View Full Version : How many of you read the news page

07-08-2006, 09:26 AM
Hi all

Just checking to see how many of us fisho's read the news page in which i remind you all, a lot of the media, Closures and ideas that are heading our way will affect all of us not just some maybe not today, but into the near future and some not so near, but already here. Yes we maybe only Fisher-Persons and politics does not interests us but we have to start to take a stand or start to sell all our gear as we will not beable to use it soon or enjoy the smiles of our kids.

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

07-08-2006, 09:41 AM
I rarely go there, except I had a look at Moreton for Sale on saturday and that is some scary stuff, I also had a look at the link to the greenies web site and that scared me even more. It also got my blood boiling when I read the part where they state and now you can enjoy Moreton Bay from comfort of your office or living room or some such crap, they're using emotive shite to get support from people who don't get to the great outdoors and probably never will. Then they're using this support to stop me and one day my little bloke from getting out into these areas and interacting with and experiencing first hand this beautiful part of the world. Aaaaaagh! >:( >:( >:( >:( words fail me, maybe someone else could put this across in a better way, I can't I just want to type a lot of four lettered words and punch something.

07-08-2006, 10:28 AM
Never even been in there ;D ;D ;D ;Dabout the only thread i don't go in 8-)

07-08-2006, 11:00 AM
i go there everytime im on
i do read it and if i have something to say about a topic, i will

i think its great to have that section in here

regards anya

07-08-2006, 01:33 PM
Hi steve

nearly missed the poll at top of page, 70 views and only 25 votes.
Only takes a second to click (vote).
Hopefully it is just that people (nearly like me) have overlooked the poll,
rather than the dreaded apathy.

Sad to say that what you are now experiencing with moreton, is what
we have already sufferered with GBRMPA and associated Beattie
closures. Unfortunately you can lobby all you like, but just like in
the north it will be a waste of time.
Learn from our mistakes and make a stand. In the moreton bay area
you have vast numbers of fishos who could create major traffic jams
by targeting strategic locations, for instance a recent accident on the
gateway caused a traffic jam that effectively closed Brisbane airport.
Create a raw prawn award, targeting pollies, lobby groups, tourism
groups, media etc. Nominate winners via classifieds (weekly) to enable
fishos to personally deliver packets of raw prawns, Im sure you get
the idea.

cheers mick

07-08-2006, 02:44 PM
It is usually the first icon I open.


07-08-2006, 02:50 PM
i got an idea, tell me whats ya's think. important topics, such as the closure of moreton bay should be on top of the general chat page, then moved to the news section, when either the event/ topic has past its date. make sense?



07-08-2006, 03:17 PM
its always worth a browse

07-08-2006, 07:29 PM
interesting responses and lack of as well,,,

i'm active in news as much as elsewhere,,,and contribute what i think may have some relevance to all,,,

i've even had a few debates on issues in news,,,,,now thats not like me is it???????

07-08-2006, 07:41 PM
howdy choppa.

De Baits make the world go round, at least we stil have the right
to free speach mate.
Thought my ealier post might have stirred some interest, but its
hard to get a bite around here.

cheers Mick

07-08-2006, 09:52 PM
Yeah i go there ever time , i`m very interested in the proposed closures and resticted zones especially the great sandy straits, Strongy

07-08-2006, 09:57 PM
There is a news page?

07-08-2006, 10:04 PM
Hi all
comments made in the earlier post are pretty close to the mark but as for the news page i really think that we as fisho's should start to read as to what is going on around the different area's and maybe we can all help one another as we do when most of us are out fishing we never leave someone strandard but when it comes to fighting for our rights it seems to be some thing of a mystery as stated we still have freedom of speech for the time being but give it time.

The funny thing is that we are sending all our military over seas to get rid of the Bl***y dicktatiors madebe we should be bring them back here to get rid of some ;D ;D ;D

but on a serious note we all need to know as to what is going on and not sit on the hands or stick our heads in the sand this will not make it go away.

choppa as for you not saying much ;D 8-) ::) :P a good debate is always on the cards when your not dealing from the bottom

lippa good idea but this is up to Steve (Ausfish) considering this will affect all fisho's

madmix as for delivering of the rare prawn to Government bodies me think there are enough sitting there now problem is they are to rotten to use they need more sun and water with besser blocks and chain attached as for the idea of block traffic you only pi## off the people that we need supporting us more to the point take it straight to Beatties office and camp on door step no in no out enough boaties and fisho's will give the message ;D >:( 8-) ::) :P :'(

Shanyed yes soem of us have problems putting the anger in front of words but i think everyone knows and is felling the same anger make it count at the polls

I'll say it again Beattie Government and the Greenies have to go we vote we fish (1) but more to the point we also think :o >:( ::) :P

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

P.S see you on the water while we still can :'( :'( :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D 8-) 8-) 8-) ::) ::) ::)

08-08-2006, 12:05 PM
bump ;D 8-) ::)

08-08-2006, 12:18 PM
Jeez steve, I thought I was getting extreme with interupting traffic,
but bringing in the army!!!!!!!!!!whew.
Camping out on Beatties door step (has merit but probably catch cold)
no one in or out. (now you are getting the idea)

But as far as target is concerned, think outside the square.
Beatties office little impact, news worthy, (aboriginal embassy has
been camped out in ACT for 30yrs)

08-08-2006, 12:19 PM
According to the Courier the election is coming a bit earlier than thought nows the time to get serious if you ever are. I think Webby mentioned something about handing out info or doing petitions at boat ramps, get something organised and I'll find some time to help.

