the 10oz jig to throw the hooks. However trying to get the fish off without damage to it and you usually ends up in you getting hooked by the second hook.Its been so bad we have resorted to useing only 1 hook.
18-07-2006, 08:36 AM
LOL, my oldman has had more than I would ever want to have!!
First one was a keeper hook right in his thumb, after he was untangling some lines and a big spaniard swam up and wholloped a bait still in the water. When it took off, it pulled the lines tight & bam! keeper right in thumb.
Next one was a bait jig in his leg. Pushed through & cut barb off.
Next was a 8/0 hook, from a 10kg kingie, with the kingy still attached!! Hook was able to be removed same way it come in luckly.
Next was a another bait jig, in his finger. Pushed hook through & cut barb off so it could be removed.
My only incident happened at home, when removing a big bibbed lure from the live well. Treble hooked onto the side as I was pulling it out & ended up with a treble in the palm of my hand. Had to push the barb through, its amazing how tough the human skin really is.
More time then I can remeber ;D ( no only 6 time) most involved barra or saratoga, this photo was my latest and even tho I had crushed the barbs it still had to be removed by the loop of line method.
Cheers Ian
Another shot, it is in the top of my knee :)
18-07-2006, 10:03 AM
just shows you how tough fisherman are ;D ;D pull it out and keep on fishing ;D
18-07-2006, 10:11 AM
i too have been hooked more times than i care to remember. worst ones are when the fish is still attatched. i have always found the loop of heavy mono in the hook gape and plenty of downward pressure on the shank to be the best method of removal. however i have had two trips to the hospital to get difficult ones out. worst story i have ever heard was in a fishing rag. was about a guy with a bit of a popper fetish. so his mates (figuring he would use anything as a popper) fasioned a lure out of a stick and attatched two trebles and presented to him as a gift at a BBQ. the host of the bbq had a dog with a thing for fetching sticks. the said dog promptly tried to tear the stick from it's new owner catching a treble in the mouth whilst embeding the other treble in his palm......makes your eyes water
18-07-2006, 12:53 PM
yes twice. The first time was when I just a young 'un 'bout 10 yrs old. I was cycling over to a freinds place and wanted to show him a lure I have carved up out of timber. I had hung it on one of the wires along the frame of the bike for safe storage [smiley=stupid.gif] and the treble got me in the calf muscle. Trip to doctur ensued.
Second time was earlier this year in similar circumstances to Heath. Was pulling a lure out of the bottom of my console and it hooked on the steering cable on the way out and went thru my finger. Tried the loop method but there was too much pressure due to the bone/muscle/skin etc. Ended up asking my deckie to cut it out for me with a relatively blunt knife. Worked OK :o, and continued fishing ;D
Ounce recently on a charter fly fishing, and the guide smacked me in the face and I had a couple of buzzers stuck in neck and back. :'( And another time i was not watching what I was doing while fishing for tailor and got a set of ganged hooksin my leg. :'( :'(
I always crush the barbs on my hooks, especially with trebles, mainly thats so they are easier to get out of fish!!
maybe I should find a source and import barbless hooks, reckon I'd do a good trade with some of you blokes ;D
Yeah several times. One memorable hook up was at home , after cleaning the boat , I set the drags tight and placed all the rods in an old shopping trolley with the tips of the rods pointing skywards. This was always a great way to lightly rinse off the gear. While I was putting the boat to bed up the back, I heard the phone ringing. I decided to sprint for it ! Down across the lawn, past the skateboard ramp, through the basket ball court and past the shopping trolley WHAMMO !!!!!! A laser lure , a 35 , a white one , planted firmly to the back of my neck. Well , let me say this....that TSS4 didn`t scream its head off like it had that morning . Well, home alone ! Couldnt reach the drag, nothing sharp around , so I held on to the tip and dragged the rod inside to the kitchen , cut the line , headed for the bathroom for a squiz ......... I needed surgery ! So off to hospital to retrieve my lure. The moral to this story ... when finished with your gear ALWAYS release the drag. CHEERS TO ALL JIMMY BOY
18-07-2006, 03:05 PM
The best rather worst incident Ive seen was when my Dad was putting his surf rods in the van we had through the back door and out the front passenger window. The year was 1987 and we were on holidays in Harrington, NSW. The problem was my mum had put my little brother in his car seat and dad was moving the rigged rods straight over Lukes head. My little brother ended up with a long shank Carlyle hook through the soft spot in his head. Still makes me a bit queasy just remembering it. They went up to the Taree hospital and mum still to this day remembers the nurses giving dad death stares. She gave him more than death stares when we got back to Grandmas house, even Grandma ripped him a new one.
