View Full Version : WIND-WIND & MORE WIND
28-10-2006, 10:57 PM
Anyone have any thoughts on the winds we are having or weather patterns, are they really changing?
It seems that the South Easterlies are showing up more often and staying for longer?
I seem to remember that a change would come through and blow for a few days and then settle down, this does not seem to happen any more.
28-10-2006, 11:30 PM
obi-won. are you on something! Take my advice, dont drink and type. ;D
signed tunaman
29-10-2006, 03:19 AM
Gidday Obi,
It's the northerly winds that have been getting on my goat, and I agree with you, I can't remember a time we got the same wind so consistantly from the north. Typically it should start from the SE in the morning, then swing from the north about lunch time. It has not done that in ages (at least whenever I go out to have a fish), giving N, NW all day. :'(
29-10-2006, 05:10 AM
The last 3 or 4 years we have had strong hot northwesterlies this time of year, (not so far this year thank goodness) when I was a kid, we never had northwesterlies. The wind was westerles in Winter, north easterlies or southeasterlies in spring/summer, with a few days of relative calm in between. These days there are hardly ever any westerlies in Winter, as you say the northerlies are plagueing us, and the south easterlies are more southerly (meaning less rain) and stronger.
In my opinion our wind patterns have changed considerably!
29-10-2006, 06:41 AM
I am with you feral, it certainly has changed. I am just hoping its a cycle and it all goes back to normal one day soon ::)
29-10-2006, 08:22 AM
maybe this is normal and it was out of sync before. Just a thought.
29-10-2006, 08:31 AM
I am glad this thread was what I thought it was Obi_Wan and not just a case of too many tins of baked beans. ::) Yes the northerlies have been a pain in the backside for way too long. This weather pattern is certainly not very fisherperson friendly. Perhaps it is nature's way of giving the fish a break from the placcie onslaught. ;)
29-10-2006, 10:30 AM
Hey Obi
Havn't really being noticing winds that much, but the last few years it has been easy to notice the very late wet season... Totally different to what we are accustomed to up here. Though it's a blessing in one sense, we havn't had these big number of Bush Fires the last few years...
Those winds we have been experiencing over the past few months up here on the Tablelands have now gone, thank god!. Clear blue days, and temps in the mid 30's since Tuesday... things are back to normal.
Bet ya wishing that your at Faust right about now eh? ;D .
29-10-2006, 10:50 AM
I have to agree with things are changing. Being SEQ born and bred I remember when the school holidays meant rain usually, and the wind paterns were just as described.
That said, I don't believe fully in the climate change woes either. :oWhy...well because it's all speculation, yes our modern life is probably having some effect on the weather but what about thousands of years ago when there could have been droughts for 20 years, no-one was recording it so no-one really knows. I saw a grab on TV a little while back where they took a core sample from somewhere and they were analizing it and saying there could have been years here and there with no rain, some years with heaps. It's all speculation as they have noting but sumization to base it on.
I do however wish the wind would go away...else I am oging to have to buy a catamaran and go sailing and troll lures as well just to get some fishin' in ;D
29-10-2006, 03:28 PM
Tinaroo Triumph, Do i wish i was still up there??? Mate i wish i was up there all the time.
I have a massive problem when it's time to leave :'( :'( and start counting the days until i am there again WIND OR NO BLOODY WIND.
Back to the wind problem, I can remember reading a full page story in the Courier Mail 12 or 18 months ago which was written by Proffessor David Belamey ( i think thats his name) he has a cleft pallett and a broken nose from his rugby days.
Any way he says that the Koyoto ( i think thats what it is called) agreement is all rubbish and that to many people have gone into it to far to back away ( world warming etc), he said, whats it producing? carbon dioxide, what do plants take in? cardon dioxide, and what do plants give out? oxygen, what do we need oxygen.
He went on to say that our records don't go back far enough to be of any real use.
He then claims that what is happening is cyclic!
What do you think?????????????????
29-10-2006, 03:50 PM
ya gotta love the goodies!
Dunno, but I believe we should make the smallest mess possible, and I believe Kyoto heads in the right direction.
