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10-08-2006, 12:54 AM
does smoking affect the way the fish smells the bait?

signed tunaman

10-08-2006, 01:53 AM
I suppose that might depend on what brand they smoke and what it has done to their nasal abilities.

10-08-2006, 02:13 AM
i never have a smoke until i have caught my first fish - yes i think tabacco on the fingers can taint the bait in certain situations - is that what you are asking?

10-08-2006, 02:13 AM
Give it up,,,,,,,,,,you'll feel better


10-08-2006, 02:38 AM
I'm with you Angla.

Filthy expensive habit.


10-08-2006, 05:04 AM
no way,been many a time I've sat next to a non smoker and out fished him all day

10-08-2006, 06:06 AM
You blokes that smoke and fish must have too much money !


10-08-2006, 06:44 AM
no difference 8-)

10-08-2006, 07:06 AM
Nah, that's the least concern with smoking and fishing, burning the line or setting fire to the boat is more likely.

Depends what you're smoking, one type of smoking works as an anti-nauseate if you're sea sick, you could call it medicinal smoking. :)

10-08-2006, 07:39 AM
;D ;D Pinhead ;D ;D - didnt anyone else like that humour?

My Grandfather always smoked Port Royal tobacco ... and always outfished us.



10-08-2006, 07:49 AM
I'm with Pinhead.


10-08-2006, 08:05 AM
it MAY have a desired effect, take for instance types of scent 'in a bottle" we pay for to help attract fish so, it may help not hinder, I don't know though, just a thought. by the way I do not smoke so I am not defending it in any way.

10-08-2006, 09:10 AM
My query is what do you guys do with your smoke butts either when driving or fishing? How many flick em into the water or out the window?


10-08-2006, 09:16 AM
i have to admit the first time i went out fishing a few years back with my father in law i did flick them into the water
but i would never do that again mea culpa mea maxima culpa :'(
still feel bad about it what was i thinking ( i guess i wasnt)
now if i did smoke on the boat ( technically we quit )
i would put them out withwater and then into the bag for the rubbish and dispose of them on land

ashamed anya

10-08-2006, 10:21 AM
Bit of Mullimbimby's best helps while away those long hours on the beach waiting for jew.

10-08-2006, 10:57 AM
i gave up 2 years ago hasnt effected the amount of fish i catch (nil)

10-08-2006, 11:50 AM
I suppose that might depend on what brand they smoke and what it has done to their nasal abilities.

;D ;D

10-08-2006, 11:58 AM
The "evidence" against smoking is the biggest public fraud in history.

Have a look at www.forces.org for some interesting reading.

Similar in a lot of ways to the "scientific" research the greenies use to close down fishing areas.



10-08-2006, 01:33 PM
Is there a good jew hole near Mullimbimby? :o

10-08-2006, 02:14 PM
Bit of Mullimbimby's best helps while away those long hours on the beach waiting for jew.

Sure fire way to get bites is put your rod in the holder & go & sit in your chair & roll a smoker, guaranteed to get a bite halfway through.
For the non-smokers, putting your gear down & having a P over the side also seems to work well, always when there's something in your hands you cant put down.
To answer the original question, I have never noticed any difference, smoker or not.

10-08-2006, 02:25 PM
Don't think it would be intense enough to effect the bait you put on to catch fish, but I reckon it can affect catching beach worms.

10-08-2006, 04:22 PM
Whether it does or doesn't affect the fishing it is still worth giving it up both for health reasons and also for the money saving aspect. With the fuel prices the way they are now I am surprised anyone can afford to run the boat and smoke :o


10-08-2006, 04:47 PM
Don't think it would be intense enough to effect the bait you put on to catch fish, but I reckon it can affect catching beach worms.

no effect on me catching fish or worms and yes been trying to give up

10-08-2006, 04:49 PM
Not far behind you Jitlands.

10-08-2006, 09:49 PM
I'm with pinhead and TOL Too.

Give up you will have more money to spend on fishing gear and you will catch more fish (because you will live longer ) ;)

Peter :)

10-08-2006, 10:24 PM
the fish in the area must get hooked too!

10-08-2006, 10:28 PM
The "evidence" against smoking is the biggest public fraud in history.

Have a look at www.forces.org for some interesting reading.

Similar in a lot of ways to the "scientific" research the greenies use to close down fishing areas.



If your stupid enough to still believe that smoking is not detrimental to your health you deserve to get whats coming to you. All i can say is i hope you don't expect tax payers to pay for your treatment when your rotting in your own tar. I think you need a serious reality check. go to your local hospital on respiratory clinic day and have a look at all the old (and not so old people) dieing from lung cancer and ask how many of them smoke and i think thats all the evidence you need. Stop living in ignorance and face the facts and stop trying to defend it just because your hooked and don't want to quit.

10-08-2006, 10:38 PM
I believe most smokers hold their smoke in the opposite hand than the bait (hold the smoke in the same hand they hold their hook in). Eg, Im right handed and use my stronger hand (Right) to feed the hook through the bait which I hold on my left hand. So the bait isnt usually drenched in the stinky smell on my fingers.. :)

10-08-2006, 11:01 PM
The "evidence" against smoking is the biggest public fraud in history.

Have a look at www.forces.org for some interesting reading.

Similar in a lot of ways to the "scientific" research the greenies use to close down fishing areas.



I'm with Jeremy. John, sorry but you are totally in denial.

Onya Pinhead ;D ;D ;D

10-08-2006, 11:16 PM
Hmm this seemed to turn into an Anti Smoking campaign all of a sudden :-X
I smoke, I pay taxes and am in private health cover.

By the way, use an empty can to put my cigarette butts in when finished while out in the boat, cannot stand people who throw their butts into the sea/lake etc.

I also never smoke on a boat while non smokers are present.

Anyway, if you smoke a pack a day take a look at the fingers you hold them with, all yellow from tar etc and they stink. Surely there is some effect on the bait etc, but who knows might be like aniseed and turn the fish on ;)

Anyway, each to thier own and this really should not be apublic persecution of smokers. Have a think about where the Govt is gonna get all that revenue they loose from people smoking - your pay packet. The damage is done so any reduction in numbers of lung disease patients will not be noticeable in relation to cost to the nation in our lifetimes.

