View Full Version : Wire Tippets??
19-06-2002, 01:29 PM
Who out there uses wire ??? How the hell to you change flies using wire ??? ??? I reckon at some stage it would be an evil necessity.
19-06-2002, 02:16 PM
Your right about it being a evil necessity , these day I just carry a few deceivers already tied up on single strand wire . The flats I fish have few big barracuda cruising them from time to time, and when out on the reef, you’ve alway got the chance of a mack or two hanging around the boat. Having some pre-tied just saves the mucking around needed before being ready for the shot , basically they are tied on with a simply haywire twist, the length of single strand wire is about 4-6 inches long. Had some already tied on to leaders that are stored in zip lock bags until needed..
I use wire all the time, 40lb sevenstrand. Its albrighted to the bottom double and connected to the fly with a figure 8 knot. I carry a few leaders already done up, loop to loop to the head, and no fly connected. All mackerel need wire, as do tailor and other sharp toothed critters.Can't recall the last time I used a mono shocker. Max
19-06-2002, 09:42 PM
I use multi strand wire for pike here in Canada and just tie it to the fly with a figure of eight knot.
Clip the fly off and then tie on a new one.
It's never let me down yet.
20-06-2002, 05:30 AM
Max the other day we had small shark macks cruise around the boat, and they continued to refuse any fly i threw at them. Different Speed and retrieves still only got follows but no takers.
I decide to take off the wire tippet,I beleive that this may have been the problem. first cast without the wire and one small strip, and then bang, connection. I was lucky enough to lip hook him and keep the leader away from the dentures.
It was a risk fishing without the wire, but it proved to be one worth taking.
it's one to keep in the back of the mind if they do become leader shy.
20-06-2002, 08:36 AM
I use knotable wire, it is allright the first bite then it is all becomes twisted, you,ll have to cut the twisted bit and tie a new one, and I don,t think fish are striking as freely as they would on mono that is my experience, i don,t fish much for big tooty cretures as mentioned with the above answers, mabe you have to have some ready made as mentioned before which.good luck which ever way you go.
Well use mono on sharkies and the odds are it'll get chopped. So you miss a few but you get what you hook. Bet you use little flies, mine are big deceivers or poppers on 12 outfits.
I'd rather be sure than lose that wopping spaniard.
If sharkies seem a little slow, cut the hook off a popper and throw that in there and work it hard. Berserkers.
Best laught you can have Max
20-06-2002, 09:53 AM
Max i got him on a small deciever about 4 inch long, but when the big spaniards turn up, i'll bring out the FPF's there about 6-7 ".
I haven't use the knottable wire as of yet, because i've been told buy a few guys that there's a chance that the big spaniards will snip through it, a lot of the gamefishing guides don't use it.
I reckon it would be alright on the smaller macks and tailor though with out a problem..
Anyone else had any expercience with big fish bite through it ?
Max will try the poppers on the sharkies next time sound like serious fun .
I used to fish with 2 13 year olds. One day I de hooked a popper and chucked it into a bundle of sharkies.
They carted it all over the ocean, hitting it and getting it airborne, then flying after it. The kids were rolling around in hysterics. It was out there for 20 minutes getting destroyed. Crazy fish those sharkies, but hell they eat well, after the smell goes away.
They don't seem to be around in the same numbers these days, seem to be a bit further out, from the gibbers.
I wouldn't use knottable wire. Much rather use solid 50lb or 40 sevenstrand. Max
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