View Full Version : Ways to prevent theft of crab pots
19-08-2006, 02:58 AM
Seems that stealing pots happens everywhere.
25-08-2006, 04:52 PM
IMHO the only way to ensure they dont get stolen or raided is to keep them in line of sight of your boat at all times.
As we all know, this restricts wher you go once you drop them...... be nice if you could trust your fellow man to be honest and leave them alone.................. but these days that only appears to happen in fairy tales. :(
27-08-2006, 10:36 PM
What I now do is tie a few 1/0 size bronze trebles on the pot line,I used to use old bait jigs , but not as much fun. Sometimes I just tie a rock on the end of the rope and a 2ltr milk bottle with no pot at all just to let them know the error of there ways.
I have had a gut full of the theives and I dont have a problem if they spend a bit of time at hospital.
29-08-2006, 05:25 PM
I'm with Trilogy.
I'd just love to catch one in the act, it wouldn't be pretty
Put a sign on your pots saying "smile, your on camera" recond they would get wiplash looking for owner of the pot. ;D
Cheers Ian
15-09-2006, 03:43 PM
Be careful, in theory you can be charged with grevious bodily harm if someone injures themselves badly on a booby trap, it's a bit like giving someone a hiding because they break into your house. Despite the fact they are breaking the law, you can't take matters into your own hands, irrespective
It's' a shame, I have lost quite a few pots too, so I just don't bother anymore :-/
20-09-2006, 10:38 AM
Here in SA it's now ok to use whatever force is necessary (and more) to "protect" your home and property so giving some scrote a hiding in your own home is not only legal but can be fun too ;D. Also , "he came at me when I challenged him judge", works as well when your out and about ;).
Here's an exerpt from the "The Law Handbook" available from the SA legal services commission-
Defence of property
A person is entitled to use such conduct as he or she genuinely believes is necessary to defend property from being taken, destroyed, damaged or interfered with; to prevent criminal trespass; or to arrest someone unlawfully at large - as long as the conduct was reasonably proportionate to the threat the defendant genuinely believed to exist (see also: Home invasion), and if the conduct resulted in death, the defendant did not act recklessly or intend to cause death.
Home invasion
In the case of a home invasion (that is, a serious criminal trespass in a place of residence), acting for a defensive purpose or to defend property can be complete defences to an offence, including murder, even if the defendant's conduct was not reasonably proportionate to the perceived threat [s15C Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935]. This section is not available if the victim was an on-duty police officer, or if the defendant was themselves engaged in criminal activity that might have given rise to the threat, or if the defendant was affected by drugs (unless involuntarily taken, or prescribed or over-the-counter and used appropriately).
28-10-2006, 12:52 PM
I have a little message wrote on ice cream copntainer lids and tied to my pots that reads.CAN YOU FIND THE RED DOT THATS AIMED AT YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW.THE CHOICE IS YOURS ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY PUNK.
29-10-2006, 01:59 AM
All you need is a faster boat and a piece of 35mm ally about 600mm long and once you catch them you *********************. Simple as that ;D ;D ;D
06-11-2006, 06:07 PM
An electric fence setup connected to said crabpots works well ;) ;) Not that I have ever done it ::) ::)
13-01-2007, 08:02 AM
I like the idea of hooks on the ropes but imagine if the fishos pulled your pots to check for name tags or whatever and ended up hooked. Geez you would be in some trouble!
16-01-2007, 05:23 AM
I just stick to the old wire pots. They don't bother with them anymore as they seem to be after the newer designs that are worth more. No ;) consolation for the honest guy who had to buy them in the first place.
18-01-2007, 06:13 AM
excuse the ignorance ... why do pots get stolen ?
they are - relatively large items, difficult to conceal, worth $5-$25 secondhand etc
anyone ever seen possibly stolen pots 4 sale?
are there buyers for them ?
seems like a big risk compared to the wrath that could be endured
are "scum" really that desperate?
where do most of the stolen pots end up?
MalM (puzzled)
18-01-2007, 01:31 PM
probablly the scum steeling them are sinking them all over the creeks for themselves.. you know the pots we all hit with our motors and catch with our lines when fishing cause we don't know they are there?? We need more policing of this kinda stuff on the water before people start taking action themselves and making the local creeks and rivers a dangerous palce.
