View Full Version : Attn. Uncle Barry
28-12-2002, 12:43 PM
If my memory serves me correctly you are in some way involed with Talon Fly products? If so how long can we except to wait for the line if we buy online?
The reason being i new a new floater fast!!
Unkle Barry "IS" Talon Fly Products. You getting to the horses mouth there. Vbg. Max
28-12-2002, 04:48 PM
Hi Chris.
Max is 100% correct, again,! I am the Talon/###### representive for Australia, New Zealand and the Southern part of Asia.
Your order or any order is normally dispatched within 24 hours and then it is up to Australia post or a freight company to do their bit in getting the goods to you.
If we cannot dispatch within this time we include a small gift or discount to cover your waiting time.
Hope this answers your question --- and doesn't offend the managerment of this site.
Kind regards
Barry Ryan
Uncle Barry
28-12-2002, 04:57 PM
Thanks for that Barry :)
One other question: What is the difference in performance between Rapier and Sky Glider?
I'm going to be using it over an 8wt for poppers, gurglers etc
28-12-2002, 06:19 PM
Hi Chris.
You wrote:-
"One other question: What is the difference in performance between Rapier and Sky Glider?"
The differences,
The Talon Rapier range is our economy range of W/F fly lines, which come in the following,
Floating, 2w to 11w
Intermediate 4w to 11w
Sinking 6w to 11w
These lines could sell for far more than the SRP, however because of the volume of international sales and the 'no frills' packaging the are fairly cheap.
The Intermediates are the cheapest Intermediates in Australia.
They carry a super smooth coating which improves the shooting performance and reduces the protien/rubbish build up, which increases the lines life and remain useable from very low tempetures to at least 37 degrees or more.
I use a Rapier in 10w, Floating and Sinking and a 2w Floating.
The Talon Sky Glider, a very high performance Floating fly line made in Europe for Talon.
In sizes 6w to 9w
This line again is very useable from freezing to at least 39 degress and doesn't act line butter when hot or wire when cold.
The lines shape is the Long Belly/Arrow head design, which is the 'best cross' between a W/F and Shooting head, with a long front taper for presentation, a head and a very thin running line.
This line is covered with a super slick finish that assists its shooting abilities.
And a magic line to use in the wind, which seems to to always lately.
I use a Sky Glider 6w for my saltwater 6w fishing.
The Sky Glider howevwer is almost double the price of the Rapier.
Which would I suggest for you to use?
As your Bass fishing on the surface and the best Bass surface fishing is when the wind is almost zero.
A Rapier line and its about half the price of the Sky Glider,approx., $69/$144.
Again, hope this answered your questions and didn't offend Steve and the Ausfish crew.
Kind regards
Barry Ryan
Uncle Barry
29-12-2002, 10:07 AM
Thanks Again Barry ;D
Chris ;)
06-01-2003, 02:36 AM
Chris, for fishing Gurglers and poppers ,bugs ect youll find it easyer with a Short head line, like a"Bass Bug" taper or a "head start", It just makes fishing BUGS more simple. Im not sure if Barry has these but you can get a heavyer normal line and chop some of the head off. Matt Q
06-01-2003, 05:43 AM
Matt is there any line you would recomend? I will be chuckin some big dalhbergs etc for them big greenfish(i know i should just get a heavier rod. . .thats in the pipeline ATM ::)) so the lines ability to roll these over is important.
Thanks for your tip.
06-01-2003, 01:17 PM
Any line with a short head makes casting Darlys and Poppers much more easy, with a standard head you have to false cast a few times to get the distance with the air resisting hairy bug, with a Bass(bug) taper you just do the old 1,2,3 and fire the fly at the target,,,,,@ the moment Im using a floatin shooting head that I made but SAs Bass Bug line is a good one, Fendwik also make a Bass line but the coating comes off eventually. MQ
06-01-2003, 06:37 PM
Good evening Q69, Matt?
I rarely have more than 3 false casts and shoot at anytime with most lines.
A bug taper line is great but then the down side is, if you are casting a small muddler fly and want it to arrive nice and natural like so as not to up set Mrs Saratoga,or any thing else, your wasted, it doesn't happen, as nice and gentle as a normal tapered line. Great line, but limited applications. Super line for casting on very windy days where again, presentation doesn't matter.
So carry a spare line or learn to cast with your bugs and things with a 'normal' taper?
Kind regards
Uncle Barry
Barry Ryan
*I import and sell fly lines
07-01-2003, 05:38 AM
Dont worry about my casting Barry, Its just fine. Like in all flyfishing there are trade offs. A Bass taper saves wasted time and Delivers the goods,However If cast corectly it wont make any fish spook ,they are much better than Trout/rocket tappered lines. You should try one. Matthew w Quinn
I dont sell/import flylines PS Were talkingBIG Darlbergs not Muddlers.
07-01-2003, 06:08 PM
Hi Q69-Matt.
I have never worried about your casting, where ever did you get that idea from?
And in fact I've never seen you cast however I have meet you twice.
You must really have me mixed up with somebody else.
My suggestion about a bug taper line and a standard taper was to suggest a balance to people with out your experience and skill level, therefore they would be aware of the possible draw backs of special line shape and its performance.
The example of a Muddler type fly was only an example people in Queensland may be able to relate to.
And I have tried more than one bug tapered line.
I was only trying to help.
Kind regards,
Uncle Barry.
Barry Ryan.
A long time ago, when men where men and females were glad of that, fly lines were just fly lines, and one cast "big" flies, poppers etc on straight out floaters. I don't know what a small fly is, never use small flies, but I've hucked some big poppers, built of balsa on 6/0 hooks on standard SA heads.
I'm not to sure about murray cod but I think they might not get too fussed with a splashy flop, they eat little ducks quite readily.
And half rabbits covered with shrimps etc.
personally I think this need for funny lines is all in the mind, someone has conned fly guys into believing one needs short head lines for big fluffy flies. Still if one wants to waste money get at it. Heads are cheaper and go further and are easier to huck.
I wonder how cod would go on a really big, like 8" Flexo "Pen Popper". or a great big Gurgler. VBG Max
08-01-2003, 11:06 AM
Great Big Gurglers are the GO Max ;D ;D
well once again i'm showing my inexperience for ya :). . .thanks for the input Max. . .us beginners need as much help as we can get.
Floating head ay? How ???
08-01-2003, 12:55 PM
Barry, you meet me once. That was at YOUR CASTING COMP(talon ###### leveller) , I stood infront of you and cast a 8'#4 or something, Check your website. Anyway, lets keep our arguments on the aussefly site hey. Chris, Go for the 1 pce lines at the moment, heads can get a bit difficult in more ways than 1. Go the Bass taper, Striper taper has a nice shortish head as well. Cheers Matt Q PS Barry, Should come to Hinze on Sat Morn with me and Bones.
08-01-2003, 06:35 PM
Good evening Matt,
Thanks for the invitation to fish Hinze with yourself and Darren, however I am still chasing Tarpon and Giant Herring and therefore will give the Bass a miss at present.
Kind regards,
Uncle Barry.
Barry Ryan.
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