View Full Version : cutting fingers

07-09-2006, 02:08 PM
Should your knife be as sharp as a razor, or just sharp enough to cut
the bait.etc? Borrrowed a knife of a stranger, and this thing could of
cut your hand off with the greatest of ease.
I asked, why so sharp? and he said, mind your owe business.
and he did look a bit mad.
so I lefted it at that :-?
Nice bloke I thought :o ::), must of been a outsider, coz Queenslanders
dont act like this.
So when is a knife too sharp.

signed tunaman

07-09-2006, 02:17 PM
i personally try & keep all mine razor sharp, a blunt knife is a dangerous knife. [smiley=shout.gif]if you have to put any pressure into the cuts it is too blunt..putting pressure can cause you so slip & cause yourself an injury. [smiley=bigcry.gif]
my wife used to be scared of sharp knives, until i left my victorinox on the sink one day & she used it... it hasn't been back to the boat, that was 2 years ago.. [smiley=wut.gif]

07-09-2006, 02:20 PM
Sharper the better mate. I sliced two fingers severly with a blunt knife, severd tendons and nerves completely while cleaning fish. I had to have micro surgery on both fingers, recovery time was 15mths, bloody nightmare. I have minimal feeling in both fingers, little movement in both. This was due to the bluntness of the knife. Surgeon said that if the knife was razor sharp, the cuts would be alot sharper therefor easier to sew the wriggly bits back together, and better success rate.

07-09-2006, 02:25 PM
a razor sharp knife will make cleaner cuts when filleting.

if your worried about cutting yourself get yourself a filleting glove.

i still have some from when i worked in meatworks.

DR- know how ya feel mate , i have to make sure i hide my knives unless i want the wife to use the stainless sink as a cutting board ::) :o


07-09-2006, 02:29 PM
I asked, why so sharp? and he said, mind your owe business.
and he did look a bit mad.
so I lefted it at that :-?

Mate you weren't fishing near certain areas of south western Sydney were you ? Sharp knives, angry looking blokes, look out !!

07-09-2006, 02:30 PM
Knives can never be too sharp! You can actually have a lot of fun with it too if you have a teenage daughter... (We used to do this at my mates place ;D)

The teenage boy would come to the house to collect the girl... Me and my mate (The father) would be sitting on the verandah drinking beer, and sharpening his whole knife collection... Just smiling ever so slightly... Without saying a word... The wife would say "Be home by.... Umm.. What time do you think dear?"... The mate would stop sharpening, shrug, then start sharpening again... The daughter was home EVERY time on time! ;D [smiley=devil.gif]

And the ex wonders why I said I'd be a terrible father! ::)

07-09-2006, 02:55 PM
I don't know. Ian is always complaining that my knives aren't as sharp as they should by. So he sharpens them. The only problem is that I am banned from cutting onions with them once he has sharpened them. I seem to attract them to my fingers for some reason ;D ;D

Mind you sharp knives don't seem to hurt as much when you cut yourself compared to serrated or blunt knives. ;) A serrated or blunt knife tears at the skin/flesh where as a sharp knife slices.

Bring on the sharp knives - just don't let me and onions come into contact with them. ;D ;D


07-09-2006, 03:04 PM
The sharp knife doesn't hurt Naomie, but the onion juice sure as hell would! :'(

07-09-2006, 03:14 PM
Tell me about. ::)


07-09-2006, 03:17 PM
As said above, sharper the better. Mush safer knife that way. all I have to do is learn how to keep mine sharp!!

07-09-2006, 03:19 PM
I once cut another blokes hand skinning a rabbit cos my knife was too blunt. Follow through caught him on the finger. Sharp as is the way to go.

07-09-2006, 03:22 PM
But this knife you could shaved with it. I,ll think twice before borrowing
someones knife again. I just cut the first pice of bait, along with a thin slice of my finger skin. And I didnt even know I cut it.
I have a bait knife for general stuff which is mid range,and a sharp knife for filleting.
I guess I will bring my own next time.
and because I asked him, the look he gave me, I thought I was going
to find out how sharp it was.
What else struck me was, if a fisherman goes mad, maybe asking for a knife
might not be such a good idear. :-/

signed tunaman

07-09-2006, 03:28 PM
But this knife you could shaved with it.

signed tunaman

That's the way to test if your edge is sharp enough ;) If you can shave your forearm then it's sharp enough 8-)