Just my 2 cents and totally off track from the original question.

PS John mate, I think you need to really check out the facts - Smoking does kill, fair enough non smokers get lung cancer as well but no where near the number of smokers that develop lung disease etc.

10-08-2006, 11:23 PM
no gary no, no gary no.... noooo garry

i dont reakon it would make a difference

10-08-2006, 11:30 PM
Tunaman had a bad flu two weeks ago, and I couldnt put a smoke
to my mouth for seven days. I thought a was going to quit this time, but as soon as I got well again, I had a few beers and the sting to have a smoke came back again. Iam too weak to give it up, but it seemed
to have a good affect on the fishing seen in those seven days I didnt smoke.
You know, the only time I realy enjoy a smoke, is when Iam having a beer. I wish I had never put a smoke in my mouth.

signed tunaman :(

10-08-2006, 11:35 PM

That's a very good comment coming from a smoker & I agree with you completely.

Just the mention of smoking can get hackles up, I used to smoke and giving up was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Just consider, the cost of one pack of cigs could = one barra lure.

11-08-2006, 04:07 AM
Point taken Roz. Two barra lures every 4 days and 3 barra lures each weekend. Hmmmmmmmm.


11-08-2006, 06:00 AM

The fact is the "facts" have been socially engineered into public opinion to the point where even you are willing to go off on some politically correct vitriolic diatribe about smokers costing the taxpayer for their "pools of tar".

I never said smoking wasn't potentially harmful, like anything the poison is in the dose. If you look into the mountains of evidence that the "anti smokers" have, any fair minded person would conclude that it is ludicrous junk.

I smoke because I feel the benefits outweigh the risks - that is up to me to judge - not you. However you maintain I smoke because I am addicted and weak minded. My world is fun, yours is a jaded PC world where anything exciting or risky is banned. Enjoy your boredom.

As for taxpayers expense the taxpayer gets 8 bucks per packet, so i am carrying you with your defective genes or viruses that cause your cancer.

In the EU they have decided that discriminating against smokers for job opportunies is quite okay.

Doesn't anybody think the persecution of smokers has gone far enough?

How about that woman (in the paper last week) who went to hospital, must have admitted she was a smoker, got diagnosed as suffering from emphysema, and died because the oxygen they were giving her did nothing for the duodenal ulcer she had (bacterial) . Doctors are very PC these days but they don't leap to conclusions do they?

Oh by the way, I usually catch more fish than the non-smokers.



11-08-2006, 08:18 AM
Yes your right John i don't think we can take away your "right" to smoke. But if your 45 and still think it's cool to smoke you've got alot of growing up to do.

11-08-2006, 08:36 AM

Resorting to personal attacks? :o

Not surprising because this is what all the rabid "antis" do when they have no answer. Of course you are not one of those. ::)

I never said smoking was cool either. I suppose I will find out when I grow up.

There are a lot of people out there that would like nothing better than to take away my right to smoke. The latest smoking bans in pubs are just another step on the agenda. Meanwhile the poor old pub owner will lose at least 35% of turnover. For his own good no doubt.

Kind regards


11-08-2006, 09:02 AM
i think someone should shout a bottle of valerian in here

being a smoker is these days becoming to be a social outcast which is not a good way to go

there are many social smokers who only have a fag when having a beer at a party or in the pub with a mate.
there are many smokers who would love to quit but its very hard
its easier not do eat sugar or whitebread
it s easier not to drink
smoking is an addiction
apperently nowadays cigerettes are laced with smallest amount of heroin so you get hooked even more makes it harder to quit mentally
the body is over that within a week but the mind isnt

instead of bashing each other why not accept each other and if needed help each other

i startet smoking in 98 when i was 23 i theoretically quit 7 weeks ago i smoked 30 to 40 a day
now have a cpl every now and then and a pipe

but even when befor i smoked i had a problem with ppl outcasting smokers
to me that discremination

so lets all settle down a bit
there always will be smokers and nonsmokers
its personal choice even if smokers are aware of the risks

as for the the pictures ont he packets these days they are disgusting and some of them are not completly true anyway

if you ask me there is a lot of BS around when it comes to outlawing smoking
dont get me wrong i am aware of the risks what it can do to you
but i dodnt think we are getting all the facts

however the question was i believe ddoes the smell of smoke has an affect on fishing
not should smoking be outlawed while fishing


11-08-2006, 10:02 AM
They are trying to outlaw both fishing and smoking. Hunting ducks has just been banned in Qld.

All based on good old junk science and lets be PC until we puke.

Those pictures on packs of cigarettes are totally fraudulent. Pigs lungs soaked in tar, a mountainclimber's frost bitten foot, some hobo's mouth.

Obviously factual.

Maybe i can get some multinational drug company to fund a study that proves that smoking while fishing reduces your catch! That will increase the sale of their dodgy overpriced stop smoking products and make us all rich!

The original point I was trying to make was the Greenies use this very same junk science to close all your fishing areas - and nobody can do a thing about it.



11-08-2006, 12:36 PM
I always put the lack of fish down to the fact i'm not real flash at fishing, I don't think my smoking has anything to do with it.
As for the new laws in pubs and clubs, i now spend a lot less money and time there and spend more time fishing. Might improve the catch rate ;).

11-08-2006, 03:58 PM
I was a heavy smoker then i gave it up for 18 months and lately i have been having a few a day.
I do not smoke in non smokers homes i do not smoke while people are eating and i will not smoke near someone who would be offended .
It is non smokers rights for me not to do this.
But it is my right to smoke if i want to .
When i was a non smoker i observed how non smokers looked down on smokers and to me this wrong provided you are not upsetting people who do not smoke.

11-08-2006, 04:01 PM
Jeremy87, I think you should firstly google the word "gas" then search within the results for the word "radon" cause maybe you'll find that there is room for error in the gossip you spread, albeit with good intentions.

11-08-2006, 08:05 PM
when i smoked , i caught stuff all , then i gave up and i still catch stuff all, even though i now can afford to go further, go figure!!

