View Full Version : How many of you guys belong to the Zipper club?
29-07-2006, 05:19 AM
Ok so I just had a double Bi pass opperation
So what you may say well I went in to Prince Charles Hospital on 11 07 06 To see the doct after some chat he admitted me , the 12 07 06 Angaram was done 13 07 06 the Bi pass was done 20 07 06 I came home and doing fine
(The worst pain I have had is the rotten Arthrits in my hand)
But I am on the mend now and hope to be back fishing as soon as able probly another six weeks or so
So please leave me some fish Guys.
29-07-2006, 06:10 AM
get well soon Cab
29-07-2006, 06:34 AM
Hi Cab. Welcome to the club, unfortunately it is a growing one. I had a single a few years ago. I had a 95% blockage of the left anterior decending artery. They staff at Charlies are among the best around, they look after you just fine as long as you listen to them. Do what the doc tells you. Do your excercises and breathing exercises.
If you havent got it yet get a letter from your gp so you dont have to wear your seatbelt for 6 weeks. That was the most pain i had after my surgery. Even having a pillow on my chest with the belt over it was very painful.
I hope you are feeling a lot better soon.
Kel [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
29-07-2006, 07:31 AM
;) ;)G'Day Cabfisher, No exactly what u are talking about had the heart attack in 1999 had the zipper installed in 2000 and have been going strong ever since had a Quadruple Bypass and also discovered I was Type 2 diabetic, Apart from that Im ok, Have to agree about The Prince Charles Staff 2nd to none, I wouldn,t wish the 2 days after the op on anyone though, just a tad touchy, anyhow if u wake up ever morning that has to be a bonus, It took about 6 weeks before I was allowed to get back into the fishing, Cheers and keep well and welcome to the club Whitto :D :D
29-07-2006, 08:48 AM
G'day Cab
Mate I am not a member of the club, but I wish you all the best and a very speedy recovery!! I will definately leave a few fish for ya!!
Get well soon buddy.....Tony and family [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
29-07-2006, 09:18 AM
Red wine! Ya gotta drink more red wine to clear the arteries! ;)
29-07-2006, 09:20 AM
G'day Cab, best wishes on your speedy recovery. Not a member of the zipper club yet, but had two "episodes" about 5 yrs ago. One dropped me to my knees in Chermside shopping centre and it's the worst pain that I have felt in my life. Dunno if the embarassment of having a crowd around me was more painful though ;D Luckily, my deckie works in Cardio Thoracic at the Prince Charles and she had me there within 5 minutes. A timely warning to me at the time to slow down a bit as there is a history of heart disease in my family.
Whitto and Got the Fever, you're right about the staff there. My deckie has worked in a few areas throughout her nursing career and she reckons that the cardio thoracic at TPCH is the finest and has the most knowledgeable and dedicated staff. They work wonders within the limitations of their funding. She's been there 11 yrs now and has no desire to "progress" as she reckons it's the first time in her life that she has encountered 'true professionalism and dedication', The odds are that you will have met her.
Glad to hear that you're all doing well and my deckie asks me to tell you that sometimes this sort of feedback is of very much worth, as, despite what the general perception is, ie That nurses remain "detatched" from their patients, they are only human and do care for, and often wonder how, ex-patients/clients are doing.
29-07-2006, 11:00 AM
Hi all of you and many thanks for your kind wishes .
I can only agree with what you have said about the
Prince Charlse Hospital and Staff Doctors and Nurses ect Tops
Now all I have to do is find a cure for the Arthrits in my hands and fingers
Once again thanks and cheers Harry
29-07-2006, 11:05 AM
Try omega 3 fish oil capsules or cod liver oil. It is very good for arthritis. That is about the only thing I dont have at the moment but it helps to have a wife who worked in a doctors office. She is a clever bugger.
Kel [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
you hollerd:)
hi harry hope you will be out and about fishing again soon just take it easy :)
got a few tips for arthritis and rheumatism if you are interested
its herbal based so will take a bit longer to take affect but no known sideaffect and better for the system
for lonagstanding aches and stiffnes , apply warming rubs and plaisters and take baths using herbs such as ginger, cayenne, black pepper, fennel and rosemary.Drink sage or fennel tea regularly.To calm inflamed joints,apply a cabbage poultice os sage compress.Juniper and salt bahts are always helpful.For aching feed,use mustard foot baths.
Cabbage poultice recipie
Lightly crush the leaves and blache in boiling water and wrap around around the aera. Leave for 2-4hours and renew as necessary.
sage and vinegar poultice
bruise fresh sage leaves (do not break or tear them)put the sage leaves in a pan just cover with vinegar.simmer gently over a very low heat.The vinegar should not boil but it should steam sdo that the leaves soften and blanch.
after 5 minutes, take out the leaves and lay them out on a quickly and carefully as the leaves are very hot.Fold the cloth into a package wich will just cover the area.
hope that might help a lil bit to ease your pain harry
esp if youdont want to take to many pills.
sorry hope this isnt to far off topic
anya :D
29-07-2006, 06:07 PM
I had the zipper installed 10 years ago when I was 28. Needed the operation as my Aorta sprung a leak. A new valve, and a few other bits and pieces upgraded and all has been good.
