View Full Version : Flashy profiles the order of the day...
21-04-2002, 01:01 PM
fishing at the mouth of the Burnett River (near Bundaberg) this morning my fishing partner and i found balls of Herring balled up high and tight.. :D
thay were good sized bait around the 4" Mark, so we tyed on a couple of Flashy profiles. these lasted until thay got through the Bait Ball then were instantly nailed by someting with TEETH :o hehehehehehee.
we had around 1 meter of single strand wire on board so a couple more flys with around 4" of trace were chucked back into the boiling mass.
these were also monstered and bitten off !
a couple more flys and a slow strip back to the boat before thay made it through the Bait resulted in the culprits being revealed.. good Spanish Mackrell around 4-5 feet,40 odd pound had the hands shakeing and blood rushing..
i sucedded in loseing 5 flys to fish that would inhale the flly and leader,nearly pull ya arms from there scockets on strike, then all over red rover... :-[
i tryed a longer trace but as i'm a crappy caster could not manage a deacent cast, so i trimmed trimmed it back to 4" and lost another fly :'(
it's times like this ya wish for a #12 to peg those big moungrel flys.
so it's fly tyeing night tonight... ;D
all this is a follow up to the previous 2 days were Longtails and Mack Tuna were the order of the day with some good fish falling victums to surf candies.
also a great 2 hour session on Queenfish is veeeeery skinny water on thursday.
all in all a great week!!!!
Hookin, Brett
21-04-2002, 03:08 PM
Sounds awesome.
Have you tried the knottable trace stuff??
I've got some, but have not used any in anger.
Forget the 12#, go for a 15#. I was trying to get a tuna on popper fly so I took out my billfish rod for Bribie. I ended up skulldragging a small kingie off a beacon with the 15#.
Bundy may be a bit far to tow "Sherm" for a days fishing??
21-04-2002, 03:57 PM
you know the rules mate, we fish from my boat. 8)
just let me have a few days warning before ya get here.
The Sea-Jay has just come back from the factory with a sweet re-fit rod locker to house riged fly-rods even BIGGER cast deck.
podded and a new paint job to set her off!! i have so much storage room i could carry every bit of fishing gear/tackle i own and still have room!! ;D
as for the knotable trace, picked some up this arvo after fishing,will be trying it tommorow...
Hey guys I used to use 40lb Sevenstrand wire, Albright it to the bottom Bimini and figure 8 it to the flu. Use a full length of 12 inches or more. You can use mono wire for Spaniards, 12 inches or so. White deceivers go pretty good, on those beasties, Cheers Max
24-04-2002, 08:33 AM
got agree with you there Max,
i use white Lefty's decivers for almost everything. had a good couple of days since i first posted this,takeing good longtails to 25lb with some bigger fish being lost to stupid mistakes... had a encounter with a Massive Cobia yesterday the thing was just cruizing around the bait balls waiteing for my fly..... lost the thing at the boat after a loooong fight!! :P
am haveing a R&R day at home today 6 days of Tuna and other beasties has left me a bit sore and tired. (yah i know, slack) but am into them again tommorow!!!!!
will let ya know how we go.
How about this thing, flashes like a mirror, rather good stuff
24-04-2002, 04:03 PM
very nice mate!! ;D i have fished those other flys you sent me when i was up in cairns and thay worked well!!!
hope all is good over there and your keeping well.
i'll post tommorow in reguards to the days fishing.... here's hopeing the fish are still around.
Hookin, Brett
26-04-2002, 01:09 PM
fished wed morning, got into some Big Mack Tuna, great fun!! all on those surf candies.
we were about to head in when a baitfish school went apeshit near the boat, my mate shot in a cast and the next thing all hell is breaking loose!!!!!!
my mates flyling in burning out his hand i'm sitting back cracking up laughing!!! and a great Queenfish is air bourn next to the boat!!!
it was a relative short fight aroung 10min and a Great Queenie was next to the boat!
it mesaured in at 1200 long and 10kg :D ;D ;D ;D
my mate was over the moon i was oiver the moon !!!
i then proceded to churn the water to foam for naught :'(
this morning headed otu early for a fish along wo=ith the rest of Bundaberg :o
managed a heap of small Mackrell but nothing big, i did however pluck a Gloden Trevally out of a school of macks hanging on the end of a rock wall at the mouth!!
so it was a good outing,and i was home by 11am.
28-04-2002, 04:22 PM
Was in Rehbeins the other day and saw a big picture of you, Harro and another bloke on the wall. Is he the owner of the shop? He had some other nice fish on the walls as well.
Will be in Bundy for a month as of Thursday to do the Coxswains course. Busy schedule but we will have to catch up. Will be bringing "Blacksmith" up. Took her for a service at Glasses the other day and keen to work your Bundy Billfish out after finally finding them at Double Island Pt.
30-04-2002, 03:23 PM
yah the pther fella is the owner of the shop, (Rob).
will no doubt catch up for a fish mate, take ya out to chase some Spanish ;D
i have just got my Coxswains (restricted to smooth waters)
Fitzy has done the one your doing and i think my poor old burnt out brain would blow up id it had to think that much :P
i'll private my home number address ect.. to ya on this board.
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