View Full Version : How many tuna do you catch.

13-06-2003, 01:18 PM
How many tuna would some one catch in an average season around bribe.I would like to hear some scores from swoffers other than the top three place getters in the last 3 tuna comps thats if anyone would like to share they scores.

13-06-2003, 01:28 PM
edit- woops , im no flyfisherman :o disregard that tally ;)

18-06-2003, 11:53 AM
Why the exclusion of input from the leading tuna swoffers. You musn't be too interested in know the details ??????

18-06-2003, 12:55 PM
Could tell you about Mactuna - seems all I can bloody catch on the wand. >:(

18-06-2003, 01:59 PM
Ive only been chasing them for 2mnts, so I cant make a comment. Never got 1 from Bribie ether,,,How many you get this season Scott?. Matt Quinn

18-06-2003, 05:42 PM
HI,Scott,dont meam to affend,I allready know wtat you catch Iwas curious about others,for it has come to my attention in the last couple of comps the real tuna picture,there are only hand full of swoffer that constantly catch,if 3 swoffers nail around 2/5TH of the total caught out of 55 competiters in the last one,well it just got me thinking?. theres only a hand full of pepole that really are IN TUNE with these fish.I started this chat to see hows many other actully catch tuna and how im proggressing myself and to see who woffels on etc, cheers for now. [smiley=devilish.gif]

19-06-2003, 08:31 AM
G'day guys.
Had a go last time I was up and whipped the water to a foam at schools of macs for ZIP!

Didn't get a cracker! ::) ???
Had a few snap and slash at the fly, but no hookups.
What's your secret Jack? :-* :o

Cheers, Slates ;)