20-01-2007, 01:11 PM
Same in QLD matey.
05-02-2007, 02:41 PM
fishos in mackay and prossy have been putting micro chips in muddies in pots and not waiting long for offenders. this should become common practise. good luck alby
06-02-2007, 09:27 PM
i've heard of some people just marking the position of their crab pots with a gps and no float at all
Max Gerkin
08-03-2007, 06:44 PM
I like the idea of hooks on the ropes but imagine if the fishos pulled your pots to check for name tags or whatever and ended up hooked. Geez you would be in some trouble!
I have to agree with keepitreel. i'd say if the fishos had to pull a couple of hooks out of their hands for just doing their job i'd be pretty keen to track down the owner and it wouldn't be too hard with your name and contact details plastered all over it....
13-03-2007, 04:50 PM
my two bobs worth
if you have every had pots pulled you will know the feeling
i now cable tye the openings so i know if they have been touched
my not help but i know its happened
treble hooks and a besser brick works well in the dark of night even better when they feel the sting of the hook they let go and the brick takes over
catch that on youtube and you would be a legend!!!!!!!!
Mackerel Whisperer
26-03-2007, 09:40 PM
We had pots raided in Corio Bay. The thieves had to get to them by tinny and then walk in on foot through knee deep mud to check them. Got crabs too (Different Knots on pots) Pricks. >:(
Not sure how far the media took it but not long ago there was a fire arm used up there, shot at a pot thiefs boat, one shot hit the transom, the other over the bow. Not sure if that prick will check any more pots. Looks like the time is already here to take things into our own hands.
13-04-2007, 12:01 PM
Saw an article in the paper over easter about a bloke in Cairns going out to check his pots with his kids. One of his pots was missing and as he returned towards the ramp,spotted his pot in a hire boat and it had 2 large crabs in it. So, he confrunts the occupants and one bloke, a NSW real-estate salesman, threatens him with a knife. Naturally, with kids aboard he gives them a wide beart and returns to the hire-boat office. When our tourists returned the hire-boat, the police were waiting. The bloke has been charged with armed robbery of a crab pot. Bush Budah
27-04-2007, 12:01 AM
well I have had many traps stolen I even seen some of the offenders not realising that they were changing the floats on our traps got some back but I really fantacise about just slowly closing in on them when they are on the run and riding the bow of my boat up on to the back of theirs and then let them swim home. Then on the other hand I am a bit short of crab bait. But seriously the best I have seen yet is a boat shed ripping of traps and selling the spoils at christmas and new year. I am a photographer as well with a 1000mm lens and each time I have seen these persons I had left my camera at home now I carry it all the time as I hate theives.
30-04-2007, 07:54 PM
Can you explain this little beauty to me as I have had about eight pots stolen in 2 years. Any idea to keep these weapon heads away is good by me!!
weipa girl
01-05-2007, 08:01 PM
>:( yup same here, went up to agnes once, set the trap alas gone in the morning ,partner was fuming, just typical, happens in crescent head nsw all the time ,used to live there its war down that way behold get caught in them waters of crescent head and you have hell to pay , locals dont take too nicely to it i can tell ya that .
keep on fishing cheers weipa girl
adrian johnson
02-05-2007, 12:06 PM
Hi All I Reacon Razor Wire Or Barb Wire Around The Top Three Feet Of L Rope Would Slow Them Down A Bit
04-07-2007, 01:47 AM
I am new to crabbing & used to leave my pots out over night. I used to get crabby (pardon the pun) when I pulled up a pot with no bait & no crabs thinking someone has been pinching my feed. No I realise crabs arn't silly & give them a good feed & a little time they can find their way out. A little off the topic but I thought I would put my two bobs in.
wombat 100
09-07-2007, 09:08 PM
IMHO the only way to ensure they dont get stolen or raided is to keep them in line of sight of your boat at all times.
As we all know, this restricts wher you go once you drop them...... be nice if you could trust your fellow man to be honest and leave them alone.................. but these days that only appears to happen in fairy tales. :(
Line of sight is right but make sure the sight has cross hairs and the sight is attached to something capable of punching a hole or several along the water line.
