View Full Version : Manufacturing Bangers
29-06-2002, 06:24 AM
Hi guys, just discovered this site - lots of useful info here.
I'm in the midst of making poppers and figured that Bob's Bangers are the easiest to make. Question is, do the heads have to be round ? Can I have popper head with a square face instead? Will it still pop as well? My reason for asking is because I have a plank of suitable foam for the heads but no way to cut round tubes out of it. Appreciate any suggestions.
as a matter of fact I have used just about every type of popper you can imagine, bloopers, sliders, poppers, big bangers, hair bodies, foam bodies, and bodies from epoxy and glues.
Square poppers, that is square faced poppers do work and the added attraction is that they don't roll as much as round poppers as the fish surge bow wave hits it.
You guys do not listen do you, you think I'm nuts, ONLY popper heads to use are soft ones, and you can make them very easily. from goat hair. just spin the body and trim it to shape, stiffen the face with softex or whatever. Goat hair beats the crap out of bucktail because it isn't hollow and doesn't soak up water when you cut the stuff to shape. Or use very soft foam or EZ body material or Flexo. All else is a pain in the butt.
They are heavier and the fish grab them in their teeth and you miss the hit. I'd like a dollar for every fish I've missed on hard bodied poppers. But use whatever you like. Square heads work. And colour doesn't matter a dam, use white goat hair and fish it. You can cut that square as well, or round, or oval, or whatever. Max
29-06-2002, 12:36 PM
Max, the foam I'm using is pretty soft so it should be ok. Will try out the square faced head tonight.
I'm glad you like the Madison River Fishing Company link - I see you've been recommending it to others.
29-06-2002, 06:58 PM
g'day sunil,
get a piece of metal tubing the same diameter that you want the head to be and sharpen the edge. Then just twist it into the foam and you will cut yourself a nice piece of round foam. Cut it to the length you want and there you have it - a banger style head.
cheers and good fishing, justin
Ah yes, but really you should get on Dans Board and chat Lee Haskins, get a salt water gurgler kit, and try them. Beat poppers hollow, Magnificant things. How about that. Max
03-07-2002, 05:21 PM
mate I have be making bangers for years out of beach thongs the easiest way to cut out the right shape is with a plug cutter from good hardware store you need a drill if you need to cut longer heads buy a short lenght of copper pipe and sharpen on end.if you really want to play around with shape put an order in for a dremel tool these things will carve any thing
03-07-2002, 06:01 PM
Shaun, good to see you here, and in the "Bush n Beach" mag.
Your knowledge on the water and around the fly tying bench will be much appreciated here.
08-07-2002, 11:03 AM
Thanks steve its been fun so far writting for BNB.
10-07-2002, 05:54 AM
Ive been using that tube foam from hardware shops, Plumers use it for filling gaps. perfectly round, just slice a Banger head off, perfect size and shape (I have found 4 sizes so far). A bit soft, but once ya rap the shiny tape around it does the job..MQ
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