View Full Version : bone fish help

07-12-2002, 01:03 PM
hi to all ;D
iam new at this so please be patient.
i have found out that we have bone fish here through bait fisher people, but no matter which so-called bonefish fly i buy i just cant catch one on fly , no matter how much time i have spent. i can see them but they just seem to not like the way i present the fly offerings. can any one help me ???

07-12-2002, 05:50 PM
I've fished for the famous "ghost of the flats" on Christmas Island, Kiribata(Pacific Ocean, not the Indian Ocean one).

Size 6 Crazy charlies worked there, but I was only fishing in ankle deep water.

How deep is the water you're fishing? I think it is important to get the fly onto the bottom. Heavy clouser on fast sinking line(even LC13).

Have you tried to burley them up to get them feeding hard?

Keep flogging the water to a foam. And throw every fly in your box at them.

Best of luck.


08-12-2002, 05:29 AM
Thank you Wes
the water is about knee deep and ill try to foam up the water.

08-12-2002, 05:34 AM
hi to all ;D
iam new at this so please be patient.
i have found out that we have bone fish here through bait fisher people, but no matter which so-called bonefish fly i buy i just cant catch one on fly , no matter how much time i have spent. i can see them but they just seem to not like the way i present the fly offerings. can any one help me ???

08-12-2002, 09:04 PM
thank you Chris
i have printed it out and will endevour to tie it and try it out tommorow
thank you

08-12-2002, 09:54 PM

A bone has been taken at Shark Bay with a fly similar to this;


in a size #2.




08-12-2002, 10:25 PM
where are you fishing for them? Maybe they feed on something different than the standard bonefish flies? Good Luck

09-12-2002, 10:36 AM
hi planetwarrior
where iam fishing is Shark Bay Western Australia and we have a lot of flat sandy shallows around here and when i took a look in a bony wich was caught by a bait , it had an empty gut , so i missed out on that theory. but i wont give up, they are there and one day soon ( the next cast ) i will find out what it will be like to hook and then release one , with a few pics as a souveneer http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm11.gif

09-12-2002, 11:56 PM
I hope you succeed let us know how you go :)

10-12-2002, 07:54 AM
Hello Westfly,
I fish for them here on the flats using mainly size 6 hooks (Gamakatsu SL12s). The pattern I have found that is the best to use is a tie very similar to a crazy charlie but with crazy/silly legs also attached on the underside- this gives the resemblance of a crab on the bottom. I have also found that green is a good colour to have.

The water you are fishing in sounds too deep. If you can fish in shallower water try that. It is easier to see the fish in shallow water (ankle deep to shin deep) as they will give away their presence when they start to feed on the making tide by tailing. When they move onto the flats the dorsal fins may show and when they feed their tails may break the water surface. Once the water gets deeper it is very hard to see them and all too often they will see you before you see them.

What line are you using? In the shallow water a floating line will send out ripples that can spook shy fish like the bones. An intermediate is a better choice but if you are fishing over coral or oysters you will wreck the line. I have found that the best line to use in the shallow water is an 'Air Flo' "Hover" as this line sits just under the surface and will not send out ripples and will also not sink to the bottom where the sharp stuff is.

Hope this is of some help.

Watch the strike also as they are very fast from the start.

Also- are you using a florocarbon leader? if not try it.

You didn't mention the weight of the rod you are using either- Usually #6 or #7 weights are a good choice. Lighter rod= lighter line=less water disturbance.

Good luck and have fun!

10-12-2002, 10:55 AM
Hi hukim na legoim
thank you for all that info and i will put it to very good news,i hav'nt seen any bonies in the real shallows, they seem to be in water about 2 foot deep. Because where i live i can only get any flie tie stuff through mail order ( wich i have done this morning ) i will have to wait before i get those items .iam using a #6-#7 weight outfit. :D

10-12-2002, 10:02 PM

The last bone I heard of in your area was taken in Useless Loop and very close in shore (12 inches of water more or less) and with a pretty stiff wind coming off the shore which is par for the course. A Pearl & Tan Charlie with medium machined dumbell weighted eyes on a floating line and long leader. It's almost imposible to see anything in the water with that wind but it makes the fish a lot easier to aproach and cast to.




11-12-2002, 10:53 AM
hi chris
thank you for that. i live in useless loop. iam just about to go out because the wind is down and the tide is comming on the rise, i will take some time out now to tie one and try.
thank you once again
cheers westfly