29-10-2006, 08:23 PM
Well, let's take a look at where everyone goes to find fossils? (ie animals that die, sink in to mud - usually ocean floor)
Where? The mountains and deserts.
We all know that the guts of Australia was once ocean floor, you can't really expect the planet to sit still just becuase humans decide to settle down in one spot few generations?
A local old bloke around these parts reckons that Brisbane is on a 70 year cycle. So go figure on that?
There is also shown in those glacier soil samples when they drill in to the ice etc, that there was an insane amount of lead in our atmosphere in recent history, never before has there been levels anywhere close to those levels, nor after!
When was that time in recent history?
During the Roman Empire - go figure on that one too?
29-10-2006, 10:38 PM
Most of the early marine fossils are found along way from the sea, so we're on one particular part of that cycle. When you consider the earth is (apparently, as I wasen't alive, I'll take carbon dating as fact) 4.5 billion year old. Talking about wind, I might have to trade the boat in on a yacht ;D ;D ;D ;D
29-10-2006, 11:02 PM
What a top thread. But the best and worst is yet to come ;)
signed tunaman
30-10-2006, 05:47 AM
hi ya guys
just noted one of you talking bout old doc bellamy , started his life as a kids tv presenter in uk, not much faith in him eversince
dunno bout all this co2 been good for the plants......... more carbon is taken out of the atmosphere by algea in the ocean than plant life on land. this is why sediment rock like limestone (tinysea life many years back) when dissolvedby acid gives of massive quantities of co2
just be thankfull you folks arent in the uk , wind temp is a balmy 9c
tight lines
30-10-2006, 01:17 PM
Strewth, I had this wild chicken curry the other day and let me tell you....err, sorry, wrong type of wind ? :-[ :-[
30-10-2006, 03:26 PM
Those fishes must have blown those winds stronger makes
fishing people can't fishing any areas
because fishes not wanna get caught and eaten up ;D
Happy life of fishing,
favourite_whiting ;)
30-10-2006, 08:38 PM
Some very interesting replies, some serious and some in fun ;D
But seriously, the winds are really driving me crazy :P
By that i mean strong winds, i don't mind anything up to about 15 knots, over that no thanks, it makes me cranky >:(
I can go out and fish in the rain any time no problems but that bloody wind >:(
The comments about fossils is worth a thought, maybe a long time ago, during a global warming cycle the sea did rise and cover the inland of Australia :o
Or was an uplifting of the earth during movement of the earths crust :-?
And how do you explain the fosils embeded in tunamans boat dashboard? exploding bladders with poddy mullet skeletons flying every where ;D ;D
30-10-2006, 09:19 PM
I can explain that. ;D ;D ;D When I came through the time portall, and landed in central Australia and its about 320 million years ago. The boat landed upside down, all these sea creature,s got stuck in the dash. And by the way, they had mullet back then, and when I came back, they all fosilized. ;D ;D ;D
See it wasnt that hard to explane. ;)
signed tunaman ;)
30-10-2006, 10:19 PM
And when you came through that time portal tunaman......
Just where was it you were coming from may I ask?
30-10-2006, 10:53 PM
The bermuda triangle. ;D ;D ;D
30-10-2006, 11:06 PM
Thursday and friday were'nt too bad i heard. 4.2 metre tinnies out on the shoals, so i took a sickie on saturday and headed out about 4am. BIG MISTAKE. It was like being in a washing machine. Didn't make masthead and settled on 12 mile :-[.
Need some rain tho. As they say, A drought on the land is also a drought in the ocean. I think thats what they say :-?.
31-10-2006, 01:02 PM
here's the worst. Just fitted a new Furuno FCV 620 3 WEEKS AGO an havent been able to get ot to try it out :'( :-/
31-10-2006, 08:09 PM
Thats a shame but you will get out and test out your new sounder we just don't know when it will be :'( :'(
Look at some of the other posts, they are all talking about the wind now ;D ;D
01-11-2006, 02:04 PM
But some of the replies are of the wrong type of wind :o
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