11-08-2006, 08:19 PM
lot of growing up to do john. suppose your sources denounce the holocaust,man on the moon, and santa, as well. smoking does do you harm, and i,m glad i gave up. maybe some day they will gather enough evidence to convince even you, hope for your sake they do.
yours; smoke free, hubby

11-08-2006, 08:30 PM
Never smoked before, and never will. Have had many old idols around my area die because of smoking. Dont want to head down the same path.

It must be hard giving up the smokes... and Its good to see alot of you saying 'Ive given up'. And I hope the rest of you follow and give up aswell.

TT 8-)

11-08-2006, 08:31 PM
John R,

Trying to win an arguement on a chat board, particularly about the pros of smoking, is like winning a race in the special olympics, at the end of the day you're still retarded.

I like the "I catch more fish than non smokers" bit. ;D

Or perhaps the herion laced durries ;D

11-08-2006, 08:41 PM
Ok ,this is the time to join in.First of all im smoke and i drink if you do not ,thats your choice.No treehugging do gooder going to tell me what can or cant i do .Moderation is the key ,just like with everything else.furthermore i refuse to eat tofu,drink light beer ,drink muggacino or whatever is coffe called this days and i eat as much meat as im pleased.No carrotjuice drinkin either.If for all this i die 10 yars earlier ,lets be it ,at least i enjoyed myself .
Sorry for the off topic reply ,i wouldnt have any idea

11-08-2006, 08:43 PM
Maybe they can just give all us smokers a purple pill like they do for all the other weak minded individuals these days.? ;)

Although i would prefer the herion soaked cigs of course.. ;D

11-08-2006, 08:43 PM
what a shit-hot reply roz. wish i had a way with words like that.

hubby, ps: once again shit-hot reply, 10 out of 10

11-08-2006, 08:43 PM
One more thing ,just be vary .The same people who try to ban smoking now ,will ban fishing one day .
Is smokin funny stuff allright? ;)

11-08-2006, 08:58 PM
No it isnt manchild, and this is not the place to talk about it. >:(

signed tunaman ;)

11-08-2006, 09:02 PM
Ok i apologise for my noncool habits ,and offtopic replys again.So how is your quest for the truth of baittainting coming along? ;)

11-08-2006, 09:05 PM
gave up end of financial year ( good a time as any )been smokin for 25years prior
from what i can remember it never afected my fishin much

11-08-2006, 09:12 PM
But on a lighter note, I scrubed my hands and didnt smoke tonight
when I went fishing, even thou I was hanging for one, and it
didnt seem to make any much of a difference, it just made the fishing
trip very stressfull.
Cigs dipped in herion :o what a crock of sh$t.

signed tunaman ;)

11-08-2006, 09:18 PM
Heroin dipped cigs what a laugh sounds like a weak excuse from somebody to weak to quit .


11-08-2006, 10:03 PM
It's funny someone posted this topic, as I was wondering the exact same thing! We used to fish for carp in Cape Town and found that the smaller fish had more sensitive smell (we THINK) cos an old boy told us to splash some TCP (Listerine-like antiseptic gargle) on the bait as it keeps the younger smaller pickers away.
Going by this logic, and as Berkley famousely claim that their scented softbaits disperse 400x more scent than other brands: question is why would they scent the lures in the first place if fish can't smell?
Next question is: does the 'smell' of smoke/tar/nicotine entice or dissuade fish?

I think it does more harm than good. You have to wonder how much crap leaches outta the butts and ash thrown in the water.
Another angle: if you're smoking and ash falls in the water it might affect yer mates fishing ground 100m further down current, like a reverse berley!

I'm liking the argument that you bait yer hook with your dominant hand, so smelly fingers only touch the hook. (Counter argument: ever caught a leatherjacket with nothing but a bare hook touched by a human hand?)

The only thing I have picked up from this thread is that if you smoke you're a heroin-addicted, anti-social, poor, lacking in barra lures, childish, cancer-spreading, sometime-smoke-wakky-bakky-for seasickness fisho with more petrol money than sense (cents). ;D

As I like to say:
"Excuse me sir/ madam- your habit of choice is smoking. The by-product of smoking is smoke. It gets in my hair, taints my clothes and causes me great discomfort. I enjoy a beer. The by-product of my habit is urine.
Works every time.... :D

And I'm a (considerate) smoker.
Some of my friends don't even know I smoke, that's how discreet I am! 8-)

11-08-2006, 10:23 PM
ON TOPIC- I stopped smoking 9yrs ago, but like onerabbit believe nothing guarantees a bite more than sparking up a duzza. So yeh, from my experience it doesn't make much difference.

OFF TOPIC- Stopping smoking was the best thing I ever did. Both healthwise and financially. And as for every smoker that won't go to pubs/clubs because of the new anti-smoking laws, many people will return to said establishments now they don't have to put up with the stench and stinging eyes.

11-08-2006, 11:18 PM
Got this picture off my friend who was fishing in the sandy straits last month , hooked on to this 90cm lizard and as he was brining it in to the boat his wife took this shot ,neither smoke by the way. check out what was floating by.....

12-08-2006, 04:30 AM
Hi Roz,

Never mentioned the pros of smoking. Just gave a link to some interesting (humourous) reading.

So then I get jumped on big time by the PC ignoramus brigade. For a while there I thought I was going to get hammered from all sides. Good to see a few people with common sense on board.

Yep the "catch more fish" was another PC bait - left untaken.

Not arguing for smoking per se, but arguing AGAINST junk science. Does anybody get that?

So now I am a childish retard? :(

Might see you at 1770 if we are not too busy fishing, retarded or not.. :D



PS not at the pub cos you can't smoke there.

12-08-2006, 09:50 AM
heroin laced smokes a load of crap ??
i dont have proof or a link
all i know is that i tested positive for narcotis without ever having taken such drugs
and the person who tested me is a medical professional and he told me about it

i didnt say its a fact i said apperently although i actually ment allegedly so sorry if i got your feathers ruffeld :) ( those words basically mean the same thing in german for what i was trying to say )

it does make one wonder tho, that say 30 years ago even heavy smokers (30-40 a day) could quit just like that while today it seems much harder
i am not saying smoking is cool or look for an excuse why i havent completly quit yet

bashing each others heads in and namecalling i think is not approbriate


12-08-2006, 10:16 AM
I see no one bashing anybodies head in and as for name calling all I see is a group of people stating there opinions lets all hope we can still do that or is the political correctness going to rear its ugly head in here as well .