After that you have ready made pot bait that you can reset for a few days
20-07-2007, 02:22 AM
I just bought half a dozen crab pots and I'm keen to get into a bit of crabbing when its to windy to get outside fishing.
But just reading this thread has made me feel a bit demoralized .
Are there really this many thieves in the world?
Do these problems occur often or are people just angry because it has happened to them once or twice ?
I thought my biggest problem would be the odd croc munching on the pots,trying to get at the bait or crabs!
20-07-2007, 03:12 AM
excuse the ignorance ... why do pots get stolen ?
they are - relatively large items, difficult to conceal, worth $5-$25 secondhand etc
the reason they get stolen is that they quite simply don't want to pay for them
20-07-2007, 10:07 AM
Yeah, unfortunately Dirtysanchez is right in Qld booby trapping stuff like crab pot lines falls under "Setting a mantrap" Section 327 of the Criminal Code and carries a maximum penalty of 3 years in prison. It would be a bit hard to explain to fisheries why I have a dozen hooks tied along my crab pot line, the buggers would probably get me for long lining (don't know what section that is). I reckon big fast boat and accidentally sink them with your wake.
20-07-2007, 10:14 AM
Yeah, unfortunately Dirtysanchez is right in Qld booby trapping stuff like crab pot lines falls under "Setting a mantrap" Section 327 of the Criminal Code and carries a maximum penalty of 3 years in prison. It would be a bit hard to explain to fisheries why I have a dozen hooks tied along my crab pot line, the buggers would probably get me for long lining (don't know what section that is). I reckon big fast boat and accidentally sink them with your wake.
20-07-2007, 03:08 PM
We all know the ink bombs that clothes shops use and banks use to prevent theft??
How hard would it be to rig up similar that will go off 30 secs after removal from the water unless you wave a barcode reader or remote control at it as soon as it comes out?
Surely there has got to be some whizbang wizzards out there that can come up with a solution to creating something like this.
Anyone seen at a boat ramp covered in purple paint should be fairly obvious I would think.
I know of one procrabber who would be tattooed permanently head to toe if this gadget hit the market.
07-10-2007, 07:28 PM
yes it stinks crab pot theft just had the Flathead classic had 4 new pots stolen from cabbage trea point
i think it suxs how can one stopp them if you cant watch your pots there aint much of a chance i havent put crab pots in for about 20 years just got back into boating and got 4 new pots and floats from BFC on wednesday and lost all 4 thismorning hmmmmmmmm there goes 40 bucks im just going to use dillies and oil bottles keep it cheep
is there some were to report this sort of stuff ?
07-10-2007, 07:46 PM
With the numbers of pots that get knocked off its a wonder there is a single crab left in the waterways. Surely these bastards must be reusing the pots with different floats??
I know I've replaced about a dozen or so that have been knocked off over the yrs.
Its a pity salt petre shot isnt allowed, I would love to catch the pricks.
08-10-2007, 07:22 AM
Just an idea this would work in allot of places I assume but not all
like to see what scum bags are taking your pots or pilfering the pots
On eBay etc get a cheap video camera they run on a 9 volt battery set it up with a motion detector put it up in a tree (mangrove)watching the pot and maybe get some video evidence of the mongrels
It would be interesting to see how many people actually do this and if it would work ok don’t know about night time though any way I might give it a whirl
Nothing ventured nothing gained
if any one has tried this let me no or if any one does and catch a villain put it up on Utube and we make a shame file he he
i found this on ebay use a wireless one sit around the corner out of site :] QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
08-10-2007, 05:02 PM
after chasing a few sandies in the bribie passage on sunday 7th i noticed that on the run out the amount of weed caught around peoples ropes on their pots and the current combined had pulled the floats under the water about a meter or so and the tide had only just started running so people looking for their pots no doubt assumed they had been knocked of when in fact they had been lost to the elements instead. I was tempted for a split second to rectify this matter whilst getting my pots out of the way but thought i would then be accused so it was a case of damned if ya do and lost pots if i didn`t , so i left them there and went up ningi creek and scored ten lizards on plastics with a good friend of mine steve cheers buddy for a good morning out and if you lost some pots in the channel thats where they went!
09-10-2007, 06:00 PM
Do you think its possible if the float was getting pulled under water that the knot could break because we lost one a couple weeks ago and the float was floating away.
