View Full Version : Fish kills spear-fishing diver

12-09-2006, 11:31 AM
A FLORIDA diver shot a large grouper with a speargun then apparently drowned when the fish sped into a hole, entangling the man in the line attached to the spear, investigators said today.

More here

Good , the idiot shouldn't be shooting something like that anyway.

12-09-2006, 11:38 AM
It would be done for the bragging rights, YA SHOUDAR SEEN THE GODAM FISH I GOT BOY

12-09-2006, 11:54 AM
Must have been a Taliban Grouper eh ? :o

Oh well, bad luuck for the diver but like you say, why shoot a magnificent creature like that anyways ?

12-09-2006, 12:38 PM
that'll learn em ;D

12-09-2006, 01:18 PM
Groupers rule mate!!!!! silly bugger!!

12-09-2006, 01:27 PM
Nice attitude considering a bloke has died, I wonder if the same cosiderate attitude was given to Steve Irwin and Peter Brock both of whom also did dangerous/stupid things. If you were strangled by a strong handline that got wrapped around your neck while hooked up to a groper or any other large fish should we laugh at your death.

12-09-2006, 01:34 PM
Steve had respect for the environment, the other guy you are talking about I do not know.
Any person that shoots a grouper is up against the odds. You stand a chance of coming of second best, and he did.

It is all fun and games until somebody looses an eye.......
Then it gets hilarious.


12-09-2006, 01:41 PM
I kill lots of fish and I have respect for the environment.

12-09-2006, 01:56 PM
Nice attitude considering a bloke has died, I wonder if the same cosiderate attitude was given to Steve Irwin and Peter Brock both of whom also did dangerous/stupid things. If you were strangled by a strong handline that got wrapped around your neck while hooked up to a groper or any other large fish should we laugh at your death.

Thousands die every day, the ones I don't know and never heard of I don't particularly feel sorry for.
We are all going to die, including you.
I think we are entitled to laugh at the ones that go through their own stupidity.

12-09-2006, 02:08 PM
sounded like an accident to me, and as I already said I doubt your attitude to Brocky or Steve Irwin was the same (I doubt you know whether they were nice blokes, the stuff you saw and read about them was prepered by public relations people (I liked there public personas)). I just think its a little callous to be slack to people who died, did you think Germaine Greer was a bit of a cow for hooking into the Croc Hunter after he died, I'm sure the blokes family thought she was a ######. Why's this fella different

12-09-2006, 03:27 PM
if you read it in the paper there is 50% chance of it being bullsh....!!!

12-09-2006, 04:01 PM
If ur "intelligent" enough to shoot a couple of hundred pound grouper ur gunna get urself in the S**T
Thats not a freak accident its doing something stupid
of course this is only my opinion...

12-09-2006, 04:06 PM
Some gropers are totaly protected tell me this d!ckhead didn't spear a protected species >:(

12-09-2006, 04:48 PM
indeed spearing a huge grouper is a pretty stupid idea, i wonder if the diver was carrying a knife with him? dont know why he wouldve needed a line attached if he was only in 7.5m of water and presumable spearing reef species, all of my mates that go spearing dont use float lines etc unless targeting bluewater species such as macs etc

12-09-2006, 04:58 PM
was speared in the US dont know what there laws are

12-09-2006, 08:05 PM
I just read the article. Same as steve and Brocky. Sorry guys but sh!t happens. Truly. Steve: Freak accident and sad loss. Brocky: Driver error and another sad loss. The florida guy: didnt know him. Not a great aussie. Personally I dont give a sh!t. Funny article about a very smart fish. Read carefull this bit.

"It looks like the fish wrapped the line attached to the spear around the victim's wrist. The fish then went into a hole in a coral rock, effectively pinning the man to the bottom of the ocean," Detective Coleman said in a news release.

Now thats a bloody intelligent fish and this fella shouldnt have been messin with it. Honestly, why mess with a fish that knows how to hog tie ya? ;D


12-09-2006, 08:53 PM
Good one Newby ;D ;D ;D

13-09-2006, 06:14 AM
so is the fish o,k?

13-09-2006, 08:45 AM
Good point about the knife Hoges, a bit more experience may have seen him carrying one, which may well have saved his life.
I like a bit of spearing myself. My self-imposed code of practice, which I have also taught my son to use, is don't shoot a fish if your shot won't kill it, and dont kill what you won't eat. As such we never shoot anything over 10kg. We spear in broken reef to 8mtres, but nothing we take would have the brute strength to drown us like happened to this lad.
We've done a bit of spearing and have learned not to attempt to take the big fish, perhaps this guy was only a novice. Large fish can be suprisingly strong!Sad for his family, thats for sure.

