View Full Version : what the VeR'DiCt .....boat show
01-09-2006, 01:41 PM
has the boat show produced some thing special this YEAR..???
same old sh*t ..... :-X
01-09-2006, 02:01 PM
same old same old................ fishing/tackle wise, nothing really special you cant get outside any normal day IMHO.
If you are buying a boat you might save a couple of bucks......
I thought the stand with all the canoes/kayaks set up for fishing with rod holders etc was interesting.
01-09-2006, 03:25 PM
Only Nugget's boat. ;D
I only go for the lectures. Jason Comino's on Moreton Bay Cobia was a ripper! I took lots of notes. Bill Corten's on bar crossings was pretty good, and especially useful as a reminder of the fundamentals (and then some) if you had done his course. Great pix of bars shifting over time.
Unfortunately though, some of the lectures that I saw were unabashed sales presentations and accordingly lost their genuineness and indeed their educational merit. One presentation by a speaker well known to this site spoke in detail about the features of each of the products on display but did not sufficiently mention the basics about how to use the tools being demonstrated. I found myself asking a Dorothy Dix question meant to tease out a bit of basic usage info that should have been forthcoming and which was much better explained by a similar presentation by Brian Webb a couple of years ago with his home made equipment and home made presentation style. :)
Another speaker was so reliant on Bushy coming on time to answer questions that he really fumbled the answers and clearly was not expert enough to answer the questions although he was adequate in doing the sales demo with the live fish tank. Bushy appeared in the morning session but must have got lost during the later session.
The seminar facilities were first rate however, with excellent TV coverage on large screens by a live cameraman plus an overhead camera.
I went past the James Bond boat exhibits about three times and saw very little interest being shown in them. That might have been an expensive folly by the organisers. That such display was located in the boondocks of the site probably did not help but then again maybe that its purpose was to attract people to the boondocks. If so, on what I saw yesterday, it failed.
I also admit to being a trifle annoyed about there being some booths outside the main hall such that if you entered from the southern end and left via the same door, you would not have seen them. Not a lot of stuff there but enough to want to see them. eg the Marine Museaum stand, a couple of VMR raffles, a nice sand sculpture, and another few commercial displays.
One of the benefits of such a show, however, is that you can get to talk to people from the manufacturers not just the dealers and sales people who you see at any time in Brisbane. eg the Stabicraft display (which had a very good range on display) had a guy from the factory in Invercargill, NZ on site.
Nonetheless, I shall be back there again next year for the lectures that interest me, equipped with my pencil and notebook. The "workshops" which yesterday featured Nugget and Mono were a great opportunity to meet a few regular Ausfishers and I had a long deep and meaningful with Nugget who shared some fishing info with me that I appreciated very much. (Thanks Dave ;) )
01-09-2006, 03:42 PM
Only Nugget's boat. ;D
Unfortunately though, some of the lectures that I saw were unabashed sales presentations and accordingly lost their genuineness and indeed their educational merit. One presentation by a speaker well known to this site did not sufficiently mention the basics about how to use the tools being demonstrated. I found myself asking a Dorothy Dix question meant to tease out a bit of basic usage info that should have been forthcoming and which was much better explained by a similar presentation by Brian Webb a couple of years ago with his home made equipment and home made presentation style. :)
I would have thought any info Mono devulged would have been useful.......
Craig Tomkinson's lectures were great! and he's a top bloke to boot!
Met a heap of other fellow BnB scribes, Ausfishers & TFGA members as well, which was great!
Also scored a great deal off Birdy from Sundown Marine as well ;) :-X
01-09-2006, 03:43 PM
Was rather disappointing. Not much new. :-/Oh well. Still good for a perv at the boats.
01-09-2006, 03:48 PM
[quote author=charleville link=1157082060/0#2 date=1157088334]I would have thought any info Mono devulged would have been useful.......
Craig Tomkinson's lectures were great! and he's a top bloke to boot!
...and they probably were, Heath, but I did not watch them. Perhaps too advanced for me at this stage. :) I don't especially want to name names of the duds but anything that had a brand name tightly aligned with the poresentation that I saw had a liitle too much of the sales presentation focus. I did not see such with Jason Comino's presentation, for instance and it was great. My apologies to those who might be unfairly tarred with my broad brush comments but I did not sit through all presentations, only about five of them.
Still, as a paying customer, that was my take-out on the day. :)
01-09-2006, 03:58 PM
Once you've typed out your hand written notes, can you email them to me please? ::) Double spacing please, upper case with correct punctuation. ::)
Seems much easier for me if you do the leg work and then I can reap the benefits from what you've gleaned from the experts. :)
01-09-2006, 04:02 PM
BTW, let's total the cost for the day with minimal purchases...
Entry fee $16
Parking - $15 - yesterday when i arrived at 11.15am, the carpark underneath was full so I had to to park at Southbank. Thankfully, the rain had paused when I walked back to my car.
Lunch $10 fish & chips and a coke (did not ask if it was Basa :) )
Raffle purchase $5 tickets in a VMR raffle for a boat prize that I really don't want but happy to support any VMR.
