11-10-2002, 07:37 AM
I thought I'd put this here because of the many questions about LC13 use and the obvious lack of knowledge that exists out there. Bear in mind its not just another fly line, but a thin fast sinking head that gets up a whacking velocity and accelerates clousers to supersonic speeds. These things are not really for beginners so be careful. OK
The AFTMA line number and the rod number, for optimum rod loading, will not necessarily be the same. Line manufacturers numbering is based upon the weight of the first 30 ft of a line. The rod, however, is usually designed to cast 45 or more feet of a double taper line. Therefore, it may not be optimally loaded by lines of different designs such as Weight Forward, Triangle Taper or Shooting Tapers. Even though the line has the same number as the rod, only the weight of the first thirty feet will be the same, the total line weight (of 45 or more feet) will be less, because most of the belly weight of a Double Taper will be missing.
To compensate for this the rod should be "over lined" in order to match the casting weight of a Double Taper line (some will argue that in either case casting 30' of line will load the rod the same but they forget that the line in the guides is also part of the load, so different- types of lines only cast the same up to about 25') and it must be remembered that the reason for choosing a WF line is to be able to shoot it for distance, this distance capability won't be realised if the. optimum load isn't provided.
The following table relates ONLY to LC13 shooting heads and lengths that should be used. Bear in mind there may be different effects with LC13 and the table is not absolute.
Line or Rod AFTMA Required Load LC13 13gns/ft
#8 210gns 315gns #10 24.5 feet
#9 240gns 360gns #11 27.5 feet
#10 280gns 420gns #12 30 feet
#11 330gns 495gns #13 38 feet
#12 380gns 570gns #14 43.5 feet
Bear in mind that rods under AFTMA 8 require LC13 lengths under 24.5 feet in length and it is nor recommended that those lengths might cause problems. Lengths over 30ft can only be achieved form bulk lots.
It is recommended that the LC13 line selected is weighed on a powder scale to detirmine the actual weight of the line. It could be anywhere between 13 and 13.5gns per foot and lengths should be calculated from the actual LC13 weight/ft.
Casting lengths over 35 feet might also present problems.
The information comes from Bill Nash who is a recognised guru on this subject.
The AFTMA line number and the rod number, for optimum rod loading, will not necessarily be the same. Line manufacturers numbering is based upon the weight of the first 30 ft of a line. The rod, however, is usually designed to cast 45 or more feet of a double taper line. Therefore, it may not be optimally loaded by lines of different designs such as Weight Forward, Triangle Taper or Shooting Tapers. Even though the line has the same number as the rod, only the weight of the first thirty feet will be the same, the total line weight (of 45 or more feet) will be less, because most of the belly weight of a Double Taper will be missing.
To compensate for this the rod should be "over lined" in order to match the casting weight of a Double Taper line (some will argue that in either case casting 30' of line will load the rod the same but they forget that the line in the guides is also part of the load, so different- types of lines only cast the same up to about 25') and it must be remembered that the reason for choosing a WF line is to be able to shoot it for distance, this distance capability won't be realised if the. optimum load isn't provided.
The following table relates ONLY to LC13 shooting heads and lengths that should be used. Bear in mind there may be different effects with LC13 and the table is not absolute.
Line or Rod AFTMA Required Load LC13 13gns/ft
#8 210gns 315gns #10 24.5 feet
#9 240gns 360gns #11 27.5 feet
#10 280gns 420gns #12 30 feet
#11 330gns 495gns #13 38 feet
#12 380gns 570gns #14 43.5 feet
Bear in mind that rods under AFTMA 8 require LC13 lengths under 24.5 feet in length and it is nor recommended that those lengths might cause problems. Lengths over 30ft can only be achieved form bulk lots.
It is recommended that the LC13 line selected is weighed on a powder scale to detirmine the actual weight of the line. It could be anywhere between 13 and 13.5gns per foot and lengths should be calculated from the actual LC13 weight/ft.
Casting lengths over 35 feet might also present problems.
The information comes from Bill Nash who is a recognised guru on this subject.