View Full Version : Territory Freshwater Fly Fishing Open

20-03-2003, 03:40 PM
Gday all
Darwin Fly Rodders is proud to host it's first event of the year, the Territory Freshwater Fly Fishing Open. It will be held at the picturesque Corroboree Billabong from the 31st May - 1 June.
The fly rodders are hoping for a big turnout from both locals and interstate visitors and we aim to make it an enjoyable, funfilled and very fishy open.
A briefing on Friday night will be followed by the distribution of Saturday score sheets.
After frothing the water madly on day one we'll be putting on a big feed for all competitors. This will be chance to get to know some new folks and also an oppurtunity for any day 1 open leaders to be coerced into a swim in the cool waters of the billabong.
A 4.00 pm finish on Sunday will see our leaders crowned and time for a safe journey back home.

Further details and nomination forms can be found at

Good fishing to all


20-03-2003, 04:03 PM
Gidday Paddy,
Is Lyle O'rielly still in the club.Have lost contact with him over the years.If so can you get him to email me on gpowis@dodo.com.au
thanks regards Gary