Total = $46 without buying a bit of gear although I did see some interesting stuff.
Value for money - OK for me - I can afford it and I will be back next year - but it could get a bit expensive for a couple or a family. No different to any other trade show though but I rarely go to the Sanctuary Cove boat show simply because they don't have a fishing expo to attract my interest.
01-09-2006, 04:17 PM
Once you've typed out your hand written notes, can you email them to me please? ::) Double spacing please, upper case with correct punctuation. ::)
Seems much easier for me if you do the leg work and then I can reap the benefits from what you've gleaned from the experts. :)
I love a man with a sense of humour!!! ;D ;D ;D
I can give you a couple of the salient points from Jason Comino's talk about chasing prepared for them to peel off 200 -300 m of line going down current. Prepare for a two - three hour fight (I kept wondering what the other guys on board do during that time ;D ) Have a float affixed to your anchor rope, untie the anchor rope from the bitter end, and as you run out of line toss the anchor and float off the boat to be retrieved later and drift back with the fish. Wait until the fish is thoroughly played out before you try to gaff him. Use a bloody big strong gaff lest he bends it for you. When you get him on board hit him between the eyes with a mallett five times, then bleed him and then and only then think about risking your fingers retrieving your hook from his mouth. etc etc etc :) :)
Bill's talk emphasised wind, tides and swell.
My notes from the workshop with Nugget are - will all of you b*&)*%#ds stop fishing Mud Island so that the rest of us can have some peace and quiet out there?!! ;D
Hey that is pretty good - I did not even consult my notes for that stuff. ;D
01-09-2006, 05:39 PM
one thing of interest was a winch
for the anchor for small craft
other wise it was crap
listen to mono chat on live baitfishing in deep water was good
saw nugget had a chat on sounder he has same as me but gave me a idea to put mine on transom external
only worry was 6.5lbs hmm
01-09-2006, 09:17 PM
not bad. looked for arial for my sounder so i can turn it into a gps. costs went from $250 down to $200. got good bargin i thought. boats were ok but i guess seen them once thats enough. not a lot changes. but in general, it was preetty good. i was there for 31/2 hrs. tucker was a real rip off. glad i didnt have a family. would have left no money to buy. ;D
01-09-2006, 10:26 PM
I took my 4yr old boy today so was only there for a couple hours , didn't get to see any talks. :'(
Jacob loved the submerged Stabicraft ::)
02-09-2006, 05:12 AM
Verdict still out snappa
cant call it any I spose its same old same old
02-09-2006, 06:38 AM
I saved a fair bit by going in with over 30% off the advertised price on a Penn Affinity 4000 I have been eyeing off and a quote for a Yammie 90 at about a grand better than I had previously been given. It still smarts a bit to pay $16.00 to enter and at least another $10 just to park for an hour or so.
02-09-2006, 07:30 AM
Why do we have to pay when the benifits of the show are directed toward the product manufactures and dealers?
The one thing I did notice was the prices of EPIRBS. New 406m was $399 and the old 300m was $145. Otherwise first time to this show so cant really compare.
02-09-2006, 07:01 PM
the boat show was free ONCE ........... ::)
02-09-2006, 07:24 PM
the boat show was free ONCE ........... ::)
You must be as old as I am!!!! ;D
Gee - I have just looked you up and you are!! ;)
I vaguely remember it being free as well - usually at the Ekka grounds. They used to have a lot more sail boats in those days.
03-09-2006, 07:32 PM
7 bucks for a sausage on a roll :o
I understand that you must make a profit but I starved myself through it on principle.
04-09-2006, 07:45 AM
I didn't make it, had to go fishing.
Awesome glassy morning on the Broardwater Sunday.
Beats the shit out of driving to brissy and being ripped off.
04-09-2006, 09:40 AM
Very much enjoyed Mono's live-baiting talk on Friday, got a good deal on a pair of Spotters from Sundown (thanks for giving us the tip-off about this Birdy ;))
And also had a thorough look through the Dominator 7000. They really are an awesome boat aren't they Foxy. Have also arranged to do an on-weater day on the Dominator in a week or two.
04-09-2006, 11:45 AM
In the past there were a lot more tackle outlets at the show, more competition driving prices down. This year Sundown had some stuff but not too many lures, Springwood had only a little (cheap reels though), Northside had bugger all and there were a couple of cheap import shops. As far as fishing tackle goes nobody was realy competing against each other for our $$$, IMHO. I find some stores that don`t go to the boat show offer bigger discounts during the duration of the show. I must admit though I enjoy the talks on stage as I always learn something new.
04-09-2006, 03:59 PM
The tinnie and tackle show was far more interesting although the fishing expo talks I went to were excellent.