Bundy 8-)

12-08-2006, 10:30 AM
i dont see pc here but lots of hairsplitting

everyone has a opinion and should be able to voice that without being called retarded or dogooding treehugger

i like to discuss and argue as much as the next person but it depends on the level of insults how much i enjoy it (been around a few chatboards)

so thats my last post to this topic as it is a loose loose situation
those who smoke will smoke no matter what
those who dont wont no matter what
the two will never agree on anything
trying to convince the other person that only my view is the right one is futile

so have a nice weekend everyone and chill out

regards anya

12-08-2006, 10:37 AM
Gday tunaman
My mates father used to take us fishing when we were kids and he did everything wrong ,smoked , ate banana's ,oranges ,put aeroguard all over his hands , we could never out fish him.

12-08-2006, 10:57 AM
I just buried my best mate and deckie this week. He lost a battle with the big C and the doctors said it was entirley due to smoking and alcohol. Dont tell me theres no evidence. He was only 51.

Sorry to be on such a downer. As an ex smoker Im really pretty cool about smokers, even on my boat. Im not usually a preacher, but this week I wish everyone could have seen my mate in hospital fighting for breath.

OK, thats my last word on it.


12-08-2006, 03:55 PM
[quote author=jim_bream link=1155135295/45#55 date=1155297780]
I'm liking the argument that you bait yer hook with your dominant hand, so smelly fingers only touch the hook. (Counter argument: ever caught a leatherjacket with nothing but a bare hook touched by a human hand?)

It ahs been too long since I went fishing, I am sitting here trying to remember how I bait on my hook, See ya off fishin

12-08-2006, 04:11 PM
I just buried my best mate and deckie this week. He lost a battle with the big C and the doctors said it was entirley due to smoking and alcohol. Dont tell me theres no evidence. He was only 51.

Sorry to be on such a downer. As an ex smoker Im really pretty cool about smokers, even on my boat. Im not usually a preacher, but this week I wish everyone could have seen my mate in hospital fighting for breath.

OK, thats my last word on it.


Andrew sorry to hear of your loss :'(

When i was 6 years old my parents had another child . a baby girl she died at 4 months from lung cancer . no-one will ever convince me that smoking causes lung cancer.

yes i smoke and my butts are put in a butt bucket and diposed of at home.


12-08-2006, 05:19 PM
i think someone should shout a bottle of valerian in here

being a smoker is these days becoming to be a social outcast which is not a good way to go

there are many social smokers who only have a fag when having a beer at a party or in the pub with a mate.
there are many smokers who would love to quit but its very hard
its easier not do eat sugar or whitebread
it s easier not to drink
smoking is an addiction
apperently nowadays cigerettes are laced with smallest amount of heroin so you get hooked even more makes it harder to quit mentally
the body is over that within a week but the mind isnt

instead of bashing each other why not accept each other and if needed help each other

i startet smoking in 98 when i was 23 i theoretically quit 7 weeks ago i smoked 30 to 40 a day
now have a cpl every now and then and a pipe but even when befor i smoked i had a problem with ppl outcasting smokers
to me that discremination

so lets all settle down a bit
there always will be smokers and nonsmokers
its personal choice even if smokers are aware of the risks

as for the the pictures ont he packets these days they are disgusting and some of them are not completly true anyway

if you ask me there is a lot of BS around when it comes to outlawing smoking
dont get me wrong i am aware of the risks what it can do to you
but i dodnt think we are getting all the facts

however the question was i believe ddoes the smell of smoke has an affect on fishing
not should smoking be outlawed while fishing


Mmmmm heroin laced cigs.

Can't see any quotation marks there anya, didn't spot a link either, & your name is at the bottom of the page. ;)

BTW. you say you have a couple every now and then, and you smoke a pipe. Sounds to me like you're a smoker :P

Both yourself & John are a tad delusional.

I sincerely hope you both wake up to reality before it's too late.

All of my friends that smoke at least realise the dangers, they make efforts to stop, but more often than not they fail.

At least they try, and for that they have my unconditional support & respect.

Cheers Roz.

12-08-2006, 05:27 PM

12-08-2006, 06:02 PM
Old topic (the anti-smoking one) even older replies................
Hate hearing people arguing over crap...............
It was all good until some boofhead had to become self-righteous.......
Mind your own business................Billy :(

12-08-2006, 06:31 PM
Thanks Billy

12-08-2006, 06:40 PM
ok roz
i see your point
bad wording as always gets me into trouble and misunderstanding
my bad will learn from that to shut up if thats ok

i have quit 7 weeks ago cold turkey
no patches
did well for 3 weeks but personal stuff set me back hence the cpl now and again because of stress

smoking is an addiction some need longer to quit and will fail and get back on the train and quit again

i think this trhead should be closed now befor more hairsplitting is done

i intended to ingnore it but well couldnt
am a weak weak person

12-08-2006, 06:52 PM
Can't make judgements based on colour or race or religion but it's okay to kick a smoker.I'm an on again off again smoker and I agree it's not a good habit but people should realise that as soon as the do gooders have banned smoking Alcohol will be in their sights.And whatever else they decide we need to be protected against for our own good.And why is a Heroin addict a victim but a smoker deserve what happens to them.
As far as the fishing goes makes no difference some of the best fisherman I know are smokers [course most of em are about 60]

12-08-2006, 06:58 PM
I might as well add my 2 cents worth..I do on everything else.

My grandfather had both his legs amuptated...from hardening of the arteries due to smoking.

If anyone doubts the ravages of cancer...try this lot:

Watch someone go from healthy to not even being able to walk due to cancer on the spine and finally spreading to everywhere else...took 2 years of complete decimation of the body until finally death eased that agony...this person was a smoker.

In the second instance...diagnosed with bowel cancer...surgery..found cancer in the small intestine and the liver..terminal...took a man of 6' tall and 105kg to a man that could not leave his bed and weighed no more that 65kg at time of death...total time since original diagnosis till death...15 months...never had a smoke in his life.