09-10-2007, 07:10 PM
i geuss anything is possible but to lose 4 ?
of which were in water that was about 2 to 3 or so feet at low tide ? they were there thursday friday and went missing or floated away etc etc on late saturday or earlly sunday morning
it would be nice to think that there were no scumbags however from saturday onwards they come out :]
10-10-2007, 11:48 AM
the ones with the weed all over them were in about ten to fifteen foot of water south eastern side of the bridge towards the channel markers.
17-10-2007, 09:14 PM
This is true.
Last Xmas I put 4 pots out northof Gilligans where the pro put them. went back next day and all were gone. I thought they had been knocked off but on the way home I found 1 right on the bank at Red beach. The next day I took the kids for a run up the passage and believe it found 2 more on the old wreck up the passage. the 4th I never found.
They were old pots but just goes to show how hard it runs up there. i have seen pent of pots on the run up there and the last ime I saw what was obviously a wrecked one I pulled it and dumped it at the ramp.
crab man
23-10-2007, 07:35 AM
Hi all just a quick word on the crab pots pulling under in tide, put a second bouy on them about 5ft from the first that will help,
TIMMY the knot will not break trust me i have fish traps in 45fathoms that get pull under with 9 x 10" and a cuple of 12 inch bouys on them sometimes for a week or so and i always get them back ive even had a few bouys 'crush" this is when the current is so strong that the bouy get the air crushed out of it by the prussure from being pull so far under!!
Cheers All hope they stop steeling all our traps !!! i cought one thiefe and he had a swing when we cought him at the ramp so we beat the shit out of him in "self defence" i dont like vilonce but i dont like steeling!!!! tough titties!!
cheers craig
25-10-2007, 08:08 PM
there are alot of people who do steal pots and dillies but the fisheries take a hell of alot of them if they are not marked properly!
i know the guys from the fisheries and from wat i see they take more pots then wat are stolen
02-11-2007, 08:19 PM
I've lost 40 crab pots over a 6 year period and most of them in the Pimpama area, some where sunken, others normal float, all with my details, rotten low lifes some people, over a period of time it adds up, not just the pots, there's bait, extra rope , wear and tear on car and fuel. I'd like to catch them first hand. Qld Fisheries had a pro complaining of the same thing. They done a covert ops and top this, microchiped the pros crabs and caught the mongrel stealing the pro's crabs.
Little grey men
22-01-2008, 09:00 AM
I came up with this idea last night after reading another thread about some jetski riding crab pot thief and his bum buddies, I feel that my design would be a very valuable tool in preventing crab pot theft and generally ensuring that fellow watercraft users behave in a polite and courteous manner... have a nice day:)
Bloody Grinner
22-01-2008, 10:19 AM
:P funny as !
I always expected my pots were raided as I went to check them because the bait was eaten but no crabs. Now I'm not sure if they were raided.
I always leave my pots overnight. I use the cheap mesh ones and always hide them very well.
Could it be that the crabs simply walked out of the trap if given enough time?? Can mudcrabs actually swim upwards or do they have to climb?
24-01-2008, 02:02 PM
Crabs can and will escape from poorly designed traps.
I spent 3 nights, 4 days up at donnybrook 2 weeks ago, and my 8 pots were in the water full time.
All used identical baits, and I have all round collapsible pots, with 4 different designs.
One design in particular was pathetic, absolutly horrendous with the crabs, miles away from a slightly larger pot with totally different entrances which out performed the others many many times over.
How do I prevent crab pot theft?? Sink the bloody things. Yes I know its a grey area with the law but I really don't mind.
Only lost one pot due to my own stupidity, thats pretty good odds if you ask me.
24-01-2008, 04:09 PM
I always sink mine and have only lost a couple over the years. Im currently looking at getting some more, but with all this crap going on i am now very reluctant to pay $50-60 a pot and have them stolen , however if I buy cheap type will my catch drop off????
i have always brought mine of crab n gear (you cant beat quality goods)and I agree with blackened good pots always seem to do better.
I also use chicken frames crushed up a little and soaked in tuna oil, then freeze
24-01-2008, 06:16 PM
Michael.... I believe if you skimp on the quality of your pot, then don't bother getting out there in the first place.
