View Full Version : pile of empties on fraser

01-12-2003, 03:58 AM
the cans and bottles are from the early 80s, plenty more being uncovered by the tides on fraser for the owners to take home >:(

01-12-2003, 05:27 AM
See, if you just buryit a couple of inches its as good as gone forever >:( >:(

06-01-2004, 11:43 AM
thats what drinking VB does to people ;D But on a serious side everyone should leave the place as they found it. That sort of crap shouldn't be left around for other people to find. I couldn,t think of anything worse than standing on a broken bottle on Frazer. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

06-01-2004, 12:22 PM
Looks more like xxxx to me!
;D ;D ;D

20-03-2004, 04:45 PM
Seen the same problem at Mission Point on the western side of Bribie - lucky it was only MichaelG's foot that found the broken bottles, mind you he did jump around a bit.

24-03-2004, 04:37 AM

good one smartarse, and I did not jump around. I camly sat down and ordered you lot to fix me

#######s, thats all they are for leaving that stuff