Both of the above cancer victims suffered the disease at the same time..they were a couple married for 54 years ..the first died on Xmas day 2004..the second died on 4th March, 2005.

If you think cancer is a disease that only others get and that there are painkillers that will ease the pain..forget it...that disease is absolutely disgusting and painful...I am not sure of the causes of it but I can assure all of you I would not wish it on anyone...it knocked the crap out of me watching my parents die from it...they are the 2 people mentioned above...the worst 2 years of my life....am not looking for pity but for those that discount the warnings re smoking..think again.

And the really dumb thing is ME..I still smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-08-2006, 07:00 PM
Anya you shouldn't need to ignore any attack on yourself.........
You, as an Australian reserve the right to defend your opinions and/or actions................
Don't ever apologise for standing up for yourself while under personal attack..................
I've read your previous posts and you seem to be a very open person and I feel that you have enjoyed this site as I have enjoyed reading your posts, you are obviously enjoying learning about our shared passion and sport and I for one find your thoughts refreshing.........
I doubt that you are a weak person and I am embarrassed on your behalf...............
Please don't let this experience ruin your regard of this site and it's many friendly members......................Billy

12-08-2006, 07:33 PM
Gee this is heating up ,settle down my friends.
Greg sorry to hear that , i watched my mother eaten away by this awful diasese,not a pretty site .

ill go and try some brussel sprouts -not :P

12-08-2006, 08:26 PM
ok roz
i see your point
bad wording as always gets me into trouble and misunderstanding
my bad will learn from that to shut up if thats ok

i have quit 7 weeks ago cold turkey
no patches
did well for 3 weeks but personal stuff set me back hence the cpl now and again because of stress

smoking is an addiction some need longer to quit and will fail and get back on the train and quit again

i think this trhead should be closed now befor more hairsplitting is done

i intended to ingnore it but well couldnt
am a weak weak person

Not a problem Anya, pretty hard to let the herion laced cigs go unchallenged.

But don't think for one minute I am attacking you. I am attacking your opinions, and I feel I am entitled to do so, just as you have the right to agree or disagree with mine.

I empathize with anyone who is trying to stop, I CAN quote a few doctors, some of who are family members, when they said that, in their opinion "nicotine is more addictive than herion", that surprised me.


Stop the tanties, there are no "personal" attacks. Some strong views are being put forward regarding the issue of smoking. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. So don't go and turn it into an emotional slanging match.


12-08-2006, 08:57 PM
No tantrums here Roz, just thought that someone should speak up as obviously people who have been judged to be "retarded" and "in denial"
by the psycology experts may need a bit of assistance. I just found it all a bit embarrassing...................................Bil ly

12-08-2006, 09:03 PM
I am fighting the dreaded nicotine habit at the moment and trust me it ain't easy >:( Went to the M&G today and after a few lite beers would have cut my ex mother in laws throat for a smoke :o Ooops sorry probably would have done that just for the fun of it ::) But ya know what I mean. ;)

14-08-2006, 08:26 PM
jitlands has a point ;D ;D. but the butts on my boat all go into the boat butt bottle ;D.....
im with you grand marlin on pinheads opener ;D ;D ;D

14-08-2006, 10:38 PM
Haven't had a cig in 5 months and a bit , still get the crave for that millisecond now and then, tell my mates I am still a smoker, cause after 25 years it would be too easy to start again. I will never try to pressure or force them or anyone to quit, that is their prerogative.
All I can say is that for me it became a necessary step in my life as I could feel my life slipping away, for want of a better explanation. I have walked parts of Lakefield with me mates and boy out of breath, no good. All night fishing jaunts smokin’like a chimney coughin’like shite and a mouth that tastes like an ashtray, no good. It was sinus hell, shite I was sure I couldn’t breathe properly. Time. Said to myself “self this is no good, I have to give up”.

Been 5 and a bit months since I had cig and it has not changed my angling abilities, but I sure feel better for it.


“Live long and prosper”

14-08-2006, 11:35 PM
i have a couple of "smokes" every year on fraser and it doesn't matter to the fish ....... :-X

15-08-2006, 07:50 AM
I think we should defer to hard scientific evidence on this...

Proven fact that 100% of non smokers die.


15-08-2006, 04:46 PM
I think we should defer to hard scientific evidence on this...

Proven fact that 100% of non smokers die.



Furthermore, my French mate Eric reckons that in days of old, two of the main methods of preserving meat were to smoke it or soak it in alcohol. Therefore, there's a case to be made that smoking & drinking keeps you fresh, n'est pas? :D

Good luck,

15-08-2006, 05:53 PM
Well done to those who have made the decision to try and stop. I am havoing another go after undertaking afitness assessment that said my abody age was 12 years older than actual - so looks like no more cigs and better eating and exercise habits for me.

This has for the most part been an inspirational thread for me and it is always good to see some open debate on very hot issues.

The comment about nicotine being moreaddictive than heroin is absolutely true. Nicotene is almost the most addictive substance on the planet.
For those trying to give up, part of the reason why you get cravings for things like chocolate is that the brain associates these with pleasure the same way it associates the pleasure released by a hit of nicotene hence why a lot of people giving up smokes put on weight :o

Anyway, I'm on Day 3 now after a pack a day for the past 12 or so years and already wanting to committ some sort of dramatic violent act, but am meeting my urges with copious amounts of chocolate, milo etc so also need to start exercising to beat the additional weight I might put on ;D ;D

15-08-2006, 08:19 PM
My Quit day is tomorrow, I have smoked for too long. i have tried to Quit many times but have failed. i went to the doctor and asked for help, after trying a few different things i was prescribed Zyban to assist me in quiting. i have found that it is very effective but i have been weak.

So tomorrow is the big day. Im not sure if this is smart, but Im also going to try and sell my boat tomorrow at a boat shop, its my birthday and i have been invited around to the parents for a birthday diner with a tribe of 30, might be a bit much, but i will let everyohne know before hand, that im crazy.

I have a few days off to save my workmates my bad humour.