I have never used the crab n gear pots..... I pay $35 for some heavy duty jarvis walker round collapsible pots, 4 entrances and they're 900 diameter.
This is the ONLY jarvis stuff I will touch and they're available from graheme at wellington point marine. HIGHLY recommended.
These pots I have has up to 25 muddies in the 2 pots sunk around 20M apart
25-01-2008, 09:23 AM
Put a sign on your pots saying "smile, your on camera" recond they would get wiplash looking for owner of the pot. ;D
Cheers Ian
Yeah I have been thinking of this one for a while, decided that trebles in the rope line was a bad move from a legal point of view as was glass as as razor wire, but why not screw with their heads. A nice big sign which says that they are being filmed and legal action will be taken should be enough to have them dropping that pot real quick.
As I do not have a boat and only crab from the sure this would seem quite feesable.
25-01-2008, 09:49 AM
I am over having pots stolen and it does not happen to me anymore. I usually go crabbing at the sandgate co-op or morgans.
With stolen pots, bait, boat fuel and fuel for the car, it probably works out the same price per crab, but I get at least one every time I go "crabbing" now. ;D
25-01-2008, 04:13 PM
I am over having pots stolen and it does not happen to me anymore. I usually go crabbing at the sandgate co-op or morgans.
With stolen pots, bait, boat fuel and fuel for the car, it probably works out the same price per crab, but I get at least one every time I go "crabbing" now. ;D
I was considering the same..... but what I enjoy most is the exploration, the hunt and the anticipation of whats in the pots.
Pretty bloody enjoyable to see your 6'2 mate jump around the tinny like a girl when there's a loose muddy
03-02-2008, 01:15 PM
I usually put my crab pots in and tie them to trees on mainland and when i go back and check them either the rope is chopped or my crabpots are sitting on the mainland open and raided. Now i usually tye them to the roots of the mangroves and put all the rope under the mud and have not had the problem since. Dirty hands and a bit more effort retained my pots and som nice healthy muddies
05-02-2008, 07:43 PM
Same thing is happening in hervey bay though they seem intent on just stopping you crabbing in certain ares.(they just slash the top out of the pots)I've started just taking 4 rectangular collapsibles and running them every hour.Put them out of the run and keep the funnels tight with a couple well placed cable ties and you should have success.:) i got 6 in two hours a fortnight ago so pulled them out as they stack well and 6 is heaps. think the collapsibles are too cheap for them to worry about.:) :)
cheers and god luck, chewy..
31-03-2008, 12:20 AM
Was told a story by a mate that one guy in particular who lived in the Wide Bay area used to raid crab pots set in the river. The locals all knew he was doing it & he was even bragging about it at the local pub.
This one night he goes out to check some pots (not his) and some of the locals get together.
They went to the boat ramp where his car & boat trailer were parked.
They then let down all the tyres on car & boat trailer + decided to do a bit of panel beating on his car.
Never raided crab pots ever again.
31-03-2008, 07:37 PM
putting hooks on thr rope is called man trapping ans is pretty serious but iam with you on this one cause its also called stealing on the otherside of things."someone must have got there line wrapped around my pot and broke off"
31-03-2008, 07:50 PM
maybe throw a cable tie in locking them up that way you would know if they have been checked.There has to be a micochip that you could put on your pots and trace on your gps when they go missing or you should be allowed to shoot on site
02-04-2008, 04:07 PM
Not really, a microchip that would handle all the salt and shit is do-able, but would be probably a hundred bucks or more each.
You could as suggested earlier have an alarm type of device that goes off at 100 decibels if you don't have the device to disarm it, that would be fun to see, and if you were in the area and hear this, you would know whats going down
You could also apply the same technology to the ink concept, or even a low current, high voltage shock, however as said, if fisheries decide your pots are in the way, or non compliant to the laws, they are entitled by law to move, or confiscate them, so if you nobble them with ink, alarms or shock, you will be in the shit.
You could however have a GPRS module attached in a waterproof container, that sent you an SMS once a float switch on the marker float was triggered. That way you would know something is happening.. Even if it is yourself lifting the pot. Only thing with that is, each SMS will cost you..
