View Full Version : Stolen - Boat Winch and Handle

02-10-2006, 07:48 AM
On Sunday (1st), I returned to the ramp after a weekend on Hummick Hill Island with the family, only to find some low life had smashed the rear window on the car, and removed the winch from my trailer.

The car was parked at the Broad Acres ramp in Tannum Sands (Gladstone).

The annoying thing is, they smashed to the window just to grab the winch handle from out of the back. They left the tie-down strap, and motor support.

The theft was reported to the police who advised that a boat trailer was also stolen over the weekend from the Tannum area (but recovered).

The winch was a three speed job with a brand new strap fitted.

If anyone hears anything (probably unlikely) please give me a yell.

One p$%%ed off fisherman.


03-10-2006, 03:02 PM

Sorry to hear of your loss. I have always wondered how safe it was down there. I must admit though that all the time i have lived there (and left my vehicle) there I have never experienced or heard of any thefts.

As the population grows and the increase in bored youths with the school holidays upon us it was probably inevitable.

The chances that it was a local and someone who frequents that ramp is a good possibility.....keep your eyes open. >:(


03-10-2006, 03:16 PM
Thanks Dino

The local coppers said there was another theft in the Tannum area on the weekend. Someone took off with a trailer 5 mins after the guy put his tinnie in and went on his way.

The trailer was recovered, stripped, down near the drags.

My concern is that they were only after the winch, and smashed the window for the $20 handle.

Might keep a look out for a 3 speed winch around the ramps, that has been repainted. Seems they were stealing to order in my case.
