View Full Version : fishing with drunks

20-05-2003, 04:18 PM
to quote a drunk "is'nt it beautifull" well thats how I heard it on sunday, lovely day was'nt it scott :) ashame the fish were'nt playing our game though, i think wayne had more sleep than he did actual standing up time on the boat, stuffs me how he could deal with being bumped around and sleep at the same time.
How'd u shape up after i left? u pass out for the rest of the arvo and night? even i zonked out after i got home till dinner... ended up looking like a dumass what with the sunny burn on my face the next day, so much for 30+ sunscreen eh, should'nt say anything bout sunnies though should i :P u might have to start welding those things to your head soon i think, would pay off in the long run ;D
I think i might invest in some harder flurocarbon leader material aswell, dont want any of those longtails poping me off again
speak to u soon

20-05-2003, 04:22 PM
forgot to say scott .... well done for not hurling up everywhere heheh, would of capped your day off fantasticaly if u had of ;D

21-05-2003, 07:38 AM
Did your eyes look as bad from your side as they did from ours ??? ??? ;D
I recko I hit the wall about 10am. Felt like crap. A few bbq shapes and some pepsi did wonders. I even managed to not lose my sunnies (need to invest in a strap Scott) and put sunscreen on. Must have been on auto pilot I reckon. :)

21-05-2003, 01:55 PM
Nic, your fishing partners were ugly.. but after we left you had the ultimate payback.. as you saw i had 2 new chums on board and they were having trouble even casting slugs we went back to where we rafted up and waited for that school of longies.. waited and worked them for 45 minutes had them up and closing when we were crashed by 2 boats of FLY FISHERS>>>>
Don't we always slag off at Slug Chuckers for their 25 knot onthe school approaches..
any we were all much healthier than your shipmates..
who did end up with the fish??

25-05-2003, 09:27 AM
scott was the only one who boated a fish (a mack) i poped a longtail off in the morning, think i'll step up to heavier tippet from now on, we ended up up near the top of bribie were we had a few schools of both macks and longtails feeding sporadicly, we could get within about 50yrds of them and they would sound, was hard fishing to say the least, we ended up getting the shits with them and went home, i think scotts hang over had fully kicked in by then.

27-05-2003, 01:05 PM
Hi Nic,
I been using Berkley 7kg for tippet and have lost quite a few longies & macs (bust offs) knots are good.
Thinking of going to 9/10kg Maxima???? or Penn
what do you prefer?
Regards ::)
tin_a_ tuna

27-05-2003, 03:59 PM
*cough spit splutter* berkley vanish? eeeww sorry i hate that stuff, no good for anything that i have come by yet, i was using the siglon fihing flurocarbon in 29lb, i just pulled a tad to hard, i reckon i'll go to the actual fly fishing flurocarbon in like 24lb or maybe that muscle brand flurocarbon, i saw that in a shop the other day in 30lb, that would stop em in there tracks ;D

27-05-2003, 04:03 PM
20lb sorry not 29 lb