07-09-2006, 03:41 PM
yeah longtail, your right 8-). But with the kids around while fishing,
something that sharp, could be disasterous.
Thats why I keep two knifes.
Just in case.
P/S he might be from sydney ;D
I remember fishing in sydney at a place called bondi murks, and I pulled in this blokes line while spinning, and he chased me across the rocks with a steak knife, Ill tell ya, those asian,s can run bloody fast. :)

signed tunaman

07-09-2006, 03:59 PM
i rekon the sharper the better.
the sharper ur knife is the quicker u can cut ur bait and get back into fishing ;D

07-09-2006, 04:16 PM
yup the sharper the better!!! 8-) 8-)

07-09-2006, 04:42 PM
Can never have a knife too sharp and like Jason said, if it shaves yer forearm smooth, she's just about spot on ;) And as for kids and knives, mate supervise supervise supervise and educate them on why they need respect (the knives that is ;D)

Cheers and Beers

07-09-2006, 04:52 PM
Mate I used to fish in Botany Bay in Sydney and yes, they all seem to have razor like sharp knives. One time it seemed as though a member of one group was fishing in the wrong spot, so after a few calls on mobiles, there was about 20 of these knives being brandished, along with the obgligatory "f_ck you mate I will kill you" :-*

We packed up and bought fish and chips on the way home.

07-09-2006, 04:52 PM
P/S he might be from sydney ;D

signed tunaman

Yep - gotta watch those Sydney people. Buncha wierdos if you ask me ;D ;D. Mate - kids will cut themselves whether the knife is sharp or blunt. If its so blunt it won't cut the kids then its not worth using. I reckon people get cut worse with blunt knives because they are using much more pressure to cut. Like others said - sharp as and educate the kids. Blunt knives are dangerous.

07-09-2006, 05:12 PM
Gunna - Ralph Wiggum is your ultimate demonstration ;)

What glue? ;D ;D ;D

07-09-2006, 05:28 PM
Well just once again to bring the point home, a blunt knife is much more dangerous because you tend to put more downward pressure on it to make it actually cut. Any slip up with that amount of force can do some nasty injuries. Keep them sharp enough to shave with. ;)


07-09-2006, 05:28 PM
So having read all of the above, whats the best way to go about this sharping of ones knives...BB

07-09-2006, 05:43 PM
The best way to sharpen a knife is with a good quality oilstone.

often find them at flea markets , cheap as ;)


07-09-2006, 05:44 PM
With a good ceramic stone i can knock mine into shape pretty quick but about every six months or so I dump em all at the local butchers for a going over and drop off a feed of crabs at the same time.

Nothing like using a professional when you want a top job

07-09-2006, 06:24 PM
The butchers, ever thought of that one. 8-) Well, just pumped some
nippers, and now off for a fish. I think I,ll give the bream ago, and sharpen my knife before I leave, but the old electric can opener
will have to do for now. It has a sharping device at the back of it.
Good for a quick touch up. ;)

signed tunaman :)

07-09-2006, 06:43 PM
Get yourself a "BEAR" brand silicone carbide stone, about $20 & will sharpen for years.
A blunt knife is a dangerous knife.


07-09-2006, 06:54 PM
Worst case scenario, sharpen on the back of a plate (the rough part it stands on) you've placed face down on a kitchen towel and if poss. hone it on a leather strop.
You can use the inside of an old leather belt- wedge the buckle end in a kitchen drawer and hold the other end up tight and work the blade up and down.
The leather makes all the difference....

07-09-2006, 07:34 PM
Must agree with everyone a knife can never be too sharp

Bundy 8-)

07-09-2006, 07:53 PM
To test if my knives are sharp enough I just give them and a onion to Nomes and if blood is drawn then they are sharp enough. ;D ;D ;D
Cheers Ian

07-09-2006, 08:21 PM
I was a slaughterman in a meatworks for over 10 years and as a result of the eperience, I think i can get a knife fairly sharp. (some would disagree though)

However, I only use my really sharp knives for when I am cleaning the catch. If I need a knife lying around for just cutting line, etc, I make sure it is blunt.

If it is going to be used for bait on the baitboard, I use only a moderate blade that cuts flesh, but will not cause a bad injury if somebody accidently hit it with thier hand, . Do not want to be rocking around with a razor sharp knife in your hand 40 km offshore.
If people are a bit messier with filleting a fish for bait, it does not matter.

