View Full Version : ''BUSTED''

23-12-2006, 07:01 AM
I was out for a good days fishing and to drop a few crab traps with a mate last week and while we were drifting we seen this pro fisho lifting his traps from a distance he would have lifted a good dozen of traps then he pulled another trap not far from one of my traps. then this pro fisho decided motor over and lift my trap so I seen 'red' and flew over to him while he still had my floats (which is a milk container) in his hands and we had words. I took down his LFB number and reported it to the fisheries (still waiting to hear back) while he was still next to me making excuses that his trap should be here (crap) he then said to me that I had no crabs in the trap anyway.
While I was having loud harsh words with this pro prick I reminded him that he was caught lifting traps just days before and that his boat was rammed by the trap owners that are also pro fishos and are good mates of mine so my next call was to them so now the word is out that this new fisho in town has his own rules and everybody from the CO_OP to the boat ramps knows he is a crab thief.
I now have people coming up to me and asking about this pro fisho and one mate who works at the local oyster farm new the boat before I told him the full story. for anyone traping around the Port Stephen area over the festive season look out for a blue and white pro boat and keep your eyes on your traps.


23-12-2006, 06:46 PM
Good work Len keep on the pr!ck. He deserves a flogging.


23-12-2006, 07:37 PM
How lucky have you got to be to actually catch the sh!t bag in the act- keep up the good work mate!!

23-12-2006, 07:55 PM
Onya Len ;)

I've had the same thing happen to me ....... on the other had, we all have. But unfortunately I havn't caught this person yet, but I will!!!!

I'm so pleased that you've done the right thing and reported this low life, instead of winging and then doing nothing.

Len, I really want to know the end result, so keep us informed please.

All the best


23-12-2006, 09:25 PM
Man, you must be very controled in your emotions. I would have sunk the pricks boat, with the anchor tied around his throat.

Be interesting to see if anything is done about it.


24-12-2006, 01:10 AM
This adds new meaning to the "Catch Of The day!!" ::) ::)

It saddens me to think a pro would stoop so low, but good onya for catching him, then running him into the authorities. He deserves a flogging that's for sure, and I wonder how many amateur fishos he has affected. The poor 'ol blokes returning home and getting a ribbing from the missus, who in my case would say " I told you there are no muddies around to be caught" :-/ :-/

I wonder every time.... Let's hear from you again, with interest!!! :)


24-12-2006, 05:23 AM
Usually the mongrels just cut your floats off, they think they own the ocean.

24-12-2006, 07:21 AM
Pity you didnt have the camera close handy ...

24-12-2006, 01:12 PM
with luck he will soon be looking for a new job

24-12-2006, 01:44 PM
This adds new meaning to the "Catch Of The day!!" ::) ::)

It saddens me to think a pro would stoop so low, but good onya for catching him, then running him into the authorities. He deserves a flogging that's for sure, and I wonder how many amateur fishos he has affected. The poor 'ol blokes returning home and getting a ribbing from the missus, who in my case would say " I told you there are no muddies around to be caught" :-/ :-/

I wonder every time.... Let's hear from you again, with interest!!! :)


Hey Brian, Don't think this doesn't happen around our neck of the neighbourhood.
I watched a pro pull traps down the Pin one day. I couldn't get a good shot though (with the camera) but I know he was pulling the pots of others up as I watched a poor punter drop his pots and this pro came about 15 minutes later and up they came.
It happens everywhere. :(

What I'd really like to know is how many floats are just floating around the waterways (runaway pots and floats or floats that props etc have cut off the pot rope)??
And everybody just looking and wondering who the wally was that put a pot down here in the middle of the channel but not game enough to see if they are strays just incase someone ups them.

24-12-2006, 03:48 PM
Don't worry, if the pro's down there are anything like up here, he will know all about it. They tend to "police" themselves in this regard, and the punishment will involve a good caning and possibly a hessian bag to wipe his nose with. Good riddens. @ssholes.


24-12-2006, 04:19 PM
Usually the mongrels just cut your floats off, they think they own the ocean.

Too right Feral, couldn't agree with you more. I've dropped pots in the areas where the pros are working only to come back and find them gone. Almost make you feel like booby trapping them.


24-12-2006, 09:55 PM
on ya len

fight the fight

24-12-2006, 10:10 PM
It's mongrels like this goose that would give all pro's a bad name in the eyes of us normal rec' fishers.
I too hope the honest pros get to him soon and straighten him out. The last thing we need is for us to be bickering amongst ourselves(pros and rec fishers) when we need to all fight together in upcoming elections.

25-12-2006, 07:59 AM
Yep.. I was lucky to catch him in the act as I was behind a reef and he would not have seen me. I would like to have given his boat a nudge but is was a solid fiberglass compare to my tinny and would have came out 2nd best.

The latest up date is I am still waiting to hear back from the fisheries on this matter as what action they took on this crab thief (if any) I will give them a reminder when I am ask for a fishing license next time.
The best action in my books was to spread the word and the (word) is now out in our small town not only from myself but my pro fisho mates that also caught this crab thief lifting their traps NOW every body knows '' if not they soon will.''