If i can quit it will be the best Birthday Present EVER>

8-) ;D :D :) :'( :-* ::) :-? :( >:( ;D :) ;) ::) :P :-[ :-* :'(

The smileys represent the moods i will have tomorrow

15-08-2006, 08:52 PM
Hey Jewmaster, I have been on ZYBAN and it worked okay for me :)
If you want more info send me a pm and I can tell you the MINOR side effects that I had ;)
The attached little shark should be on Zyban too ;D

15-08-2006, 09:30 PM
Some of you righteous need to join the Greens and start your own campaign against smokers, and call yourselves the Clean Air Huggers.
Dont you think those that indulge in a smoke, no the consequences, without getting a ear full every day.
Been doing it for 30+ years and hasnt killed me yet, but tomorrow could be a different story.
We all got to go some time, wether its from smoking or being run over by a truck.
So go preach somewhere else, and let a man kill him self in peace.
As for the original thread does it deter fish from biting, no way in the world.
Sorry just wanted to get that off my chest, especially after the last lot of laws came out.
Lepers are Lepers

15-08-2006, 10:19 PM
ever seen those "clean air huggers" (onya webby) jogging over the story bridge in peak hour traffic? me reakons they'd be better off sitting at home and lighting up a pack of winnie reds. ;) smoking is a personal choice, as is fishing drinking, swinging ::), on topic, i smoke, my wife does not. our catch rate differs slightly. my catch rate went up, when i discovered the soft plastics though ;)



16-08-2006, 04:47 AM
Some of you righteous need to join the Greens and start your own campaign against smokers, and call yourselves the Clean Air Huggers.
Dont you think those that indulge in a smoke, no the consequences, without getting a ear full every day.
Been doing it for 30+ years and hasnt killed me yet, but tomorrow could be a different story.
We all got to go some time, wether its from smoking or being run over by a truck.
So go preach somewhere else, and let a man kill him self in peace.
As for the original thread does it deter fish from biting, no way in the world.
Sorry just wanted to get that off my chest, especially after the last lot of laws came out.
Lepers are Lepers

Did u cough it up ?????

16-08-2006, 05:21 AM
There is a whole section on Zyban on www.forces.org/evidence/kill/kill.htm
It is called "Lets Kill Them For Their Own Good".

No way would I touch the stuff. There is less risk from smoking in my opinion.

I reckon Qld Health would be in much better shape if the resources they directed against smoking (including 80 jack booted smoking police) were redirected to hospital beds.

16-08-2006, 06:16 AM
Spose i'm probly the 'worst type of ex-smoker'.
Finally completed a long drawn out quiting process in Jan this year, was smoking up to 4 packets of 'Whit Ox' a week, now smoke none. ;D

I know what i used to say about non-smokers complaining about passive smoking, 'They're OK, i smoke passive and draw back, what have they got to whinge about?'.
Can now see the difference...

I choose not to smoke, i went to a great deal of effort and struggle in order not to breathe smoke.

You choose to smoke, i fully support your choice. I won't complain about extra health costs, cause it could be anything in this unhealthy world that lays us low. I won't lobby to get ciggies banned cause i don't smoke.

I think it's perfectley O.K. if you smoke!

Is it O.K. with you if i don't?

Will you do me the same favour and give me the same support in my choice not to smoke?

Is it ok if i go to the pub still? Can i sit with my smoker mates and not smoke?...

Well not inside i can't, cause there's no getting away from it. If i'm outside i'm happy to get up and move to the other side of the table, if there was extraction fans inside of suffcient strength to ensure i wasn't brething enough smoke to make my breath catch in the back of my throat, fine!

I don't want anyone stopped from smoking, don't wanna make anyone a 'leper' or an 'outcast' either. Just don't want people FORCING me to breathe smoke when i don't want to and went through a lot of pain and turmoil not to have to.

Can remeber people saying smoking bans on public transport would be the ruin of the system, people would not obey etc. Can remeber people saying 'I won't be going to any restaraunt that ban's smoking. How can you enjoy a meal without a ciggie afterwards?'
Now we're saying it'll be the ruin of the hospitality industry? :o

So yes, i respect your right to smoke.
Please respect my right not to :-?

16-08-2006, 08:22 AM
yeah punkin..yet you breath exhaust fumes from cars every day and they are just as, if not more so, dangerous. It seems akin to parents carrying on about schools with Super 6 roofs (asbestos in them)..Oh God..the sky is falling, my child is breathing asbestos duct...spare me..up until not many years back we are ALL breathing asbestos duct...it was in every brake shoe on every car and we all breathed the duct from those every time brakes were applied. The entire situation these days is that most people have this victims attitude...all victims of someone elses bad deeds. I, for one, am not a victim...I smoke yet I do respect the wishes of non smokers...yet why can't I have a smoke in a pub? Smokes are legal as is the alcohol....these laws strike me as being a feel good exercise for governments that don't have the guts to ban them or does that have something to do with all the dollars they rake in from them...just like the pokies..so many tales of woe from people that cannot control themselves...if it is that bad then ban them..ain't gunna happen.

16-08-2006, 08:59 AM
If you are unhealthy or habe a underlying heart problem, Zyban is not for you. You need to be young and fit to avoid most of the side effects, The biggest risk is heart attack / heart issues. When it was first released, alot of doctors who had patients that needed surgery badly but couldn;t becuase they smoked too much put them on zyban, but becuase these people already had underlying issues it affectde them badly, so now they only prescribe zyban if you are healthy and want to wuit.

I have had no side effect, effect , effect effects,........ Don;t even notie them after day 2, the issue for me was upset gut.

16-08-2006, 11:05 AM

Spot on about the "victim" epidemic. All the poor people that are trying to quit smoking and it is too hard - sad victims of the vicious tobacco companies supplying what they are demanding. Or the pokie victims, and so on ad nauseum.

I am not a victim either - I take responsibility for my own actions. I choose to smoke because I like to and the evidence being presented by the wowsers is full of holes if you analyse it with an open mind.

Smoking cannot cause cancer if non smokers also get cancer - it is that simple. Something else must cause it. They have found that some cancers are definitely caused by viruses, some are due to radiation damage. Radon from soil is the most likely cause of lung cancer followed closely by chest Xrays.

Lung cancer 20 years ago affected 100 of 100,000 population - now it is 80 per 100,000. Smoking has dropped by half in that time. Unrelated?