Ahh childhood memories. ;D ;D ;D
18-07-2006, 03:30 PM
I think sooner or later we all catch ourselves :-[, the first time I did it I was about 11 y.o. and had riden my bike to the hunter river in Newcastle (when they were still building the Stockton bridge). All I had was a hand line swing swing swing around the head and let go and hope that it lands somewhere the water, prob with this cast the hook found my finger first so with the momentem of the sinker I had it buried the hook through mu finger with the bend of the hook going under the bone :'( :'( so I ran to the construction site and the only bloke there just happend to be the first aid officer after a bit of effort he gave up and I had to ride my bike the 15 km back to the local hospital in pain, but all the time thinking how much trouble I was in when I got home and told mum and dad.
18-07-2006, 03:40 PM
yeah got a 9\0 that was rigged on a rod on the floor
in my big toe as i bent down to wash my hands in the water.
pushed the barb out and cut and removed. no more rods
on the floor ;D ;D
18-07-2006, 03:48 PM
Holy crap Griz , that is ugly..
last time I got hooked i didn't think..mmmm great photo I said...get the bloody thing out...NOW!!!
I hope I dont get to many photo opps in the future...
No photos but in the 1999 flathead clasic a boke was having a leak over the side of the boat when his mate!!?? somehow managed to hook him in the old fella, Dave Green was fishing nearby and had the pleasure/displeasure of removing it.
Cheers Ian
PS they won the award for the most unusal capture. ;D ;D
18-07-2006, 04:09 PM
You can't top being hooked in the slug. Good old greeny to the rescue again. I've had the pleasure of hooking myself five times. The first one was to the docs as I didn't know what to do but after seeing that butcher in action I realised I could do a better job myself. Most have been pulled out the other side and the barb cut off but one particular 5/0 holds in the memory bank. A heavy piece of mono made short work of it though.The latest one I wore was a rusty hook. Might have to get that tetnis shot soon.
18-07-2006, 04:57 PM
No photos but in the 1999 flathead clasic a boke was having a leak over the side of the boat when his mate!!?? somehow managed to hook him in the old fella, Dave Green was fishing nearby and had the pleasure/displeasure of removing it.
Cheers Ian
PS they won the award for the most unusal capture. ;D ;D
Makes you flinch just thinking about, "Would sir like a prince albert installed?" "No, I think I'd like to go with a nice Chrome Raider thanks" Ouch!!!! :'(
18-07-2006, 05:11 PM
Yeah copped 4 stiches in the finger after catching a yellow belly on the edwards river near deniliquin. The barsted jumped while i was removing the lure and as i pulled back in she went barb and all. the next week i was back at deni hospital for 3 more stitches after cutting my finger cleaning another yella. OHHH well
18-07-2006, 05:14 PM
a bloke told me to wrap line around it and pull in the direction away from the way in does this work with the barb under the skin
18-07-2006, 05:22 PM
Sure does mate. Thats the only way I was getting that 5/0 circle hook out. I was doubtful but by following the directions in a first aid book it popped straight out. Not even any pain or blood. Wouldn't be keen on cuttin in out and getting stitches
18-07-2006, 05:55 PM
Oh yes:
1: Barra fishing - I still don't know how my mate did it but managed to cast into the grass-bank and when he flicked to get it off the grass the lure flew back to pin me in the ear but his line was stll under some heavy weeds/grass along the edge so he thought he had a fish. Finally realised something was wrong when I rounded on him with murderous intent...
