View Full Version : Changing reel from left to right hand

30-05-2003, 01:58 PM
I have recently aquired a Redington Fly reel. It is currently orientated as left handed. As I have no instruction manual but do have the necessary tool, how do I change this reel to right handed use? Can anyone help?

30-05-2003, 05:08 PM
I'd e-mail redington jimh@redington.com
or visit their site http://www.redington.com/

You'll have to take any backing off before you change the retrieve direction, and put it back on after the change.


31-05-2003, 06:26 PM
Gee Wes,,, No S#*T. Lucky ya mentioned that..Hed prob work out something was up after having to wind BACKWARDS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :P. See ya Sunday

01-06-2003, 02:38 PM
Just goes to show that present reel technology isn't as flash hot as we would believe. My old Feurer A/R reel circa 1970 had a changeover system that needed a flip of a L/R knob and you then turned the spool over, same both sides. Very easy. Old isn't necessarily decrepid. Max