Japan has the highest smoking rate in the world and the lowest lung cancer rate - a fact ruthlessly supressed by the anti-smoking zealots and the media.

Junk Science rules today - maybe I can profit by being a victim of that! ;D



16-08-2006, 11:41 AM
All I can say is excuses excuces excuses if you are going to smoke just smoke but stop all the BS excuses heard them all before and they are getting very tiresome and boring ....

Bundy 8-)

16-08-2006, 12:46 PM
Hi Bundy,

Excuses?? Smokers are being made into social lepers and robbed blind by huge taxes on the basis of false information.

Wouldn't you feel a bit put out?

16-08-2006, 03:27 PM
Another perspective from my experiences in life so far.

My mum died of cancer a couple of years ago, was 52. She never smoked in her life, for the last 10 years of her life, was a health nut, didn't drink, alergic to wheat, didn't eat any crap ect.

My old man has been smoking for 35 odd years, is still out working on his land, wouldn't call him a shining beacon of health, but he's more active than plenty of others his age. Admititadly he gave up drinking a few years ago, cause that was killing him....

Had one of my best mates die of cancer at 21, he drank, smoked, partied like there was no tomorrow.....funny that, maybe he knew..

I enjoy having a smoke, but as a rule I don't. I particularly like smoking when I'm fishing, and if I'm fishing with a mate who's a smoker I'll smoke, otherwise I wont.

I reckon do whatever you feel conftable with, who knows whats going to happen tomorrow. I Also reckon dont force your opinions on others, or your smoke, cause I hate a face full of foulness if I'm not actively partaking at the time :)

As far as smells on your hands go, I try to keep em all off, I reckon petrol on your hands is the worst.


16-08-2006, 03:52 PM
Hi Bundy,

Excuses?? Smokers are being made into social lepers and robbed blind by huge taxes on the basis of false information.

Wouldn't you feel a bit put out?

John_R smokers are social leppers as you say because they want to be in the same way as the greenies are trying to make out fisher persons arent all that nice because we kill fish as they say does that mean i'm going to stop fishing NO does it mean I'm going to sit around all day making up excuses NO .
Like I said before if you intend to smoke just get it over with and stop boring the rest of us with your lame excuses .


16-08-2006, 05:26 PM
"cancer cures smoking" .... It was on a sticker on the back of a car i saw and it was the last trigger i needed to give it up. bloody oath it was the hardest thing i had to do and still fighting the good fight now.... even if only half of the statistics about smoking is true, thats still enough to choose life, now i feel better than ever. I have a heap of mates that are also giving up and i try to help ,give advise ect were ever i can.... so i am going to put this trigger out there to the greater community and if it helps even one person ,its worked, just like it did for me.

16-08-2006, 06:40 PM
geeez you guys still fall for stickers with some nice slogan on them? ;)like speed kills and so on omg .No offence intended ,just a bit shocked -again.
On ya greg ,you speaking my mind ;D just another day in the pub where i can no longer smoke,i saw about a dozen overweight people heavily drinkin ,eating themselfs to death with giant plates of food -or drinking coffee one after another one while playing the machines.I tought what kinda damage my smoke could possibly cause to this unhealthy people? funny that
whats next fat people will be refused a steak at the restaurant? and will be served voluntary salads and tofu? ::)
lighten up people
life after death you ask?what about life before death? ;D

18-08-2006, 09:45 AM
cancer doesn,t cure smoking. next time you go to the pa hospital have a look at the baldyheaded patients puffing there heads off in the allocated smoking areas,like john some people just dont get it , and manchild , leave the fatties out of this.


18-08-2006, 04:06 PM
Hi Bundy,

Excuses?? Smokers are being made into social lepers and robbed blind by huge taxes on the basis of false information.

Wouldn't you feel a bit put out?

John, and the problem with that is ??? Its a user pays world, so do you think that non-smokers should foot the bill for your health care later in life?

Feel free to smoke that is your right but don't get down in your beers about it.

18-08-2006, 05:08 PM
I died exactly 1 year and 15 days ago on a bed at Redlands Hospital.......massive heart attack, bought on solely by smoking according to the cardio....

The nurse and doctor on duty saved my life.....i have not had a smoke since. I was gone for 2mins and 45 secs.

Very very scary $hiite.............................. life is to short, give it up if you can


18-08-2006, 05:57 PM
Day 3, Feeling good, had plenty of the RIGHT kind of Bundy to see me through.

Was meant to go on a fishing trip tonight, had to cancel, everyone smokes, maybe by next weekend I can sit through a trip without smoking.

The medicine the doc prescribed has also helped, They could be sugar tablets and they would probably work.

18-08-2006, 11:34 PM

ban the sale of petrol ....... :-X

18-08-2006, 11:47 PM
heres my two bobs worth....

i smoked and i drank ...ONCE..

I DO NEITHER NOW AND ALSO GIVE AWAY THE "other" because that can cost u more that smoking and drinking put together ...

I DO NOT have any issues with them that smoke and good luck to all of them ..
i think they have got the raw end of the stick....

i believe and always will ... pubs are meeting places for the workers so they can get together and have a drink and a smoke and talk about the sheilas....

to solve the problem was easy ....

keep the pubs for us workers and a place where we could go to have a drink and a smoke and if u go ..u knew that was going to be the case ...

the other TRAVENS.... where all the " others " can meet and when u go ..u know there is no smoking ... and talk about the weather or what ever .....

thats what i think... snappa

20-08-2006, 02:03 PM
6-5-2003.My Father John Charles Willcox passed away at the age of 59.

He smoked form 14 years of age till his second last day.He went from a stong man,A Plumber who done all aspects of the trade to being weak as a kitten in a matter of about 6 months.I had to help him do everything in the end,He didn't like it as he was a very proud and self sufficient man,But had no choice.

I stayed at the hospital for a week straight and held his hand as he took his last breath.Tears rolled down my face as I left the hospital,I then sat outside in the rain alone and it all came out.Tears roll down my face as I write these words.I miss him dearly.

He died of lung cancer.

If not for yourself,Give up for those who care about you.Your partner,Children and other family and friends.I'm sure they would all like to have you around longer.