2: Barra spat a popper from ~10m to pin me in the other ear. Good money-saver if you're intending to pierce your ears.
3: In the webbing of my right hand when a 4ft 'cuda did the ol' head-shakes and pinned 2 points of a treble to the hilt - that hurt and my poor old neighbour copped a sray. The flippin' 'cuda wouldn't understand would it?
4: In the belly when I had forgotten the pliers so had to hold a jack to my gut to pacify it so that I could remove the hooks - didn't work tho' did it.
5: Jig hooks come out easy so they don't count.
6: Last night. I hang all my lures after rinsing in fresh water above the washbasin on a thin rail. Somehow a finger got too close to a 15" inch bomber - landed up with tyne through a finger.
I have a bottom-line tradition: pinned flesh does not end to a fishing trip. So far so good and I must say that the hook is definitely easier to cut/pull through when the barb is exposed although I have not tested the mono retrieval method. I usually try to remove the hooks while the shock is still in and before the pain kicks in.
I'm really not that brave but no sodding setback is gonna stop me from a fishing trip when I've fought/earned brownies for it.
18-07-2006, 06:13 PM
my mate He He ;D
18-07-2006, 06:16 PM
my mate
No photos but in the 1999 flathead clasic a boke was having a leak over the side of the boat when his mate!!?? somehow managed to hook him in the old fella, Dave Green was fishing nearby and had the pleasure/displeasure of removing it.
Cheers Ian
PS they won the award for the most unusal capture.
That was obviously a catch and release. He had to throw it back because it was undersize. ;D
18-07-2006, 08:04 PM
Been fishing for 25 years and only had a few pricks in the fingers, but seen and had to deal with some crackers! This was the best of them...
A mate and I had been trolling a few lures, one of which was a CD18. We decided to anchor, so we quickly bought the lines in. He pulled his lure of and left it on the front deck, and as we were arriving at our destination got the anchor line ready.
Unknowingly he got the treble of the CD18 stuck in the rope and threw the anchor overboard holding the rope lightly as it slipped through his hand and into the ocean. After a few minutes my mate screamed as the lure reached his hand and embedded two fair size trebbles in the base
The anchor came to a halt causing the hooks to dig in deeper and had to be suspended before removing the lure from the rope. We then realised it was day over anyhow cause those hooks just aren't meant to come out.
It was a slow trip back across the bay and off the the RBH.
He always puts his lures away now!
Never been hooked myself but i did hook my mate 3 times in one day casting lures at borumba dam :o
Once in the chest and two just piercing his head through his hat :'(
All were minor but would have been much worse if not for his shirt and hat ;)
I can cast a lot better now - I think that trip made me perfect the art of overhead lure casting :)
18-07-2006, 08:34 PM
No photos but in the 1999 flathead clasic a boke was having a leak over the side of the boat when his mate!!?? somehow managed to hook him in the old fella, Dave Green was fishing nearby and had the pleasure/displeasure of removing it.
Cheers Ian
PS they won the award for the most unusal capture.
That was obviously a catch and release. He had to throw it back because it was undersize. ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I havn't been hooked before, not badly as some of the pic's you guys have posted. But, i had the 'luxury' of witnessing a extremely bad hook up (worse then all the ones that have been posted so far) at the 2004 Tinaroo Barra Bash. Early Saturday morning, about 2am, Kauri Creek... we were trying to get some sleep before heading out when we heard the noise of our camping neighbours in all four of their boats pull up after a night session. I heard one of the guys cursing like mad... I couldn't help but laugh - thinking that he had lost a big fish or something ;D .