02-04-2008, 07:33 PM
If the ink device was recognized as being the result of raiding pots or stealing things then I think the general public would be fairly quick to report any bozo coming into a ramp covered in purple stain. The more a product like this is out there for sale at every bait shop the quicker the public would learn to keep an eye out for the perps. Its not that easy to remove purple stain from clothes faces and hands and boats so it would definitely be pointing the finger. It would need a set of codes activated via remote control as you set the pots and only that remote will deactivate it when you return. Makes only the remotes that need to be different rather than the paint balls.
Has anyone had anything to do with the clothing or money stain bombs used in retail and banking? Surely it is not too difficult to come up with a design and prototype?
02-04-2008, 07:49 PM
guys if it is a common problem,happening regularly in one spot more than likely whoever is doing it is selling them. if you detail where it is happening regularly then have a chat to the local fishos they already have the microchip to put in the crab,they will put a operation on and catch them.but it has to be happening regularly otherwise its like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
03-04-2008, 04:49 PM
Chewy, maybe not, I have seen a pro near where my mate lives at River heads pull up pots, including mine and basically pull off the floats / tags and stack them on board his punt, then zoom off. Apparently one time someone had a go at him and his attitude was #uck you all, this is my livelyhood, how would you like it if someone came into your workshop and started taking your stuff ?
03-04-2008, 05:48 PM
sorry i meant the fisheries.if you have his number/rego/description of the boat pm me and ill give them a call myself as i no a couple of them.had an interesting one today. went to pick up a pot.curse it the float was cut off. went back at low tide and the rope had been chewed off and a hole chewed out of the pot and heaps of little footprints round the pot and the bait had been chewd and spread out round the pot. One of the pros reckons it might have been a water rat.
27-04-2008, 08:26 AM
NO FLOATS I take 2-3 pots and tie them together with about 4 - 5 m of line between each of them , at the centre of each line i put a small sinker to hold the lines down, as I drop the first pot (into around 1.5 depth min ) I mark it on the GPS and on the last pot aswell ( it is leagal as long as your name and info in pots and it is tied to something which is the other pots), when I get close enough to get them I tie on a reef anchor to the back of the boat and idle through, when the boat slows a litlle grab the line and pull up the pots, takes a few passes sometimes and sometimes a lot of swearing but at the end i always find them no matter what it takes, I've never lost or had one knocked off since.
04-05-2008, 08:47 PM
My withces hats are out and even though i am within a distance to see boats going near them it does not stop them being checked by others. Last christmas eve i was out and had traps in, went for a run over the other side of tuggerah lake for a fish, came back 4 hrs later to discover only 5 floats instead of 10 on the surface, lifted the first trap and another float was under it. Each trap was over the next traps float. Net had been cut in spots to take crabs out, all other traps had crabs cut out of the netting, didnt make for a good christmas day with no crabs, this has happened on a regualr occassion so i have a few dummy traps, a brick with barb wire wound through the rope to a dummy float, no more stolen crabs so it has stopped the thieves.
24-05-2008, 10:03 PM
Some of the old salts in Lancelin WA used to attached razor wire or razor blades - whatever they had handy at the time.
They would layer it from about 1 metre under water for about 2 metres, so any would-be thieves wouldn't see until it was waaaaayyy too late.
Ouch !!
24-05-2008, 10:46 PM
What I now do is tie a few 1/0 size bronze trebles on the pot line,I used to use old bait jigs , but not as much fun. Sometimes I just tie a rock on the end of the rope and a 2ltr milk bottle with no pot at all just to let them know the error of there ways.
I have had a gut full of the theives and I dont have a problem if they spend a bit of time at hospital.
Hi Trilogy there is a court case happening at present where a bloke set a trap to catch a pervert looking through the families bedroom windows.. he put a board with a few nails pointing up... a local ratbag stood on the nails and rang the cops from the hospital.. the board constitutes a man trap which is illegal.. the perv is waiting for the criminal charges to happen before a civil suit is put on...
what you are doing with hooks on your rope is a mantrap.. so some thieving scum may get nailed and you could be the poor bugger paying him damages or worse a jail sentance... I think there should be open season on thieves but unfortunately the law seems at times to be on their side
26-05-2008, 09:02 AM
That's right ... you have to make it look like they were tangled onto there by accident ... you know ... a big mess, like in my tackle bags at the end of every fishing season.
