View Full Version : carckarkinus leucas (alias bull shark)

14-01-2002, 04:03 PM
hi all
with all the talk of these bities in the brissy of late i have turned away from the light & to the dark side ;) &dug out my dusty bait fishing gear in an attempt to learn something about these fish .With this in mind ,iam trying to learn how these fish hunt /stalk prey in there riverine enviroumentso that ican come up with some method to catch them on fly.From what ihave seen /read they are present in the river year round and should prove to be a worthy opponent on the long wand.
Anyone who has caught them on fly before iwould love to hear your experinces & methods used or anyone who has caught them on bait as well any info would be gladly received.

ps idon't want to start a fly,bait ,lure war after re reading my post either just trying to futher my own knowledge useing path of least resistence, in this case i thought live bait would prove to be the best teacher . ;)

thanks in advance jonesy

14-01-2002, 09:42 PM
Hi Jonesy,
Ipswich angler Darren MacCoombes went to Colleges to practice his fly casting & a whaler jumped on the end. He landed it ok too, lucky it was only lip hooked.
I've got em on lures meant for tarpon & bass down there. An annoyance to me when they nail a tarpon before you can boat it :'(, but they are great fun to others.
Keen fisho Craig Bowley is a specialist at sharkin up that way. Maybe he'll give you a few tips.
I used to go after them occasionally & did ok using live catfish. If you go to Colleges Crossing at night & put a torch on the water you can commonly see several swimming around at any one time. There's plenty of them around there.

Had one swim between my legs below the old weir at Mt Crosby a few years ago. :o