Anyway he kept on cursing for a few minutes in pure darkness much to our amusement. He was the only guy out of the 7 or 8 of his mates talking... until we heard one of his mates say... 'Stay very very still', followed by a huge scream of agony. Suddenly we all sat up in our sleeping bags on the back of the ute's and went 'wtf is going on'. Seconds later, another almighty shreak followed by a large amount of cursing ;D . So Im out of the sleeping bag and walking over to where they are... 'What the f### is going on lads! Im trying to sleep!' I screamed... then they shon the torch on me and said 'Check this out'... and shone the torch one of one of the lads hands. Here was this great big shank hooked through his Index finger. Youch I thought! The hook itself was honestly pretty much right through the middle of his index finger about knuckle height. He was really panicking by now... and his mates weren't helping either... asking him to stay still so they could (get this) 'Rip it out'. I advised them that theres only one way that hook got in their lads, and theres only one way its gonna come out, and its the way it went in! So we peformed our own little surgery on the back of my mates ute and eventually it came out, much to his releif. His mates then did their little first aid crap to it and off to bed it was for all of us. 30 mins i could of done without, but was an experience nether the less!.
Mustad hook by the way ;D ... so they said. They arnt lieing when they say they are 'Ultra' sharp eh?
TT 8-)
18-07-2006, 08:34 PM
I've had a few in me.My best was releasing a Flathead,I had a lower jaw grip and he went nuts,Putting the rear treble of the lure in my right thumb,Then he decided that wasn't enough and put front one in my left index finger and proceded to be ill tempered.Luckily another bloke was wading only 30 meters away and after the fish was removed,Three attempts were implied on me with rusty old pliers,What about the other one?He says.I'll be right mate,And removed it my self via the loop of line method.It's definantly harder to get one out of yourself as you know exactly when it's coming.You can't do the good old on three.One,Two,Yank,Three. ;D
Worst I've seen was at Monduran,My mate copped a 6X in the thumb that was burried deep with a little Barra of about 3kg attached,He released the fish,Removed the treble from the split ring and kept casting for three more fish before returning for some hook removing fun.On three,One,Two yank.It came up solid ripping his hand across the table,Think it caught the thumb knuckle bone.A few beers later,We decided a hospital trip would take up to many casts and it was time for attempt two.This time he held his hand on the table with his entire body weight.I gave him somthing to bite down on and made him look the other way.On three,One,Rip,The treble went across the lounge room like a bullet and bounced off two walls.You should have seen the teeth marks in the spatula,Looked like a mongrel dog had been chewin on it. ;D
These are the type of moments that make ya friends ya mates.I've pulled quite a few hooks out of him,And he has complete faith in me,Except for which number it's gonna go on. ;D ;D ;D
I think it's a skill every fisherman should know,As accidents do,And always will,Happen.
Regards hardb8 ;)
18-07-2006, 08:41 PM
That's classic.You've made my day with your post,Can't stop laughing ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DIs he still your mate?
Cheers hardb8 ;D
18-07-2006, 09:04 PM
YYYeeeeooooowwwwwwww :o :o :o
18-07-2006, 09:08 PM
Been lucky so far, nothing like the photos posted :D
OUCH !!!!! griz066 brought tears to my eye's :'( In this case a picture is worth a thousand words. That hook should be registered as a gaff ;D ;D LOL
Some other proud battle scars, or badges of honour.
Well done lad's keep them comming, I love the pain ;D
Peter ;)
18-07-2006, 10:13 PM
Classic ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Your mate????
3 Times :'( :'( :'(
He is a legend ;)
Top stuff
18-07-2006, 10:13 PM
Never had any past the barbs yet but seen a guy at a comp weigh in at Gladstone once with a 7 o through his nose and another bloke at Roonies on fraser is with a large hook through his lip, seems he was wetting a knot in his mouth just as someone moved in the boat and put him off balance, anyway he cut the line and left the hook in his lip and stuck the shank down with a bandaid and continued to fish not wanting to spoil the trip for his mates by coming home early.
19-07-2006, 12:54 AM
anyway he cut the line and left the hook in his lip and stuck the shank down with a bandaid and continued to fish not wanting to spoil the trip for his mates by coming home early.
top bloke..!!!
never really hooked myself too badly...
had to remove a hook from this mutt's tongue that decided it like the bait on one of our hooks at nudgee beach.. it took some wrestling and i got chomped a few times, but finally got it out.... my dog made a break for it in all the comotion and was located down the beach going at it like a madman with a female dog he located...