"Why would I do that officer? Then I wouldn't be able to get my nets/pots out of the water!!"
26-05-2008, 01:42 PM
Young Gun
08-06-2008, 07:41 PM
We know a lot of the local professional crab fisherman, in fact my uncle is, he is based at weipa at the top qld, he pulls 350 crabs a week on average. the only people up there that steal pots are crocs, finding those hard orange plastics balls bitten in half. lol
anyho a fella we know by the name of kenny a local potter at jacobs well had 9 of his pots lifted last wednesday, the funny thing is that he must of had crabs in there for the zip ties to be cut off the doors. kind of sad because there people pay to have their licence and then struggle to make a living because some poor bstard cant be bothered setting their own pots.
My father and i come up with a solution to stop these thieves and went to the local hunting shop and purchased a camoflaged camera the size of a cigarette box. We hid it in a log with a tiny hole and totally undectable. unless you know where it is of course. then only to set a pot with pleanty of bait to last a few days. zip tied the doors. The camera then scences movement and bang busted!@ lol we got 3 different people in four days. The first person lifted it twice in a matter of 2 hours. what an idiot. lol the second guy was also a pro crabber, and we busted him big time with a clear shot of his license num on side of boat and him lifting the pot, cutting tag and taking crabs.
Worked perfect, sent to queensland fisheries, and his license was revoked.
A little message to people who want to lift pots. there is always someone watching. :)
09-06-2008, 07:25 AM
My father and i come up with a solution to stop these thieves and went to the local hunting shop and purchased a camoflaged camera the size of a cigarette box. We hid it in a log with a tiny hole and totally undectable. unless you know where it is of course. then only to set a pot with pleanty of bait to last a few days. zip tied the doors. The camera then scences movement and bang busted!@ lol .................
That is awesome - can you please provide more detail of the camera device - brand,model, apprx cost, where to buy etc
Young Gun
09-06-2008, 01:50 PM
Hi Mal,
Yeh No Worries. i will get onto it for you, will post back soon with details.
P.s. the camera was pretty expensive, but maybe you can get a cheaper one? i dont know but i will find out :)
10-06-2008, 07:27 PM
Also interested in the camera
Young Gun
10-06-2008, 07:55 PM
yeh i just found out where he got it from, a place called ozspy ( they have a fair few shops around. he said the camera was nearly 900 bucks, lol gob smacked. idiot lol. but hey its worth the money in crabs. but there is some cheaper ones but they dont capture at a distance needed. he said you can lend the camera if you like. it has a rechargeable battery and a sd 512 sd card it last for like a week or so cause it only captures a pic when the sensor goes off.
i checked the website but i couldnt find the camera we got, but some similar ones, check it out and let me know.
10-06-2008, 10:21 PM
they have a fair few shops around. he said the camera was nearly 900 bucks, lol gob smacked. idiot lol.
Don't waste your money, get a camouflage camera from Cabelas in the US, heres a Bushnell for US$150, if the link doesn't work, google Cabelas and search for camouflage cameras - they have heaps.
This is a great idea - a few successful prosecutions with a hefty fine or two may discourage many.
Failing that, printing their photo and putting them up around places like pubs, clubs and supermarkets with the caption "Do you know this man taking these crabs?" is sure to make them think twice. Note you are not accusing them of anything, just asking a question. They will get the message.|0&firstPage=true (
11-06-2008, 02:47 PM
Stick to Dilly Pots - way more effective, quick, cheap and a bit of fun catching them with kids around. Definitely no waiting around for them to find the crab pot opening. Obviously this only works for those who have the time land based rather than the off visit in the dingy.
29-06-2008, 10:28 PM
i remember a story here in Gladstone a while back...some knobhead nicked some 50 or more crab pots...collapsed them all up...put them under his house (with all the previous owners names etc STILL ON THE TAGS)...also caught with undersized whole crab(jennies) in his freezer...his neighbour dobbed him in or something...needless too say after all was said and done (his name and all offences printed in the paper)...he dont live here no more...SCUMBAG!!! :D
01-07-2008, 08:36 PM
some good ideas in this post!
over the years i have caught 3 persons in the act of checking my pots, i have always got the same reply when i fronted them
" thought it was my pot". i never let my pots out of my sight, tho on one occassion this did nt even help, when 2 kids raced up to my pots, cut the crabs out of the nets then took off, my boat was 2 slow 2 catch them.
i have also seen witches hats floating away when the rope catches 2 much weed and the tides drags them away. the shoalhaven is riddled with crab nappers.
