View Full Version : alvey  fly  reels?

01-01-2002, 07:22 PM
Has anyone used one? How do they compare?

thanks, Andrew

06-01-2002, 06:31 AM
My dad got an alvey model 425b direct drive fly reel for his Bday ;D ;D ;Dand ???300 :-*yds :Dof 30 pound bionic braid 8) 8) 8) and a scientific anglers striped bass(surf colour) wf-10-s fly line for x-mas. he will put this on his ten wt rod and head to fraser island and hervey bay. to try it out next week.
il let u kno the results we tied some fly this morning 8) 8) 8) 8)
:Pcheers :P

06-01-2002, 09:42 AM
Don't forget the wire leader, plenty tailor there. Or can you use gang hooks with fly?

Anyway, have fun. I look forward to your report. Andrew

06-01-2002, 03:33 PM
I've been using an Alvey 425 B for a couple of years now. They are anindestructible reel. Some comment that they a bit on the heavy side, but you counteract this by pulling one of the wire line guides out that weigh approx 50 grams.
The 425 B & the 425 BE (see pic below) both hold 500 yards of 50lb Bionic Braid backing plus fly line.


I can't complain about anything on them as yet. ;D



06-01-2002, 06:14 PM

I used my Dads' for a year or so and like it. It has a few line traps but has a great drag and plenty of line capacity. And the price is great too.

Tony D

06-01-2002, 07:59 PM
Thanks for posts, I looked up the Alvey site on Ausfish and see they are on special. $160.00 - cheap. The braid and the strudwick rods, plus fly line, and of course, flys are what makes them dear, not much change from $1,000.00.
I could use 15 kilo pink for backing as only need a few hundred metres for jew/carp(catchn'kill the later).
Any reasonable alternative to rod? Maybe I'll have to learn how to make one?

thanks, Andrew