View Full Version : Boaties Market 22nd October Victoria Point :-)

10-09-2006, 07:26 AM
Popular Boaties’ Market On Again – 22nd October

Volunteer Marine Rescue Victoria Point is holding its twelfth bi-annual Boaties’ Market at the Victoria Point State School grounds in Colburn Avenue on Sunday October 22nd, 2006. The gates open for site holders and buyers at 5.00 am and the market continues until 12 noon. The market has become a well known event and continues to increase in popularity. The Rescue Unit has a reputation for efficiency in the setting up of the stalls and the School always operates a great sausage sizzle with drinks also available.

Entry for buyers is by means of a donation, with the proceeds going towards operating and maintaining the rescue vessels, looking after the building, its vehicles and safety equipment. Site holders pay a token $10 per site with there being no restrictions on the size required and no need to book ahead. We are always pleased to donate a percentage of our takings to the School’s P & C Association for their generosity in making the grounds available for the market. The interest shown so far in this year’s markets is well in excess of previous years.

The unit Commodore, Ed Pepping, reminds everyone that the theme continues to be “anything from a fish hook to a power cruiser!” and it is rare that a site holder does not dispose of most or all items for sale.

Any enquiries should be directed to Ted Scovell on 07 3207 8116

10-09-2006, 08:58 AM
Hi ho, Hi ho, off to get more junk I go :)
The cook's NOT gunna be happy ;D
I tell her I go just for the sausage sambos...I lie ;)

10-09-2006, 10:54 PM
Crikey, I'll have to get rid of the moths from my wallet for this one ;) ;) ;) ;)

11-09-2006, 11:02 AM
just down a few main roads from me :D

11-09-2006, 04:57 PM
get some more $10 eskies last ones not bad

11-09-2006, 04:58 PM
went to the last one.

has some nice 2nd hand boats for sale. and lotsa fishibn stuff. great place to while away a few hours


12-09-2006, 09:34 PM
Thanks for all your support fellas, we always get a good turnout from the Ausfish members... most, if not all, seem to walk away pretty happy although a little lighter in the pocket :)

Cheers Lloyd

13-09-2006, 09:47 PM
Calender marked, mid-morning fishing trip planned ;) ;D
I'll tell mylovely wife I am going for a reccie to Victoria Pt :)
I need a couple of rods and reels...SUnday market prices are way off the mark these days( I will remain PC and not be racist ;))....usual suspects expect you to pay 2/3 of new price for 20+yo alvey reels that aren't old enough to be relics yet but too young to be display pieces

17-09-2006, 06:23 AM
Gidday 4X4frog,
There's usually a guy there and that's all he has...Alveys, Alveys, some more Alveys and a few digfish dongers. :)

17-09-2006, 10:07 AM
Hey finga,
I've solved the reel issue, picked up a 500A1, 50A1 and 500 C1 from Ebay for $30 all told. The C1 needs work but the ohter 2 are well sorted. I have a couple of older heavy yellow glass rods form the 50's but I think my 3 of-spring would appreciate a couple of lighter glass rods. I am definatly going to come have a look though.
Cheers and good fishing in the interim

30-09-2006, 05:32 PM
Got it booked in, might need to visit the ATM on the way

10-10-2006, 06:34 PM

will be there for a bagain

20-10-2006, 05:56 PM
Only 2 more sleeps before you can grab those bargains :-)
Cheers Lloyd