Too many duumf duumf ski boats and pink shoe boats for me :-X
04-09-2006, 06:14 PM
guys i found that jasons chat on snapper in the bay full of infomation,[thats cause i cant seem to catch em], the food was shit and costly. and found out why i should go to these things on a week day, no stress, no shoving and pushing[ i love that bit]. but what i dont understand is the fact that at any show be it the tinny and tackle show or the brissy boat show that some of the better plate boat builders are not represented. just my outake cheers ian
04-09-2006, 08:57 PM
Seems to be more of the same every year. Just a giant trade display of all the new boats that I can't afford to have as they want ridiculous amounts of money (then again, we all knew that). The tackle stands even seem to be getting fewer and further between, with most just being slices of a particular retailer's shop. But, it's a good excuse to get out for the day, if only to dream and ponder, "What if???" Such is life....
04-09-2006, 09:02 PM
I enjoyed the boat show..some great boats to have a look at...some of the talks were very informative...bloody beer was as dear as all hell.
I was not worried about the tackle displays as it is a boat show..tackle & tinnie seems to cater more along those lines.
04-09-2006, 09:06 PM
I would have gone but some one stood me up!!!!!!!
Wonder who that could have been??????
Peter ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
05-09-2006, 12:00 PM
I think it was a great show. I took the old man along for fathers day and (to mums
disbelief, threats of divorce, casturation etc) he decided to purchase a Markham Dominator :) :) :).
He was initially undecided on whether to buy a large boat or smaller tinnie, so I told him I was lookig for a smaller boat, which he was more than welcome to use. So he said stuff it, looked mum in the eye, said "get the divorce papers ready" and handed over the deposit. ;D
On a more serious note, he is getting on a bit and not in the greatest of health, and with one of his best friends dying in a car accident a couple of weeks ago, he realised you only live once so make the most of it.
And I will ;).
But otherwise same old same old.
06-09-2006, 11:15 PM
((Why do we have to pay when the benifits of the show are directed toward the product manufactures and dealers? ))
Trust me guys the BIA who puts the show on dosnt make life any easyer for the dealers that have stands at the show some of the bigger stands cost $60.000 in rent and and another $50.000 plus to put on thats over $100.000 and none of them would make that back in show profit wise or not many anyway.
what i found funny was the motor companys with there TV's blairing all saying the same thing ;we are the fastest; we are the cheapest; blah blah blah and some of them only meters from the otheres
having spent the last few months in boat show mode im glad its coming to an end 12-14 hour days on my feet are taking there toll lol
cheers robbie
I thought it was much better than the poor effort they had 2 years ago. I did not make it last year to compare.
I had a purpose this time, looking for a motor for a mate.
07-09-2006, 09:30 AM
((Why do we have to pay when the benifits of the show are directed toward the product manufactures and dealers? ))
Trust me guys the BIA who puts the show on dosnt make life any easyer for the dealers that have stands at the show some of the bigger stands cost $60.000 in rent and and another $50.000 plus to put on thats over $100.000 and none of them would make that back in show profit wise or not many anyway.
cheers robbie
Robbie - is that $60 sq/m for the stands at the boat show ? Sounds a bit cheap. We do trade stands at all the major quarrying, tunnelling and underground mining conferences and pay a hell of a lot more than that for a 3m x 3m stand - not much change out of 5 grand for only 3 days :-? :-? :-? :-?
That should read 'Sixty thousand'. $60,000.00.! Thats a lot of money for an area to display your boats.
07-09-2006, 10:36 AM
It was good to catch up with alot of ausfishers and i saw a few interesting things that were new i also managed to solve a problem with a map sorce software thanks to the guys at the garmin gme stand ;) So all in all not to bad! :D
Ps Mono thanks for the cap , my son hasn't taken it of his head in the last week :D :D :D
07-09-2006, 11:01 PM
My sons & I always make this an annual pilgramage - it almost doenst matter how good or bad it is...its just the idea of being around boats, gear, and chatting to poeple we are getting to know in the fishing world. Always enjoy this aspect of the show. I must say that this year we seemed to se a lot less good fishing gear, but maybe with the rise of the tinnie & tackle show, this one is truly becoming more of a BOAT show.......oh....and my eldest bot liked the girl manning the Fastlane F40........Beautiful boat!! Lawry
08-09-2006, 08:56 PM
Sorry guys that should have read $60.000.00 in rent for the bigger stands Down to about $10.000.00 for the smaller ones!! Not sure about the smaller stands for things like magazines and stuff
cheers robbie
10-09-2006, 08:34 PM
I thought it was great and sundown marine have great spiecals.
10-09-2006, 10:31 PM
Went along lookin to pick up a deal on a boat. Was in the market for a 4ish Mtr front steer. Not a lot there really....Not on price anyway! Most of the sales people were too busy with Tyre kickers...but to be fair it was full to the rafters Friday arvo We also had to park at Southbank.
A mate of mine picked up a good deal on a Gen set....and it was nice to drool up millioniars lane! Put my collar up, pulled my pants up....and asked the sales man to show me around...but I must have had POOR written all over me.
Ended up picking up a clean second hand 4.35 Alley Craft 2 days after the show...for a bargain. Amazing how many boats are for sale that week!!! ;D
Will probably go again next year....They could just do so much more!!
13-09-2006, 11:12 AM
While there I sought some advice on the differences between fresh and salt Minn Kota's.
I switced off when advised among other things the shaft would corrode :-?
It must be hard to get good sales people!
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