View Full Version : Most Popular Brand of Fly-Rod ?

11-02-2002, 03:49 AM
Just was thinking ,
"i wonder what brand of fly-rod is the most populer"
so c'mon folk what is you fav fly-rod and fev type of fishin, ?
for me it's,
Strudwick DBT #10 and no doubt chasin, Barra, Jacks and Tuna !! ;D

11-02-2002, 09:18 AM
You know mine without asking.
I love my Loomis GLX Mega. Have got a few others but when the pressure is on, the Loomis comes out.

Fav fishing? Rollin a dahlberg for saratoga up the top of the Fitroy River. Good fishin in awesome country. For me it doesn't get much better than that.

11-02-2002, 12:42 PM

Any other vote for Loomis GLX Mega.

My favourite Ian Miller built GLX 10/11 mega has been retired. Broken chasing tailing Hervey Bay Golden. Loomis do not not sell the GLX Mega blanks anymore. The 10/11# mega was an awesome rod, great blank, brillant rod builder, fantastic fittings(gold cermets). I replaced it with a factory rod.

Favourite form of fishing is wading/sight fishing. Those Hervey Bay Golden Trevally are my current favourite.


12-02-2002, 05:51 AM
;) Hard decission as I have a GLX mega 10/11 which I love and have used and caught many fish on - BUT have been using a Strudwick DBT 9 wht over the last two years and have become equally attatched.

Favourite fishing - tropical flats for anything which I can see before I cast 8)

Regards Scotto

12-02-2002, 09:26 AM
Only relatively new to this wand waving caper. My mate built me a 3 piece Pacific Composites in 10wt which I've used for my few fly captures.

Definitely chasing jacks is my fav but looking forward to gettin' amongst some barra in September at Hinchinbrook. Love to get after some of those tuna.


13-02-2002, 07:16 AM
my two cents worth..... my favourite rod would be my 9 weight Scott heliply, custom built with gold cermet guides. Use it for most everything. Going on a charter on friday for salmon and maybe small kings out of the boat- which is the main reason i purchased this rod. Love seeing a school of four kilo fish the size of a football field follow their hooked mates to the back of the boat!

14-02-2002, 06:24 AM
Dont have a fav rod or reel set up, would use a tooth pick if thats what I had to use... I do favour my 6/7 abu fly max elchepo grandie, trying me best to snap it but cant (15 milkfish so far)

fav fishing is surface flies, heavy lily cover and angry toga as fitzy says it dont get any better...

but I'm starting to get attached to the lightening runs and never say never fights of the milkfish...

I like blind casting rather than sight casting as the full on line whip suprise is half the fun for me...

if your going to fly, then fly red eye...


16-02-2002, 04:57 PM
Hi Brett,
I gotta say that it's my Loomis IMX 5 weight. For a little rod, it punches out Dahlbergs on a 6wt floating line, and Vampires etc. on a Cortland QD175. I know I only fish for perch ;), but this rod sure makes them fun.

21-02-2002, 05:40 PM
SA Innovator Distances are walking out the doors of tackle shops in inbelievable numbers at the moment. Around $200 for an unconditional 5 year warranty. Most people are passing up the chance to by a $900 rod and walking out of the shops with 3 Innovators with change still in their pocket.

Before them a lot of people got their start with Abu Gold Max rods.

Remember the question was the most popular brand of Fly Rod. Has anyone got any firm statistics on this.

21-02-2002, 09:14 PM
Good point Smithy, Most Popular Rod don't also mean Peoples Favourite Rod.

22-02-2002, 04:43 PM
SA Innovator Distances are walking out the doors of tackle shops in inbelievable numbers at the moment. Around $200 for an unconditional 5 year warranty. Most people are passing up the chance to by a $900 rod and walking out of the shops with 3 Innovators with change still in their pocket.

Before them a lot of people got their start with Abu Gold Max rods.

Remember the question was the most popular brand of Fly Rod. Has anyone got any firm statistics on this.