Regards hardb8 :'(

20-08-2006, 03:19 PM
totally agree with you hardb8, went through the same with my mum last september :'(. I used to smoke up untill a couple of weeks ago, so this time I'm going to stick with it. Life is too short and I would like to see my kids grow up. At least I now have more money to spend on fishing gear ;). It's hard to give up, but I think I have nailed it on the head this time, only early I know but Im feeling a damn site better now than I have in a long time. Sorry it's a bit off topic. CHEERS woody

20-08-2006, 07:37 PM

I once met an interesting man in my travels that lectured at Oxford university on nutrition. He had studied it down to almost molecular level. He brought up the Japanese having the lowest rate of smoking related cancers per capita but yet the highest rate of smokers per capita. He put it down to their diets though. Japanese eat bugger all dairy and fried foods. Dairy and fried stuff leave a mucus film on your throat and top of the bronchial tract which absorbs the toxins which makes it easir for them to go into your blood. Japanese people don't have the mucus so the toxins go in and come out. That was the basis of one of his many theories that he gets invited to lecture about.

Regarding smoking and fishing my own opinion has always been this. TAKE IT UP, TAKE IT UP, TAKE IT UP! Then put my name on your will and hurry up and die. More fish for me.

When I was a single man I used to have a similar theory about male homosexuality. ;)

20-08-2006, 08:07 PM
its hard to admit but .....SNAPPA..i totally agree with you :-/

21-08-2006, 08:44 AM

Everyone has mucous - it is the lungs cleaning system. Look at all the garbage in the air we breathe every day - it has to be eliminated somehow otherwise your lungs would look like that pig lung soaked in tar that features on cigarette packs these days even if you don't smoke.

Interesting theory though - wonder who pays him? Some american drug company?

Hardb8 - tragic situation, deepest condolences. Hate to say it mate, but are you 100% sure that this was caused solely by smoking? It is an easy conclusion to jump to - even the doctors do it. Very scary scenario when doctors jump to conclusions, but they too are human.

As a plumber he may have had increased exposure to Radon, a radioactive particle found in soil that has been scientifically proven to promote cancers.

There are also a number of viruses scientifically proven to cause certain cancers. And lastly some people are predisposed through their DNA.

So the answer is nobody knows for sure what caused it.

Ask your doctor.

So make up your own mind and choose your own path.

Just be aware that there is a huge amount of junk science out there - presented
as fact, that makes it very difficult to weigh the risks. All started because some people cannot stand to see others enjoying life and they don't like the smell of tobacco. It then took off with drug company funding to the ludicrous crescendo it has reached today. Lots of charlatan researchers have become very rich and you and I have paid for it.

This same technique (choose the result we want and then make the data fit) is now being used extensively by the greenies against fishing. You can't fight it with logic or reason. Make the most of your fishing opportunities for their days are very numbered.

They also have alcohol in their sights - but it is a bit harder because everyone remembers what happened during prohibition.

These guys are a bigger threat to our way of life than Osama I reckon.



21-08-2006, 09:31 AM
Cam, you posed this question, " Its a user pays world, so do you think that non-smokers should foot the bill for your health care later in life?
Hard to believe but i'm a taxpayer as well, as for taxpayers footing the bill on people who get sick, or outrageous political advertising screaming 'vote for me'
none of us get a real say in where it gets wasted. I also pay a hefty tax to smoke, the government makes a mint on smoking and smokers, so maybe they should put that aside for if i ever get sick, just so i don't inconvenience you or anyone else that might be toying with poorly thought out questions.

21-08-2006, 01:15 PM
Well said Green, you are right, your smokers tax probably doesn't all go to the Health Care System. A lot of your investment would be spent on advertising, education and public awareness activity costs associated with the anti-smoking campaign. Another thank-you for footing the bill for this as I would hate to think how much that 'QUIT' advertisement on TV costs.

John_R, you didn't work for 'British American Tobacco' in the 50's did you ?

Yes, I too lost my father when I was 12 and he 51 to the preventable disease known as smoking.

Give up for your children, they deserve parents.

Regards Cameron.

21-08-2006, 03:13 PM

I wasn't going to post anymore as I've already stated my opinion, but I had a lump in my throat after reading your comment.

I lost a very close family member only a matter of weeks ago, and it broke my heart...... what a shameful waste of life, when it's preventable.

I've already said this before, but call me selfish, I don't like it when people I care for die from smoking. Call me strange!!

Hi Mark,

I read the same study as you, it also went on to point out that the female Japanese population had one of the lowest breast cancer rates in the world, but that changed for Japanese females living in western countries, eating western diets. Their breast cancer rates increased to what was considered average for that particular country, which was the usa BTW. It went on to suggest one of the factors "may be" diet, ie- low dairy/high fish. Interesting I thought. Say Hi to Terri for me.

John R,

You believe what you want...."just be aware that there is a huge amount of junk science out there"..... works for you!!!

Just remember, it's all fun and games until the Radon gets ya!! ;D

roz ;)

21-08-2006, 03:19 PM
:o :o

holly smoke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sharks alive .................................................. ..

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D..... ;)

31-08-2006, 08:05 PM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

31-08-2006, 08:10 PM
haha just give up smoking all together aint good for ya :P ;D

31-08-2006, 08:37 PM
I cannot for the life of me understand why people pick on smokers.
All the the crap that has been said about smoking causing cancer and non smokers have to pay for it in my opinion is bullshit.
What about all the other so called reasons being put around [ bacon and eggs, burnt toast ,sex,working places, certain types of paints,electricity poles out side your home and the list goes on.
Question [plastic bags] think about that one and all the foods that are wrapped in them.
My Father died of a massive heart attack age 57 never smoked .
My mother died from Luekeamia aged 68 never smoked.
In my opinion they know what causes it but there is to much money involved to admit it.

31-08-2006, 11:06 PM
A study has found, that if you have the defective gene in your DNA,
you can suround your self in bubble wrap, drink pure water, eat pure
food, and all the fresh air you can get, and it wont make any differnce.
If you have the gene that makes cancer grow, your a ticking time bomb,
and there,s nothing you can do about.

signed tunaman