View Full Version : What gets you going?

02-08-2006, 03:39 PM
From sunday just gone, I think i've found a new hobby. It's a great way to pump that adrenalin through your body and get you going. Fishing for me does this, depending on the style of course. Trolling for palegics if one of the ways, or wrestling a kingie from the depths. Even chasing the bay snapper on the shallow reefs on light sp gear is great fun. But apart from that, I have found another way to get a rush. I went for my first skydive and did this solo. Although only at 3500feet, it's still a fair way up and what an awesome time. It's the funniest sensation climbing out of a cessna, a perfectly good one and using the wing strut as a monkey bar, hanging off of this at the horizontal a bit like superman at 90km/hr, 3500ft above the ground. I've always been facinated by flight and love to fly and a parachute is a pretty good way to experiace this. Question is, what gives other members their rush, apart from fishing if there is one? I have found mine, so whats yours?

02-08-2006, 03:48 PM
Jumping out of a perfectly good plane :o Are you nuts!
lol. Nice work!

02-08-2006, 03:49 PM

If she doesnt get ya going, then get ya self checked out. ;D ;D ;D ;D

02-08-2006, 03:54 PM
strong cup of coffee served in bed by hubby

uhmm thinking
not quite what blackened meant i reckon [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

02-08-2006, 04:14 PM
Really Really quick on motorbikes on track days of course ::)

02-08-2006, 04:21 PM
Haha nice, damn quick replies aswell. Yeh, had a friend over from switzerland and it was her idea.... no worries and now I am hooked. Love your reply puks... very good ;)

02-08-2006, 04:33 PM
Going to Dream World with the Kids. Getting on the terror rides and waving my arms in the air..........or down in the air, when I'm upside down ;D I get some funny looks from my age peers but what the hell!? ;D


WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher,smarter, faster and better looking than most people.

02-08-2006, 05:32 PM
I think a wobbly bar crossing is more than enough adrenalin rush for me, especially Ballina bar.
As for jumping out of a cessna, I have never flown & would only go up in one WEARING a parachute.


02-08-2006, 11:05 PM
Fast Boats, Fast Cars & fast Bikes ;D ;D ;D ;D

Peter ;)

02-08-2006, 11:18 PM
i like swimmin', with bow legged women!!!!!!!!11



03-08-2006, 09:50 AM
Fishing on our anniversary ;D ;D


03-08-2006, 10:44 AM
Doing twice the speed limit on my mighty Honda Motorbike !

Can't get out much to fish anymore, but a half hour buzz at lightning speed on the Honda soon puts a smile back on me face !! :D ;)

03-08-2006, 11:01 AM
Dirty what model have you got? I've got and 03 Blade 954.

03-08-2006, 11:24 AM
scuba diving, definately the best thing I have done!!! Can't get enough of it .. apart from the men in grey suits!!

Having fish come up and interact with you, sussing you out as though your another fish is a great experience and also having dolphins come in for a meet and greet was something I will never forget!!

03-08-2006, 11:35 AM
Carton of bundy and then a cooked muddie then some sweet loving off the missus ;D ;Dbut to top it off for a good weekend i need a fishing trip to 8-) Thats what gets me going

03-08-2006, 01:08 PM
i like swimmin', with bow legged women!!!!!!!!11



Hows the next line go, it just escapes me for the second? ::) :-X

03-08-2006, 02:52 PM
Fishin-Ads, an old CB1100


03-08-2006, 04:03 PM
when the missus says "if you want to go fishing you can".................goneski

04-08-2006, 12:42 AM
This one is easy to answer. What gets me going is taking puks out in the boat and seeing her face as she catches a different fish than she has in the past. Her smile could light up the world. It is that simple for me.

Kel [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

04-08-2006, 08:50 PM
A good online punch-up..................... not enough of 'em.............
BRING BACK THE BIFF........................ ;D ;D ;D ;D..............Billy

04-08-2006, 09:05 PM
Jumping into a cold pool makes me wet!!

05-08-2006, 08:11 AM
I started learning Bass guitar about 4 years ago, and I have been VERY dedicated to learning it- I hardly watched TV for the 1st 12 months, always practising. Late last year I was invited to play for a conference with hand picked musos I had never played with, their normal bass player was not available for that weekend. I didn't know what to expect, walking into this old hall on Mt Tambourine. The sound crew said - "this is where you plug in" and I looked up to see speakers and Bass bins taller than I could reach. I promptly put my little bass amp back in the car. The whole thing was awesome. There is something that playing with professional musicians really gets me going and I can't get enough of it. I am not professional by any means, but when you play with a group of talented musicians.... and they ask "how long have you been playing?" When I told them 3 yrs, their reaction put a smile on my dial. "they said You're kidding! 8-) 8-) :o :o


05-08-2006, 09:32 AM
In the mornings when my little man wakes up he pulls himself up on the side of his cot and calls out," 'ad, 'ad, 'ad!" When I walk in to his room to get him, his little face lights up with the biggest smile and then he starts giggling and trampolining on the mattress the best he can. That moment each morning gets me going for the day.

It also makes early morning fishing sessions a little harder to do, as I feel like I let him down not being there when he wakes up, but not impossible. ;)

05-08-2006, 09:59 AM
Shayned that is the best response I have seen yet. I couldnt think of a nicer way to start the morning than seeing that smile. I wish we had kids.


05-08-2006, 10:11 AM
If its fast its makes me smile the faster the better .
Doesnt matter whether its on land sea or in the air and that sort of smile and adrenaline rush is completely different to the sort of feelings some other people are talking about .
Unless some people call trying to earn brownie points with the other half a rush ;D .
Bundy 8-)

05-08-2006, 11:09 AM
Gotta tell you I firmly in the no kids camp, then suprise, cop this and now I wouldn't change a thing.

Bundy Bear,
If you mean being 30 odd k outside of Darwin with a full tank of fuel in your ZXR 750 and a wide open throttle wishing your helmet fitted better. Glancing down and watching cars disappearing out of your rear view mirrors really, really, really quickly, then yep thats a real heart starter that leaves a sh!t eating grin on your face for ages.

Try this one for size as well, jumping on jet skis at Mindel Beach and heading out across the shipping channel with a bunch of friends to Mandorah and playing at full noise amongst the channels and toothy floating speed bumps. Slaloming through individual trees sitting out in the water while chasing your speed addicted adrenalin junkie mates, doing things I didn't think I was capable of while trying not crash or fall off 'cause the speed bumps are very unforgiving. That got a healthy adrenalin glow on for ages and left me pumping but you're right it's a different thing all together. All things being equal and if I had to choose I'll take buzz from my little man's smile. :) :)

05-08-2006, 11:46 AM
Been there done most of that shayned also stepped of kawasaki ZX1200 at a race day a couple of years ago doin more than 160 Ks only had a few bruises and a smile thats still going strong been down the kids road to . there grown and doing there own thing now , They made me smile too many times to count them all .
But I think the difference between the two is one is an emotional feeling and the other is just pure adrenaline no comparison really .
I suppose it just shows that no two people are exactly the same .

Bundy 8-)

05-08-2006, 12:50 PM
And cheers to that my big white shaggy haired friend. Still, a bit of an adrenalin injection occasionally never hurts.

05-08-2006, 01:43 PM
Amen to that . ;)

Bundy 8-)