13-09-2006, 09:22 AM
Well said NigelR, despite the previous posts attacking most member's integrity and sincerity towards human life, you have summed it up nicely. Mutual respect in that you don't just spear for the fun or bragging rights, have a knife handy in case you do get tangled up, and only take what you need, which is the golden rule in all fishinig really

How the context of this thread went off on a tangent about the late Steve Irwin and Peter Brock defies my logic.. but each to their own I say

This spear dude didn't follow the unwritten laws and did not let common sense prevail, and unfortunately paid a very high price

13-09-2006, 09:37 AM
How the context of this thread went off on a tangent about the late Steve Irwin and Peter Brock defies my logic.. but each to their own I say

Dirty, I was giving analogies of what we all do with our lives and the risks associated. They lived and died doing what they loved and I am saying it is only the ones close to us IE Aussies, that I give a damn about. AND he still shouldnt have messed with a fish that was expert in the art of tying knots.

13-09-2006, 12:09 PM
Newby, your'e right mate, I wasn't having a go at you in particular, so pls don't take any offence from my comments.. the other bloke who seemed to be an opinion on how we all felt about Steve / Peter's deaths got up my nose a bit.

Have a good day

13-09-2006, 03:54 PM
was it a queensland grouper

13-09-2006, 06:58 PM
Nice attitude considering a bloke has died, I wonder if the same cosiderate attitude was given to Steve Irwin and Peter Brock both of whom also did dangerous/stupid things. If you were strangled by a strong handline that got wrapped around your neck while hooked up to a groper or any other large fish should we laugh at your death.

I agree somewhat, its inconsiderate and down right rude. The guy is dead and deserve's some respect as such.

An act of stupidity that results in death doesnt opens the gates for all and sundry to run off at the mouth. A little consideration and sympathy perhaps would be more fitting, if not then why say anything.

I and no one I know would tolerate it, if it was our own loved that passed away, no matter what the cause.

The guy has paid the ultimate price.

13-09-2006, 07:06 PM
nah, this is a qld groper, juvenile 75 cm, c&r susan river jan '06 :D

13-09-2006, 10:36 PM
Doesnt the article say its a Goliath Groper ? :-/ :-/

Just not sure where people are getting the Qld Groper mixed up in this ?

14-09-2006, 12:54 AM
So now theres a grouper lose with a spear gun :-X

14-09-2006, 03:00 PM
So now theres a grouper lose with a spear gun :-X
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D and apparently a copy of Geoff Wilson's book too. Be afraid, be very afraid! :o

14-09-2006, 03:47 PM
personally i think if they go by out by some weird way then its open slather on them, its not that we dont feel sorry for them its just the way we australians are . i know that when the guy who castnets off the bribie bridge finally lands one in a boat and ripps his arm off ,or ends up as crab bait in the passage i will have a good laugh about it,its just the way it is . hubby

15-09-2006, 11:00 AM
Everyone has done something stupid on the spur of the moment and most of us get away with it-some don't and like this guy pay the price for it-just plain unlucky that's all like the guy who got speared by a barracuda he had hooked up,sometimes you gotta laugh! thats just one way of dealing with facing our own mortality.
It is amazing to me how many people get emotional and shed tears about people they have never met or known ie Irwin/brocky.Just demonstrates the power of television and the influence the media has on some people.The best example of this power was the princess Di circus,where a spoiled rotten silvertailed sheila married royalty,divorced,romped around the world in pure oppulence jumping in and out of high society's bedrooms willy nilly,was showered in money,clothes,jewellery and admiration from every corner of the world and repaid all of this good fortune by being miserable.Tv captured it all and millions wept openly when she died speeding thru Paris with her billionaire boyfriend!.Call me cynical but there are plenty of unsung heroes around the world doing things to help us all and dedicating their lives to the betterment of humanity who get precious little acknowledgment yet do more for us all than all the celebrities combined do in a lifetime.Save your tears for your own family and friends,not some stranger on tv who you didn't even know.

15-09-2006, 09:58 PM
I'm in agreeance with you "rough shag" on what you said in your first paragraph. It is a typically human to do. We laugh at other stupid things that people do and sometimes they get seriously injured doing it - look at all the funniest home video shows!! This situation is one where the poor so and so did a stupid thing and got killed. The fish came out on top. Simple as that.

It is a bit precious to get all choked up over something like this and I am sure that nobody actually wishes the person dead or anything like that - it has happened and there is nothing that can be done about it now, so why not have a joke. Our little bit of gallows humour is not hurting anyone - is it?! I am sure nobody means any disrespect by it, unlike the way Germaine Greer attacked Steve Irwin in a vitriollic piece of nasty, vindictive atack.

To leave you with a thought, an old family friend once said to me when I was going off about someone doing something stupid, "Don't knock stupidty, son. It is nature's way of culling idiots."

Cheers, ;) ;) ;) ;)

15-09-2006, 10:02 PM
:) ;)

15-09-2006, 10:03 PM

15-09-2006, 10:13 PM
very well said-written rough-shag . i couldn,t agree with you more. we all do stupid things which could have resulted in death , only through good luck not good management., and if we did die doing these stupid things we should get a laugh. its time people chilled out, and stopped taking everything so seriously, we still feel sorry for the poor unfortunate ,and wouldn,t wish it on anyone ,but hey shit happens . hubby

19-09-2006, 07:03 AM
Sounds like a candidate for a 'Darwin Award'.