I find that many people have no respect for sharp knives and the injuries they can cause. (I have seen some good ones, and got a few myself)

To make a long story short, I think a knife only needs to be sharp enough to do its intended job safely.

my thoughts


07-09-2006, 08:28 PM
Gday Ian
Gee she a lucky girl to have you ::)

07-09-2006, 09:03 PM
Sharper the better and as a lot have said the shave test is the best way to check ;)

Peter :)

07-09-2006, 10:32 PM
I was a slaughterman in a meatworks for over 10 years and as a result of the eperience, I think i can get a knife fairly sharp. (some would disagree though)

However, I only use my really sharp knives for when I am cleaning the catch. If I need a knife lying around for just cutting line, etc, I make sure it is blunt.

If it is going to be used for bait on the baitboard, I use only a moderate blade that cuts flesh, but will not cause a bad injury if somebody accidently hit it with thier hand, . Do not want to be rocking around with a razor sharp knife in your hand 40 km offshore.
If people are a bit messier with filleting a fish for bait, it does not matter.

I find that many people have no respect for sharp knives and the injuries they can cause. (I have seen some good ones, and got a few myself)

To make a long story short, I think a knife only needs to be sharp enough to do its intended job safely.

my thoughts

gotta agree horses for courses i carry 2 knives one for the line cutting gutting etc one for filleting

07-09-2006, 11:05 PM
I keep 2 filleting knives as sharp aw I can get them on a fine stone. One comes out in the boat, and is ONLY used for filleting take-home fish, another is kept at home .

08-09-2006, 03:24 AM
I too am going to differ from most on this topic.

I carry a few knifes on the bait board.

A sharp filleting knife that stays in a plastic sheath, but is used to cut bait fillets.

Others are K-Mart quality stainless serrated knifes that are used to cut across bait or to "cut and gut" the catch as it comes in.

My sharpest knives are only used on fish flesh, others are used to cut through the bone or fins etc.

- Darren

P.S. And they don't go near the kitchen, jeepers how many times have I said don't cut down onto a plate!!!!!!

08-09-2006, 10:22 AM
There must be a few people who have done time in a meatworks. Probably cause the money used to be good once!! I too used to work at the Inverell meatworks many years ago and I can sharpen a knife to a fairly fine point. I keep two knives in my backpack, One is a $6 special from crazy clarks(which has proven to be a better quality knife than some of the expensive models bought elsewhere), This is a fillet knife with some mean serrations back near the handle which I use for getting the fillets off and cutting bone while the other is purely for taking the skin off and tidying up the fillet. The sharper the knife the less effort I have to put into cutting and get a better quality fillet, BUT Two weeks ago I was in a hurry and pushed the knife through a fish to get the fillet off and not paying enough attention and felt a twinge in my hand that was holding the fish, managed to skewer the fish to my hand and put the knife right through the base of my finger and out the other side. The high point was that the knife was so sharp that it didn't hurt (that much anyway). cheers, steve.

10-09-2006, 03:13 PM
Super sharp is the only way to go.

I also lost 2 knife to the kitchen after my wife finally used one to cut some meat.

Before that it was alway "your fishing knives are dangerous cause they're too sharp"

Sharpening knives is good therapy during wet weather.


10-09-2006, 08:36 PM
as sharp as possible. get the job done quick

10-09-2006, 10:43 PM
Look at what you are doing, all the time and every time
Never cut towards yourself
Never push a knife into something with your hand on the opposite end
A thumb never rests straight on whatever you are cutting, you angle the nail in so that only the first joint protrude.
A knife is never sharp enough
Nothing hurts like when you cut yourself when your fingers are cold ;)
A sharp knife is always highjacked by the better half and it will disappear into the kitchen.
The knife will re appear when it has lost its edge
Children should not play with a knife (Always check what is going on when little Johnie walks out of the house with a steak knife and an apple in the one hand and his kid brother in the other hand. Especially after the kids watched a circus act or the story of William Tell.)

But then again, I am probably trying to teach others how to suck eggs.


10-09-2006, 11:01 PM
Wessel. . I know what you mean, with the cold weather cut on the
fingers like, It hurts like a bastard. But I still think too sharp is just to dangerous. I surpose if I cut off one finger, I,ll still have seven other
good one,s to pick my nose. ;D
But I dont have a lot of good luck with knifes, so each to their own
I say. all the best.

signed tunaman

11-09-2006, 10:37 AM
The sharper the deeper (brushing against a sharp blade is more dangerous than a blunt one) which means blunt or sharp you have to be equally carefull. Blunt knives are wastefull of time, energy, security, & material.

12-09-2006, 06:02 PM

Some of your posts are just taking up space and one inparticular, has been removed for being offensive. Think about topics before posting them up.