Good luck and take it easy, the pain of the operation takes a while to go away but you should feel like a million dollars after a month or so.
Regards Cameron.
29-07-2006, 06:36 PM
Hi Cab,
Yep i am a member of the club.
Around 2000 i had a couple of funny turns and went to the docs and found out that i had a severe murmer of my heart.
Went to my cordeologist for about 4 years and then he said its at a point where it has to be fixed.
December 2004 i was admitted to the P.A. Hospital in Brisbane where i had a mitral valve repair done.
I was very sick at the time as it was knocking me around and i would run out of puff at the drop of a hat.
The op didnt worry me one bit because i knew i would be better afterwards,
The op was done and i thought i had been hit by a truck but for the better.
3 Trips back to hospital as i had a couple of set backs that i didnt need.
I take this piont to praise my cardiologist Dr N. ESSACK, my sergeon Dr Chris SMITH, the wounderful nurses and everyone else at Ward 3c at the P.A. and also the crew of the Qld Gov Rescue Helicopter who took me back to hospital on the first return. Bit of a bugger when you are laid out on a strecher on the floor and do not get to see the view up there. Thanks fellas.
All is good now but, Cab, take it easy as i did to much before i was right and paid the price as i have only just now come good now.
There will be plenty of fish there when you are better.
You dont want to be doing anything for at least 3 months to let your chest heal up and then it takes 12 mths to heal properly.
Best of health.
Graeme ;)
29-07-2006, 07:53 PM
give me a pm if you have any questions i had triple bypass 10 weeks ago., and i wish there was someone i could have rang for advice . there is a lot of shit running around in your head at the moment and if you dont talk you will dwell on it. i cant stress it enough ring , me or someone to talk about anything. it can put you at ease , and you wont are at a very emotional stage at the moment , you might think, bull shit, but trust me . i have been through it . give us a pm , for a phone no. bob hubby
29-07-2006, 08:06 PM
i am going to get a zipper tab tattoed on the end of scar when it heals.
29-07-2006, 08:09 PM
Not in the club, thankfully & hope never to be, hopefully!!
You guys are an inspiration as this operation looks like a major not to mention the heart malfunctions on top...............BRAVO.............Billy
29-07-2006, 08:13 PM
i forgot to mention that i cannot speak highly enough of the staff and doctors, from prince charles hospital . so much compassion was shown by the nurses, and so much professionalism was shown by everybody. which helps to put you at ease during a very traumatic time. thanks goes to those guys. hubby
29-07-2006, 09:10 PM
All the best, and prays from the tuna family, your god will keep you
safe and well.
signed tunaman :)
29-07-2006, 09:18 PM
lovely words tunaman. hubby
am not a member of that club but my skiper and my dad are
just wanted to say
hubby i love your idea with the zipper taps
and im pretty sure the pain from the tattoo wont be as fierce as the pain from healing after the operation
im glad that my skipper is fine my dad wasnt as lucky since he wasnt in prince charles hospital but in a crappy german univerisity hospital
he had a massive stroke day after the op but noone noticed it of the docs and staff for 3 days >:(
and noone helped or explained the breathing exercise and all those lil tricks to him so for 6 months he was in massive pain and had to get morphin patches
and part of th scar opend up contraced golden staph and had a hole on the bottom of the scar that made it possible for us ti see the deeper layers of fat just above the outer lining of his diaphram
he is doing fairly ok but but is now wheelchair bound and his personality changed he had to retire early wich left my parents with not much money to enjoy the rest of their life
they planned to spend 6 month in australia and 6 month in germany once he retired
now it would be lifethreatening to board a plane
sorry for dribbeling on
i am happy that GOT had the care of professionals who take pride in their work
and same goes for all of you
best wishes
30-07-2006, 10:55 AM
G'Day Hubby, I know what u are saying about a lot of going on in your head, it happen to me when I was in Hospital about day 3, I thought I was going nuts the Staff at PCH are well aware of it, The ward Sister got right into me and told me It was normal to feel like that she told me to stop the crap and get on with it and I did, I was right the next day, very special people at PCH, U will be OK just give it a bit of time, keep well and get into the fishing as soon as u can, Cheers Whitto ;) ;)
30-07-2006, 11:54 AM
Not in the zipper club, but had heart attack 12 months ago, 2 angiograms, one angioplasty.
Cardio says i am due to be a zipper club member eventually, but maybe 5 to 10 years away.
Hope it never comes to that, but if it does, i am in their hands. Mine was all done at greenslopes private. Without the brilliant staff and facilities i would be worm fodder now. :)
Mike :)
30-07-2006, 03:41 PM
My uncle had a zipper put in about 20 years ago and he came up to Brisbane to recouperate.Since his wife stayed back in Sydney, we went out fishing and he couldn't wind in any of the larger fish so he gave me the rod each time he hooked one. It was one of the best days fishing for me, having someone baiting and hooking fish for me.
It also done his recouperating a world of good to get out. We still laugh about it today.
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