19-07-2006, 11:01 AM
Some great yarns there fellas however one of the best happened about 40 years ago Was fishing with my fiance at the time and her family .The old boy was a very experienced boaty and fisho and gave his 3 daughters a quick lesson on casting. All was well until the eldest one cast . thru the rod back to cast ,didnt see or feel the line swing under her arm and hook onto her bikini top . ::)(nice set by the way )she gave a godalmighty lunge to cast the line and set the hook firmly into the righty. :'(with that she launched into a screaming session while mum and dad are attempting to remove said hook and ease the pain .
A few years later same girl jammed her lefty in a drawer (you guessed it she is a natural blonde)
I still shudder when I recall the event
cheers Terry ;D ;D
19-07-2006, 06:44 PM
I finally got myself about 4-5 months ago. We were in the middle of a great session spinning for tuna and tailor. I'd just pulled in a mid 50's tailor on a surface popper and was taking the trebles out. the middle treble was hooked in his mouth and the rear was under his gills. i unhooked the rear treble and it went berserk snaring me in my little finger. It flapped around for what seemed an eternity before i managed to restrain it with my other hand. It managed to get the barb in and back out again. everyone else was half way through fighting 3-4kg tuna so i weighted patiently for someone to land one so they could take the hook out. when the hook came out it was like taking the plug out of a sink. i never thought so much blood could come out of such a little hole. (i took extra pleasure in breaking that tailors neck when i put it in the kill bin)
19-07-2006, 07:05 PM
Ya mob of woosies - thats why you have a bait knife - if its only in a little bit just cut the mongrel out, done it more than once. If it is right through, cut off the barb or eye and thread it through (whichever end is easiest).
Cripes your kids are probably paying someone good money to do this sort of piercing for them on a daily basis!
19-07-2006, 07:42 PM
WoW some nasty wounds there! I only have two serious one,s and a
dozen or so little one,s. The first one was done by a mate by accident.
Spinning for strippies off the rocks, and I had my back turned to him, and he when for a cast , and hooked me under the nose with a 20 gram bluebait
I spun around and he pulled it again with out looking and it tore from
under my left nostrol down to my bottom lip, the scar is still very clear to see today, and no way was someone is going to cut it out with knife.
off to the doc,s I when. every bump in the car was a nightmare.
If you ask for the other one, I think I will keep it to my self. its a little
signed tunaman :(
19-07-2006, 09:37 PM
Talk about embarrasing!!!! :-[ :-[ :-[
I was fishing at Redrock nth of Coffs with my new bride and my parents.
You know how it is lookin' pretty cool and a true hard arsed fisho, showing off to the new Mrs.
I had a very large fear of wasps and still do abit and along the bank were a heap of those big red bastards nesting. they were buzzing around us and I was trying not to look $hit-scared, I crouched down to bait my hook and felt something land on my back and I panicked and stood up and as I did I felt a sting so I took off waving my arms and finally ripping my favorite T-shirt to shreds to get it and the wasp off my back. All the time my girl was screaming at me but I couldn't care less. When I finally stopped running I realised why she was screaming as my ripped t-shirt was on the end of her line, apparently she had been waiting for me to bait her hook and it swung into my back................ thank god she didn't set the hook.......................I felt like a total goose and couldn't think of a decent excuse either, had to admit my phobia........ :-[ :-[ :-[......BILLY
20-07-2006, 08:57 AM
I always test the sharpness of my hooks by running my thumb over the point, but here's a hint never to do it while the line is still connected to your rig, with any sort of tension on the rod blank ::)
My deckie who helped me land the cobia on my Avitar, then fought nearly 2 hours to pull his fish in ( double hook up), did so with a bait jig embedded in the back of his hand. In all the confusion of my cobia hitting the deck, there was gear flying around all over the place as we were trying to deploy the fish's last rights with the priest, without putting a hole in the bottom of my boat ;D
Apparently this is when Al's bait jig wrapped itself around his hand. He just bit the line off and continued the fight. My fish snapped one of his rods in two as he came into the boat. It was Pandamonium!! ;D ;D
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