08-08-2006, 12:54 PM
Yep I do every time.

But seems not too many go there.
For Example: I recently put up a article in the news section about the Marlin spearing a fisho in the chest. Topic has only had about 40 odd views and no comments, whereas someone else stuck the same topic up in General chat a day later or so and it has had 360 odd views and 4 replies. IF this ratio is indicative, then only about 10% of members seem to frequent the news section.
Not that the marlin topic was particularly important, but if only the same small percentage are reading the important topics in the news section, it might be and indication that the old rec fisho apathy is still alive and well and and will continue to be one of our worst enemies regarding our fishing future.

Which is a pity, coz important news affecting our fishing future seems to be pretty damn hard to find on the rest of the net. I find the "heads up" givien by the likes of KC and co. with links to relevant info, and their take on that info, an excellent way of keeping in touch with what's happening. Particularly useful for me being an expat intending to return to aus later this year - online info being about the only chance I get to keep in touch with what's going on.


08-08-2006, 07:49 PM
Hi all
madmix was just a comment to get some voices going

as for webby idea, on going to all boat ramps this is what is needed.

also to target the Bait an Tackle stores Boating and marine shops they all need to get involved the reality of this is that most fisho's now days need to get some sort of politics and kept it in mind with all the closures happening arounds us or we will be like the Dinosaurs extinct.

i will also place my hand up to hand out fliers, but we need more people than just a few and we need them from all over the send the message home,
maybe should place a poll and see how many hands we get for handing out fliers and informing the fisho's of what is going on

so they know which way they are going instead of head down tail up and just placing a mark on the paper we also need to get this out to the public for all those that are once a year fisho's that only hit the water when they take the family for the B.B.Q

we need people and coverage for that to happen the rally was only to start to get the message out there media is some times the best way other than word of mouth but more ideas are is what is needed for the safety of people as well the truckies block roads and are quiet successful with there thoughts why because they banded as one unit

what is stopping the fisho's lack of organization and the right ideas to get the message out there
to the people.

More ideas needed please!!!!

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

08-08-2006, 08:22 PM
Yeah steve, I realize it was tounge in cheek,
just thought it would save you having to bump.

By the way, I will be in Brisvegas and available
to man the barricades on 26th, unfortunately it is
a Saturday. Is there any AFL footy in brissy then,
disrupt that and you are gauranteed national press.

cheers Mick

08-08-2006, 08:49 PM
I am only a sometimes when I remember

09-08-2006, 01:37 AM
Hi madmix
why would i want to disrupt areil Ballet ;D ::) ::) :P is that a game or something for the tiger sharks or panzy ball ;D ;D ;D but it would get some great national press but just wondering is that after the fight or before the flogging :'( ;D 8-) ::)

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

09-08-2006, 02:48 AM
the news section should be next to the general chat section - not the bottom backwater!

09-08-2006, 12:13 PM
Hi steve, your obviously a rugby man, or god forbid soccer.

Learn from the history of protest in australia, the greens and
animal libbers even hold classes/lectures on the how tos.

Dont think Beattie is going to let you protest anywhere
without a fight.

................................(reaction time)==========(depreciation)

09-08-2006, 10:09 PM
I read it.

I find it depressing, and lines up with similar stuff in the wider fishing press, shooting and off roading as well.

I am a bit cynical about government 'consultation' processes, so sometimes it is easier just to be a mushroom, and enjoy the moment.

11-08-2006, 02:23 AM
Hi madmix
don't mind Rugby league go the Tigers and the BLUES ;D >:( 8-) ::) :P but prefer god forbid soccer :P ::) 8-) ;D ;D >:( :o even though i have lived in Qld now for 20yrs just cannot change habits ::) ;D :P
more so prefer to be out fishing nowadays or reading the news in the sun.

Shanyed you are right the word has it that beattie Government will call and early election or so some of the people i talk to in the elective side of things we need a change

just hope the old saying come true

a change of life is as good as a holiday

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

11-08-2006, 09:31 PM
the news section should be next to the general chat section - not the bottom backwater!

The news section, like every other section, is only one mouse click away.

Just place your mouse over "Chat Board" in the top navigation menu and the drop down will appear, see attached pic. You then simply click on any board you wish to visit. This will save you going backwards and forwards through the chat boards and also saves scrolling on the main page.

11-08-2006, 10:27 PM
Closures are one thing, but I've been waiting for years now; for the RSPCA to come down on us, bleeting about hooking a fish in the lip and playing it for a period of time as toture or somthing.

Maybe I shouldn't say that too loud.


12-08-2006, 09:39 AM
It's the Graveyard of some really great posts that should be left in the original topic!