My pro fisho mate had a knock on the door a couple of days ago and this guy introduced himself ,it was the crab thief's old man I believe also a pro fisho from another district just like his Son was. but his Son bought a local license in the buyback system, and he was sorry for his Son's actions as he is NEW in the area and would it be OK for his Son to call around and apologies as he is upset that he had done the wrong thing . ''NOT'' he was kindly told that his Son is best to stay away or he will get BASHED and his work mate is just as mad and he will get BASHED again, and he was told that he was also caught lifting amateur traps this week also, (being my trap) that was new news to the old man.

Anyway the boat the crab thief has been working out of is not licensed in his name so he cannot work in this boat with a restricted license without the owner another pro thief . so he was dobed in to the fisheries this week when he left the boat ramp about 6am they caught up to him and issued 2x $500 fines to the poor bugger and was told to pack up and get to shore.
that information came from the dobber and it made my day..


27-12-2006, 09:52 PM
Old Mate and his pro boat need concrete boots!!!! There is nothing I hate more that a theiving bastard!!!! Good work you got him in the act. You will probably here nothing back but a least the general population in the area know what a d#%khead he is!

keep up the good work and have agreat new years!

27-12-2006, 10:18 PM
Need more then concrete boots, needs shoulders less a head. Lucky for him they weren't my pots with the guys i fish with. They might have made the front page of the paper for some crime the way they react. Only new to this site but seems a very useful resource for fisher people

27-12-2006, 10:28 PM
Slugo I am so glad to hear that at least one low life has got caught thieving someone's pots. It happens with incredible regularity to all of us and it is comforting to know people like yourself are occasionally nailing these bastards in the act. Well done mate.


27-12-2006, 10:41 PM
I no longer go crabbing just for this reason. And just for those who have the brain of a garden snail, leave other peoples shit alone.

signed tunaman

28-12-2006, 01:23 PM
I no longer go crabbing just for this reason. And just for those who have the brain of a graden snail, leave other peoples shit alone.

signed tunaman

Begs the question. WTF is a graden snail :o

signed Roslyn (wonder if it works for me)

28-12-2006, 01:46 PM
Lol Roz. I think that is a question that only Tunaman can answer in his own way God help us all. :)


28-12-2006, 03:47 PM
I think maybe tunaman was likening the IQ of crabpot theives to that of a "GARDEN " snail.
However,I think that this is showing disrepect to the harmless snail,by comparing him to thoughtless thiefs.

Cheers Scott

28-12-2006, 05:06 PM
ooooooooow Thats funny! lol. and whats this I talk in the third person.
Iam pretty sure there,s only one of me ;D ;D ;D.

Iam sorry if any snails were offended. ;D ;D ;D

signed tunaman

29-12-2006, 09:28 AM
had a similar experience a couple of years ago where i had my pots about 300 m from a pros pots. while fishing about a kilometer away saw the pro lift his pots and move toward mine. by the time i got there all that was left of my pots was the floats drifting around. never saw him or my pots again.

29-12-2006, 12:18 PM
What I now do is tie a few 1/0 size bronze trebles (for camouflage) on the pot line, rusty but sharp,
and with good barbs
I used to use old bait jigs, but not as much fun.
Sometimes I just tie a rock on the end of the rope and a 2ltr milk bottle with no pot at all just to let them know the error of there ways.
I have had a gut full of the thieves and I don’t have a problem if they spend a bit of time at hospital getting rusty hooks removed.

29-12-2006, 05:31 PM
What I now do is tie a few 1/0 size bronze trebles (for camouflage) on the pot line, rusty but sharp,
and with good barbs
I used to use old bait jigs, but not as much fun.
Sometimes I just tie a rock on the end of the rope and a 2ltr milk bottle with no pot at all just to let them know the error of there ways.
I have had a gut full of the thieves and I don’t have a problem if they spend a bit of time at hospital getting rusty hooks removed.

How inventive. Now imagine what a bad day would be had by the pot thief who manages to go through all of the effort to end up with rusty trebles embedded in his hands and then finds after all that that there was a rock at the end of the line anyway. ;D Love it. :D


02-01-2007, 04:17 PM
Not suggesting you should hurt the guy but a nice trick I learnt some time ago was to fit small snapper leads on a trace to your trap rope.It wont hurt you as you would pull your gear by hand but a lazy pro with a linehauler will find a snapper lead whistleing around his ears.
Makes them think twice next time

Len, Its interesting the issues the fisheries buy out scheme is causing. The guys in Pittwater are yelling about new travelling pros and it would seem its happening everywhere.Is this guy a local or does he travel.


06-01-2007, 06:32 PM
INDULGENCE I believe this crab thief did buy from the buy back system, he works with another pro fisho and he does live in the area.
THE LATEST.. I ran into the fisheries a couple of days ago while they were on patrol and I kindly ask them when are they going to get back to me from my complaint and what action ( if any) did they do on this crab thief.
WELL no reply as what action they took on this crab thief or any constructed method as what I can do in the future if it happens again, they were more interested in checking fishing licenses and booking the poor tourist for not having one, and it was the same officer that took my first complaint on this matter.


06-01-2007, 07:11 PM
port bundy has same problem guy that is thick set black eyes bikie beard well know family for thieving crabs and pots just does what he likes