14-11-2008, 12:45 PM
Gidday all,
Pissed about pot theft also- but lets not go there.
My thought is the ink idea but bave the bomb placed in the float activated then the float is pulled hard - ie hooking the rope with the gaff and then pulling it into the boat. That is more force than the best of wake or waves surely.
to counter not wanting to get inked yourself have a second loop in the rope that you can safely gaff and pull into the boat without the ink explosion.
simple yet effective.
I know nothing about ink bombs but surely it couldnt be too hard to set up- could it?
Bob H
19-11-2008, 09:25 PM
Chewy, maybe not, I have seen a pro near where my mate lives at River heads pull up pots, including mine and basically pull off the floats / tags and stack them on board his punt, then zoom off. Apparently one time someone had a go at him and his attitude was #uck you all, this is my livelyhood, how would you like it if someone came into your workshop and started taking your stuff ?
so what did they do to him /,did they report him? /get the pots back?/get back at him/ or were they all too shit scared do do anything about it and just let it pass? .bob
17-02-2009, 12:39 AM
I have been so temped to just run my bow up over the transon of the crab pot theifs boat and sink him and let him swim home. I actually picnic onshore near my pots and I get to see who the theives are and there are many. I have now found an isolated place and my trap doesn't walk. I also get many crabs as no one else is there.
17-02-2009, 09:36 AM
DPI and Fisheries are out there and in regards to commercial guys are laying data dotted traps and also crabs in pots that have a transponder in them. That along with camera evidence is going to catch some scum. Shame they don't have the $ to run that style of operation more often as neither can be seen by the naked eye.
Crab thieves - technology is catching up - we mark all our pots with a couple of hacksaw marks and a couple of other things and I'll recognise my pots and be able to identify them so if you are cuaght with them i will do the leagal mambo with fisheries on you.
17-02-2009, 01:16 PM
If you do catch the pot thieves and are next to their boat cut the fuel line and they can row/float home.
If they get violent and abusive threaten to ignite a flare and throw it in the boat with them.
I believe they would back down very quickly.
21-03-2009, 11:22 PM
If you do catch the pot thieves and are next to their boat cut the fuel line and they can row/float home.
If they get violent and abusive threaten to ignite a flare and throw it in the boat with them.
I believe they would back down very quickly.
I love it! Great Idea! You would want to make absolute sure that they are the ones - but if you seen it happen and caught them - I would have no trouble coming along side and slicing their fuel line going into their outboard... and driving off to let them savour my crabs...
22-03-2009, 06:16 AM
I better not move over to Oz, I'd get extradited in no time, damn those crab pot stealing low life scum!
22-03-2009, 12:24 PM
I better not move over to Oz, I'd get extradited in no time, damn those crab pot stealing low life scum!
No please do... I am over it! I am not a violent person - but As a student who loves fishing - I cant afford to keep buying new crab pots - and shouldnt have to. If I did catch someone doing it... ...... I wont say...... lol...
22-03-2009, 06:37 PM
I've never been crabbing, but if i ever saw someone stealing my pots, I'd go over and kill them :)
31-03-2009, 07:53 PM
some good ideas in this post!
over the years i have caught 3 persons in the act of checking my pots, i have always got the same reply when i fronted them
" thought it was my pot". i never let my pots out of my sight, tho on one occassion this did nt even help, when 2 kids raced up to my pots, cut the crabs out of the nets then took off, my boat was 2 slow 2 catch them.
i have also seen witches hats floating away when the rope catches 2 much weed and the tides drags them away. the shoalhaven is riddled with crab nappers.
Now you have to have your details on the float they can't use that excuse anymore hey?
10-04-2009, 12:26 PM
Along with my details,. . . I have also sprayed floro orange spots on my floats so that it's obvious for me to spot my own, and others know it's definetly not theirs.
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