Don't mean to be pedantic, but Brett's heading was "Most Popular Brand of Fly Rod", but his question was actually:

Just was thinking ,
"i wonder what brand of fly-rod is the most populer"
so c'mon folk what is you fav fly-rod and fev type of fishin, ?
for me it's,
Strudwick DBT #10 and no doubt chasin, Barra, Jacks and Tuna !!

In a way only Brett can, he asked two questions, and answered one of them in the same sentence.
While the Innovators are a reasonable rod, they have risen dramatically in price since their first release. I bought my X-stream fairly early on, and at that time the Distance was $119.00 and the X-stream was $199.00. I used the X-steam the other day, it's a 6-7 wt, and I'd forgotten how slow the action was. Casting a QD175 Cortland, that a 5wt IMX will through to almost full length, the Innovator was really struggling. I'd go as far as to say that the 4wt GL2 casts the QD175 better that the Innovator. And there is not a huge difference in price these days.

22-02-2002, 05:42 PM
Best thing I have cast is Keith Gough's #7 Scott. Fantastic rod. This is comparing it to Fitzy's Loomis, Shawn's Struddie, Timp's Sage, Motty's Nautikos, Rossco's Chameleon, some Orvis's from Roger's shop and a few other famous rods I have tried over the years.

I have a definate leaning away from Loomis's. The Sage was excellent as was the Struddie.

A surprise packet of a rod I have tried is the Black Shadow. Around $500 which isn't bad value for a rod of its capabilities and I nearly bought one but I went down the road of the SA Innovator. The way I look at is I can buy two and end up with 10 years of warranty if I break one and still get change in my pocket out of $500.

Most common type of flyfishing I do is impoundment bass fishing but I am sure I would find swoofing for Billfish my favourite if I ever gave it a go.

22-02-2002, 06:13 PM
Hey Smithy,
Interested in doing that same trip we did with the Witchdoctor again this year? Same time, same place, same boat?


22-02-2002, 06:26 PM
;D Hi Smithy on the Shadows I've been using them for a few years now and haven't found any faults yet.Have an 8WT and 10WT like both but the 10wt is my favorite and there AUSTRALIAN MADE with a good warranty and around $500 there a great rod for the money.It's had no trouble taming Long Tails and Golden Trevally to date. 8) Heading to Cairns in a couple of days for about six weeks work so I hope to tangle with some northern critters on it while I'am there.You wouldn't have regreted it if you had of purchased one. ;D Paul Dolan

23-02-2002, 06:52 AM

I know I wouldn't have regretted the Black Shadow. Motty had one for a while for the fly school Schoey ran with Ray Scovell at the Yallakool Cafe. Didn't have the cash so bought the Innovator. No-name broke my Penn at Somerset during pre-fishing. Used an Abu at Somerset when I came fourth or whatever through to the Cania final when I got 10/10.


Same as last year. Will be keen if offshore is blown out. Want to get to 1770 again. Depends on the weather at this stage. Might need a 4WD depending on water levels.

16-03-2002, 04:39 PM
Hi big fella,my favorite fly rod is my little FWT 4wt Strudwick. Its caught everything from gar,bass,toga through to 7kg tuna,(you have to chase them for a while). It might have some competition when I get the Strudwick TPS 2wt going. ;)


22-03-2002, 08:46 AM
G'day Brett. Well I have 2 Temple Fork rods, a 12 and a 9. Not interested much in 9's but the 12 is the best 12 weight rod I have ever had in my hand and it casts like a rocket. For my money TFO have the best value rods on the planet, are the equal of any of the top????? brands, and have a unlimited lifetime guarantee for the original owner.
TFO's are as good as it gets. Money does not guarantee performance, no matter who flogs it. Ron Pearson is presently flogging the 12 to death, fishing it in 60 feet of water, dredging he calls it. Casting of all things 34 feet of LC15, which for the record weighs in at 510 grains. With that load, one backcast and at least 120 feet. Not bad stuff. Max

22-03-2002, 12:12 PM
g'day max,

nice to sea ya on the site, input from a guy like you is always worth its weight in gold.

cheers, justin

P.S. gotta say my favorite rod would be a struddy DBT 10wt, just wish i owned one! :'(